Han Solo Anthology Film - "Solo: A Star Wars Story"*

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Encuentro, Nov 18, 2016.

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  1. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
  2. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    Meh. Looks like a caper flick, set in the Star Wars universe. You know Han, Chewie and Lando aren't gonna die and the Falcon isn't gonna blow up, so the film will have to rely on danger to secondary characters (and get you to care about them). Not seeing it from these trailers. But maybe they're being smart for a change and not giving everything away in the trailers...
    Jvalvano likes this.
  3. David Campbell

    David Campbell Forum Resident

    Luray, Virginia
    Looks fun. I have a feeling Donald Glover is going to steal the movie as Lando.
    fitzysbuna likes this.
  4. amonjamesduul

    amonjamesduul Forum Resident

    I find setting my expectations low is a win win situation for most movies,but of course I will check this out.
  5. Lord Summerisle

    Lord Summerisle Senior Member

    Quite enjoyed that trailer. I wonder who the other Wookie is?
  6. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    Looks like a fun summer popcorn movie to me.
  7. Jvalvano

    Jvalvano Senior Member

    I'm not THAT big a Star Wars fan.

    Oh sure, my 5 dogs over the past 20 years have had Star Wars names. We've had Vader and Jedi. Now there's Yoda and Solo and Obi.

    Yes, I have a rebel alliance trailer hitch cover on my truck, that is, when I'm not pulling the horse trailer. And if I'm feeling dark I use my Darth Vader one.

    And, it seems when someone is in a pinch and looking at a gift for me it ends up being Star Wars. Could be underwear, or pajamas or kitchen utensils etc etc........

    ...... but I just don't know if I qualify as a BIG fan. I figure that's how everyone's life is. Oh, I've met thousands and thousands of dog owners over the years and their dogs aren't named Star Wars names but I just write that off as a statistical anomaly.

    That said, I'm not feeling it with this trailer. Of course that could change and I will of course go see the movie. Time will tell. And at least the force is with me, so I got that going for me!

    sunspot42 likes this.
  8. EddieMann

    EddieMann I used to be a king...

    Geneva, IL. USA.
    Mrs. Chewy? :love: :p
  9. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    Not sure how excited I am for this. I love Star Wars and all, but I'm starting to get Star Wars fatigue. And I feel like there are a ton of other more interesting options for Star Wars spinoffs. How about something following the rise of Vader after Episode III? Or the aforementioned Obi Wan spinoff starring Ewan McGregor? Or something about the Old Republic/Jedis/Sith?

    With that said, there were parts of the new trailer for Solo that had me very interested in seeing it, and other parts that reminded me of the most cringe-worthy moments of the Last Jedi. In some scenes in the trailer, I was impressed at the lead actor's Han Solo "impersonation" and at other parts I thought he looked/sounded too far off to be believable. And as for the cinematography/SFX, there were several moments in the trailer that looked too much like the dreaded Canto Bight scenes in TLJ. If I want to watch Harry Potter, I'll go watch Harry Potter.

    So there it is.
    mark renard likes this.
  10. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    Yup. Better than in the first trailer though, mostly.

    Maybe that acting coach paid off...
    marblesmike likes this.
  11. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member

    Or maybe the naysayers, who never bothered to actually watch Alden Ehrenreich act in a film, had no idea what they were talking about.
  12. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    I know nothing about him. So I'm going into Solo with no prejudice except that he's not Harrison Ford.
  13. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    I could care less what Alden Ehrenreich did or didn't do in earlier films. He was awful in that first trailer. It's not the viewer's fault for noticing that.
  14. questrider

    questrider Forum Resident

    Middle, Nowhere
    This is a "Star Wars Story" that every fan wants. Especially considering how much everybody raved over Vader's final scene in Rogue One. All Star Wars fans want to see that character at his most badass self when he was an enforcer for the Emperor and the Empire between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Trouble is, James Earl Jones is getting up there in age and as we've seen (and heard) his voice is difficult to replicate correctly in timbre and phrasing. However, hasn't a lot of this story been played out in Rebels with Jones reprising his voice role? (I don't know as I haven't watched any of the animated Star Wars shows.)
    coffeetime likes this.
  15. balzac

    balzac Senior Member

    I have to say, as manipulative and misleading as trailers can be, I went from ZERO interest in "Solo" (and that had nothing to do with production problems) to being relatively intrigued based on the trailers.

