The Handmaid's Tale - Hulu

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Deesky, Apr 29, 2017.

  1. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    I didn't want to Google such, but is intercourse known as a birth inducer?
  2. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    It has a Joycean detailing steam-of-imaging that does get tedious at many times. I'm only up to the episode in the house after Nick has been carted away, and until the Waterfords arrived, was grinding my teeth at the slooowness of the scenes.
  3. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    I know the door was frozen too, but in my technologically unaware way, I wondered if she couldn't use that shot gun to blast the lock open... :)

    Instead of shooting at the moon.
    Gavinyl likes this.
  4. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
  5. Yeah. I don't know the precise mechanics, but for our first child the baby didn't want to come out, so the gyno prescribed sex, stating that the introduction of sperm would "soften the cervix."

    Anyway, I didn't take much convincing since it had been quite a dry spell. :D
  6. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    Just finished Ep 12, and see that Offred, Nick and the Commander all seem to have survived the fiasco at the mansion, where she finally delivered.

    I find myself wondering, is there any audience breakdown, more male or more female viewers.
  7. Hardy Melville

    Hardy Melville Forum Resident

    New York
    I am not a doctor, but I think that is correct.
  8. Deesky

    Deesky Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I haven't read any demo figures, but I would think it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the demo skews female. One might conclude similarly for, say, Big Little Lies. Me, I just like great character driven drama.
    fluffskul and Larry Loves LPs like this.
  9. Larry Loves LPs

    Larry Loves LPs Forum Resident

    Alexandria, VA
    My wife told me that during pregnancy so it had to be true:D
  10. fluffskul

    fluffskul Would rather be at a concert

    albany, ny
    i'd wager a fair amount of $ that its at least 60/40 women...

    in fact a study a few years ago showed that ALL television programming with the exception of Sports/Cartoons had more female viewers.
  11. Wingman

    Wingman Bored of the Rings

    Especially those "Murder Porn" programs like "Wives With Knives" et al.
  12. hybrid_77

    hybrid_77 Forum Resident

  13. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    Yeah, strange, it was like Dennis Hopper is now a Commander in Gilead.
    Gavinyl likes this.
  14. hybrid_77

    hybrid_77 Forum Resident

    The line of wines has been cancelled.....

    Offred’s Muzzle. People are always talking about the power of silence, so why not take back some of that empowerment for womankind with this vegan leather scream-stopper? (It’s cruelty-free!) Perfect for a meditation retreat or giving your male partner the silent treatment. Take that, patriarchy!

    Aunt Lydia’s Fruit Basket. Take the first step toward wellness—not to be confused with lame old health—with an edible arrangement of Blessed Fruit packed with vitamins and nutrients for women. Sure, it costs a little bit more than the gender-neutral edible arrangement made with the same components, but remember, your ladyparts are worth it!

    Janine’s Eye Patch. Sometimes you just gotta be a bad girl! When you need to let out the rebel within, put on this cotton-blend pad that lets everyone know, no one tells you to smile!

    Cambridge Stoning Rock. #RESIST misogyny and all the ways that women are pitted against one another with this hand-smoothed, self-defense solution made of authentic New England stone! (Handmaid’s Tale Inc. is not liable for any damage that throwing the rock may incur.)

    “Handmaid in the Oven” Maternity Wear. Let everyone know “the future is female”—and that you’re carrying the most desirable kind of baby girl! Made with stretchy fabrics, the Handmaid’s Tale mommy line tells everyone that even though you’re not down with the status quo, you’re still succeeding at embodying the kind of femininity most desirable under patriarchy—and your daughter will, too! Each outfit comes with a matching Mommy & Me onesie.

  15. Aggie87

    Aggie87 Gig 'Em!

    Carefree, AZ
    Does Fred in fact know Nick is the father of Nicole/Holly? I didn't think he was clued in. Serena Jo orchestrated it, believing Fred is infertile. But I don't recall Fred knowing that Nick was involved. By my reckoning, the ones that know are Offred, Nick, Serena Jo, and Rita. And maybe the obstetrician that Offred was seeing (to me he'll always be Donnie from Orphan Black).

