Beach Boys - Wild Honey LP in Stereo - 'Sunshine Tomorrow' 2Cds + live digital release

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Joel1963, Apr 26, 2017.

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  1. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    There's a discussion on the Smiley Smile site about this intriguing catalogue item from a German website. Hope this is coming to pass for the album's 50th anniversary. (I am also told that the lack of a stereo designation for Mama Says may just be a printing error on the site.) I don't know German, but the release date seems to be July 7.
    If this is indeed coming out, it will be a MUST purchase for me, at least if it also comes out on CD. (The item here seems to be an LP.)
    The Beach Boys: Wild Honey (LP) – jpc
  2. Chuckee

    Chuckee Forum Resident

    Upstate, NY, USA
    Good album, should be interesting.
  3. John Manning

    John Manning #FreeFeelFlows

    Yorkshire Dales
    There's more discussion on the Pet Sounds board; my bet is that there'll be a simultaneous deluxe CD including this stereo mix plus outtakes - such as the recently discovered Surf's Up run-throughs by Brian, solo, at the piano, various parts of Can't Wait Too Long, extended I Was Made to Love Her and such, along with session material and a bunch of live material taken from the November Thanksgiving tour, of which several gigs were recorded - four were released unofficially on the Vocal Element 2cd set from the Hang Ten label a few years back.
  4. rstamberg

    rstamberg Senior Member

    Riverside, CT
    If this happens, I'm there.
    More so if they do FRIENDS.
  5. Buddhahat

    Buddhahat Forum Resident

    Very excited about this. I hope it's not a mistake.
    andrewskyDE and Mr. Explorer like this.
  6. Buddhahat

    Buddhahat Forum Resident

    Here's hoping, John!
    Mr. Explorer and John Manning like this.
  7. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    Mike is touring in support of Wild Honey's 50th anniversary. They clearly have a product to push.

    saborlord123, Waylon9, sjaca and 14 others like this.
  8. giantleech

    giantleech Lord of all fevers and plagues

    Let them press that and the original Mono, too (need to see AP editions of Friends and 20/20 as well.)
    David del Toro, art, Hamhead and 3 others like this.
  9. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    If this comes to pass, anyone think they'll have to do extractions to achieve stereo on any tracks (like Aren't You Glad, for example)?
    FJFP likes this.
  10. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Here's what I wrote about a possible Wild Honey 50th anniversary release for an online music column I write for The Suburban newspaper:
    What makes Wild Honey worthy of a 50th anniversary deluxe release is some of what happened behind the scenes. While the album is a brief one, and seems almost casual, its birth was not easy. First, the original release was supposed to be a live album recorded in Hawaii, but that was rejected for both technical reasons and the fact the songs — including oldies — were performed in the style of the Smiley Smile album, as in non-commercial. The band also sounded stoned, which they were.

    Step 2 was to record a pretend live album at California's Wally Heider Studio, and add applause afterwards. However, the songs were still performed in too minimalist a style.

    Step 3 was the first incarnation of the Wild Honey album, but with a slightly different track listing and a Brian Wilson production credit rather than the Beach Boys credit it eventually got.

    Step 4 was the official release.

    Thus, a deluxe edition could include all the tracks recorded in Hawaii and at Wally Heider, the songs that were discarded on the first version of the album, as well as already released and new stereo mixes, and early takes. And of course, liner notes painstakingly detailing the making of the album.
    Bevok, chewy, hoggydoggy and 20 others like this.
  11. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    Yes, I don't think there's any way around that.
    Shaddam IV, Mr. Explorer and Joel1963 like this.
  12. daveidmarx

    daveidmarx Forem Residunt

    Astoria, NY USA
    Well, we already HAVE Friends in stereo, don't we? :agree:
  13. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    A newly created (by Brian) dedicated mono mix would be nice.
    Mr. Explorer likes this.
  14. smitquest

    smitquest Forum Resident

    Lancaster, NY, USA
    i'm ridiculously excited at the prospect of this happening, as it's far and away one of the murkier eras for me (i.e. documentation, how did these sessions go, etc), and i'd be thrilled to have a better understanding of how the deal went down on this.

    something tells me that main program (mono mix of the album) will NOT end up being the definitive mastering etc, but still...

  15. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host


    Wild Honey LP finally coming out in stereo?

    Please, no, don't.
  16. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Why? The similarly murky Smiley Smile turned out quite good in stereo, even the Good Vibrations extraction mix wasn't too bad.
  17. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    I'd be interested in hearing the stereo version, but based on what they've remixed so far I'm not sure how I'll feel about it. The remix of "Let The Wind Blow" on Hawthorne CA was quite good but the ones they've attempted since (found on the Made in California set) weren't that pleasing. I'd probably still rely on my trusty olde mono. But I like being given the option.
    supermd and Mr. Explorer like this.
  18. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Because it's going to be one of those modern remixes where all the instruments and all the vocals are exactly the same volume as each other. I heard WOULDN'T IT BE NICE on my Echo this morning and even from the bathroom I could hear that "remix sound" which bummed me out.

    Or, do this. Remaster the original mono album nicely first and then butcher a stereo mix. I'd be happy with that.
  19. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

  20. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

  21. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    This mix sounds all wrong to me. Carl is too loud or something. The voices don't blend correctly. Or maybe it's just me.
  22. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

  23. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    I do hope they change their approach to be more faithful to the 1960s sound.
    BrentB likes this.
  24. RingoStarr39

    RingoStarr39 Forum Resident

    Baden, PA
    Hopefully Mark Linett won't mess up this stereo mix like he did with Smiley Smile.
    I kind of agree with Steve on this one, although the remix of Country Air wasn't that bad.
    George C. likes this.
  25. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member Thread Starter

    I was of the notion that Smiley Smile's new stereo mix was one of the better liked remixes, along with Party. The Today and Summer Days remixes give me a bit of a headache.
    supermd and FJFP like this.
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