    I think the setting/world building/look of everything is interesting me a lot more than the actual Han Solo stuff. He interests me the least. I do think there's probably at least *some* truth to the indications that the actor struggled playing Han Solo, and I'm guessing that lack of many lines from him in even this final trailer probably have something to do with it.

    But I'm digging the set design all of that.

    I think Disney, whether by design or just dumb luck, is setting this movie up to be more successful than people might think *because* the expectations are so low. I'm convinced there are going to be a lot of "Well, this was better than I thought it would be!" type of reviews as a result of the super-low expectations.
  16. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    It will be interesting to see if the Solo film gets the same kind of vitriol that TLJ did from its detractors.
  17. Aggie87

    Aggie87 Gig 'Em!

    Carefree, AZ
    Huh? Literally, this is a young Han Solo movie. So of course it's going to be a caper flick, set in the Star Wars universe. Not sure what you'd be expecting, but you're describing exactly what they appear to have made...intentionally.

    I'm seeing that in this trailer. In spades.

    You knew Obi-Wan Kenobi wasn't going to die in the prequels, right? Or Anakin? Or Yoda?
    Stormrider77 likes this.
  18. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    Disappointing that the trailer begins with a female voice-over for the SOLO film. No subtlety at all. And of course she's brunette with a British accent.
  19. Propinquity

    Propinquity Forum Resident

    Gravel Switch, KY
  20. nojmplease

    nojmplease Host, You Can't Unhear This

    New York, NY
    Was just going to post the same link! Truth always floats beneath the surface of satire...

    "...while the producers have provided hints at the way Solo would be a giant crock of ****—such as substantial script rewrites and the original directors being fired mid-shoot—it was a “real treat” to see the new trailer reveal so much about how the cast’s total lack of chemistry and the cringe-inducing dialogue would make the film a complete train wreck."

  21. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    Well it's definitely an improvement.

    Kind of. Although I'm not particularly interested in the underworld of the Star Wars galaxy. But visually it looks pretty neat.


    We're already seeing that with this second trailer, aren't we?

    Still, it doesn't look like the utter trainwreck it appeared to be earlier. On the other hand, it seems much more dour than the romp I'd anticipated. It feels like it may have big problems with tone.
  22. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    If Solo is berated by an uppity woman at any point in the proceedings, the snowflakes will lose their **** again.
    BeatleJWOL likes this.
  23. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    Actually, the film could have gone in a lot of different - and far more interesting - directions. Like, Han could have started out as a legit pilot and total dork and gotten sucked into smuggling completely unwillingly. And it didn't need to involve a big caper. So its paint-by-numbers plot doesn't exactly inspire confidence. But maybe they've thrown in enough twists to keep it interesting.

    Yeah, another reason why they sucked.
  24. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    Really? Why is that "disappointing"?
    Lownote30, BeatleJWOL and Deesky like this.
  25. Encuentro

    Encuentro Forum Resident Thread Starter

    There is that Emilia Clarke line in the first trailer: "I may be the only one who knows what you really are." There is a fan theory concerning that line. I'm not going to post that particular theory, as I don't want to spoil the film for anyone if the theory holds water, but it's not even a recent theory. I first heard this theory way back in 1999 after The Phantom Menace was released. Although, I also heard that the Alec Guinness Obi-Wan in A New Hope would be revealed to be a clone in the prequels, and that didn't come to fruition, so who knows? So many theories.
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