    I just got done watching the season finale, and can't decide what I think. Offred has tried to escape plenty of times now, but when she has the chance *this* time, elects to only send her baby on the dangerous trip without her. I get that she doesn't want to abandon Hannah, but I'd almost think she could help Hannah more effectively by escaping and callilng attention to her plight (and the rest of the Handmaids, Marthas, etc.).
    Gavinyl likes this.
  16. fluffskul

    fluffskul Would rather be at a concert

    albany, ny
    Was debating this very point myself all day.. (stay in Gilead and try to get Hannah vs leave with "Nicole" and try to get Hannah)...

    Finally settled on just accepting the show is less effective with June outside of Gilead. :)
    Aggie87 and Pete Puma like this.
  17. DigMyGroove

    DigMyGroove Forum Resident

    Just finished watching the season finale, YOWZA, my head is spinning!

    I’ll definitely need some time to digest the final moments, these storytellers really knows how to pull off a surprise, well done.
    Gavinyl and fluffskul like this.
  18. misterdecibel

    misterdecibel Bulbous Also Tapered

    So the Marthas have an underground network too...
    fluffskul likes this.
  19. fluffskul

    fluffskul Would rather be at a concert

    albany, ny
    would like to see more of them in season 3...

    has it been established the marthas are all women of color?

    one criticism of the show i keep seeing is its failure to addres race in flashbacks to modern America or Gilead.
  20. Mylene

    Mylene Senior Member

  21. Mylene

    Mylene Senior Member

    Incredible use of I'll be your Mirror.
    Veltri, Gavinyl, Bruso and 2 others like this.
  22. Deesky

    Deesky Forum Resident Thread Starter

    What a great season finale! So many great developments, shot so beautifully and with great music.


    Alexis Bladel puts in another great performance. When she got that knife and kneeled on a pillow in the commander's room, listening to Itchycoo Park with a vacant, trance-like expression, I dreaded that she might top herself (and was ready scream - you bastids, you killed Rory!). But luckily the knife landed much more satisfactorily in another body! :)

    Similarly, I thought June might have done something similar when she was alone with Fred in the kitchen and he wanted another go-aroud, for a baby boy! If looks could kill...

    Emily's commander turned out to be a good guy - the possibility did cross my mind after Emily did the deed and waited in her room.

    But no way did I predict that June would choose not to escape with her baby! I'm at a loss why she did that honestly. It can't really be for Hannah because if she returns back to the Waterfords', she'd be in a much worse position then she was before - completely powerless and exposed to retribution.

    What other reason for not leaving could there be? Well, we did get a kind of a trope-y, villainous expression on her face as she raised it to camera from a bowed position. The implication that she might have stayed to exact revenge on Fred and perhaps help Serena, but how will she possibly be able to do that from the shadows?

    I dunno, but I can't wait for S3!
    Gavinyl, misterbozz and Mylene like this.
  23. Mylene

    Mylene Senior Member

    If June had escaped it would have been the same cliffhanger as last year's final. They had to come up with something different.

    Gavinyl likes this.
  24. Cokelike-

    Cokelike- Forum Resident

    Columbus, Oh
    I'm still hooked.
    Yeah, he knows. This was covered here a few pages back.

    I hope this time June is finally out of the Waterfords house for good. The last thing I want to see if her to go back there again. For me this would be too much like how Walking Dead just turned into a never-ending trek through the woods. God, that got boring. A change of scenery, please.

    Speaking of which, that shot of the map of Gilead was interesting. Looks like at least 2 places are contaminated with radioactivity. What used to Iowa and Arizona? Possibly nuclear bombs were used or something?

    Enjoyed that both Lydia and Serena got some punishment. I'm guessing Lydia makes a complete recovery though. She'll be back and as nasty as ever I bet.

    Hope the next season finds June on the move, searching for Hannah. Maybe rescue her mom, too. I'd also like to see more flashbacks.
  25. Cokelike-

    Cokelike- Forum Resident

    Columbus, Oh
    I dont know the answer. But don't forget Moira passed as an Aunt that time she tried to escape. And also there was a black commander shown as well.
    fluffskul likes this.

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