How would YOU fix the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by czeskleba, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. reb

    reb Money Beats Soul

    Long Island
    Change the name:

    The Musicians Hall of Fame

    Or something similar that represents what this institution encompasses.
  2. zen

    zen Senior Member

    Made in the USA.
  3. longaway

    longaway Senior Member

    Charlotte, NC, USA
    I don't know, Run DMC & Madonna seem a lot more Rock n Roll than James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Woody Guthrie, or The Band.
    ARK, cc-- and Oatsdad like this.
  4. altaeria

    altaeria Forum Resident

    Step One:
    List all primary genres within the "Rock" umbrella.
    (some examples: Prog, Thrash, AOR, Grunge, Punk, Folk)

    Step Two:
    Appoint judges (fans) for each genre to vote on its top 10.

    Step Three:
    Nominate a couple acts per genre each year to get into the Hall.

    Whittle down annually.

    Ultimately, the most obvious TOP-TIER acts at each genre DESERVE to be in...
    regardless of whether everybody thinks that their genre is "cool" or not.

    JOURNEY and BOSTON were top-tier AOR acts. They should be in.
    YES and ELP were top-tier Prog acts. They should be in.
    IRON MAIDEN and DEEP PURPLE are top-tier classic Metal. They should be in.

    Name a genre.
    If the majority of judges name the same obvious top-tier acts within that genre,
    then those acts probably deserve to be in.
    shirleyujest and BwanaBob like this.
  5. rstamberg

    rstamberg Senior Member

    Riverside, CT
    Close it down. Seriously.
    tyinkc and driverdrummer like this.
  6. antonkk

    antonkk Senior Member

    What's rock'n'roll about Madonna? She's pure manufactured pop. Now I love great pop but I don't care if say, ONJ or Carpenters (whom I rate 1000 times higher than Madonna) are not in RORHOF. Simply because they are NOT rock'n'roll in the first place.
  7. Repeter13

    Repeter13 Forum Resident

    Toronto,ON, CA
    Same way you fix sporting events, bribe the judges.

    Oh wait...
    dkmonroe likes this.
  8. longaway

    longaway Senior Member

    Charlotte, NC, USA
    If nothing else, she definitely has a Rock n Roll attitude, and quite a few of her hits aren't very far from Rock. rock n Roll used to be something you could dance to, let's not forget.
    Adam9 likes this.
  9. Hokeyboy

    Hokeyboy Nudnik of Dinobots

    Looks like I struck a nerve :D
  10. driverdrummer

    driverdrummer Forum Resident

    Irmo, SC
    It's the Bruce Springsteen, Patti Smith, and Elvis Costello show every year with Dave Grohl and Eddie Vedder thrown in as surprise guests. It needs to be the Rolling Stone Museum with Jann Wenner as it's owner and manager.
    RonBaker likes this.
  11. notesfrom

    notesfrom Forum Resident

    NC USA
    Make Jann Wenner the only member and call it the Jann Wenner Hall Of Fame. He can play with himself.
    RonBaker and tyinkc like this.
  12. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member Thread Starter

    Looking over the responses so far, this is a popular criticism. I will note that if a focus on strict genre purity were imposed, the Hall would become focused almost entirely on older classic rock bands from the 60s and 70s, to the exclusion of almost any newer music. How many acts from the past 20 years could meet a very strict, conservative definition of rock-n-roll, and also have had careers that would be considered HOF-worthy? I can think of maybe a half dozen. And I note that on this thread, there are even people quibbling that one of that half dozen (Green Day) isn't worthy. Going forward, would it be a good idea to have the HOF be focused only on really old music? Would it be a good thing if 20 years from now, most of the inductees were still from the 60s and 70s?
    Adam9 and lukpac like this.
  13. swandown

    swandown Under Assistant West Coast Forum Resident

    Portland, OR
    We're not too far away from needing a museum for "Rock And Roll" itself.
  14. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member Thread Starter

    Would fans also control who is nominated for the vote? If so, I hope you are prepared for the induction of lots of acts that a. don't meet most people here's definition of rock-n-roll, and b. that people here believe suck. For example, I'd say an artist like Kanye West has a far better chance of getting inducted under a straight popular vote than he does under the present system.
    Adam9 and lukpac like this.
  15. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    no nominations....just vote for 5. top 5 get in every year.
  16. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    Burn it to the ground.
    tyinkc likes this.
  17. tyinkc

    tyinkc Senior Member

    Fontana, Wisconsin
    How would I fix it? ABOLISH IT!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D!
  18. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member Thread Starter

    Okay. Well, if people could vote for whoever they wanted with no restrictions aside from the 25-year rule, I bet there'd be a lot of acts inducted that really stretch the definition of rock (ie, LOTS of rap/pop/R&B performers, maybe also folks like Garth Brooks) and acts that people here would consider undeserving.
    Adam9 and lukpac like this.
  19. Raf

    Raf Senior Member

    Toronto, Ontario
    Probably because they also add "LOL" after mentioning Deep Purple.
  20. Steve G

    Steve G Senior Member

    los angeles
    Make it into a museum; have a different artist curate the exhibition every year, so like one year Allen Toussaint would curate and the next year Jack White would curate and the next year Joni Mitchell would, etc. Switch it up all the time and don't have such a thing as who is in and who isn't in. Jack could pick anything he wanted and Joni could pick anything she wanted. One year it might be all rock dinosaurs and then next year it might have a whole room of Albert Ayler memorabilia.
  21. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    And you've hit on the PRECISE Rock Hall many SHF members would love to see!
    Adam9 likes this.
  22. Zeki

    Zeki Forum Resident

    I'd stay away from the baseball model, much of which is about statistics. If the RRHOF went that direction it would be all about singles and albums sold. Easier to figure out! but I think wouldn't be right.
  23. Scott S.

    Scott S. lead singer for the best indie band on earth

    Walmartville PA
    well for me Green Day is pretty mediocre. However I felt NIN was worthy. There are a number of acts still not in that are worthy. I don't really think they should add members who are not worthy just based on what years they recorded.
  24. ernie11

    ernie11 Senior Member

    Abolish it.
    tyinkc likes this.
  25. DirkMcQ

    DirkMcQ Forum Resident

    First off, it’s really more of a museum than a hall of fame. I hate the idea of deciding who's in & who's out, but I love seeing Muddy Water's guitar, Jagger's jump suit, etc and on and on, all the artifacts from the history of Rock 'n Roll.
    Call it the Rock N Roll Museum, anyone who every bent a guitar string or pounded a drum or put on headphones is in and just dig the music.
    Adam9 likes this.
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