Eames Chair - any good copies out there?

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by PhilBiker, Aug 29, 2015.

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  1. jriems

    jriems Audio Ojiisan

    My original rosewood Herman Miller Eames broke a couple years ago. The shock mount that binds the seat pan to the lower back section became detached - the epoxy had worn out, apparently. It only broke on the left side, and fortunately, no wood cracked or broke went it suddenly gave way (I was sitting in it at the time).

    The bad news is that when I shopped around for repair places well versed in the Eames, the price was around $750 to fix it. Needless to say, I took it apart and it's stacked in a corner awaiting the day when I can afford to fix it. I really, really miss it.

    This video shows the part that broke. Fortunately, mine was never previously repaired, so there are no drill holes going through to the outside. I'd just need to have the other shock mount removed, and both epoxyed and re-attached.

    Hope those of you that own one never have it break like this - or worse, with cracked or broken wood!

    black sheriff likes this.
  2. mantis4tons

    mantis4tons Forum Resident

    Denver, CO, USA
    My LCW is just wood. It's much more comfortable than it looks. I highly recommend at least finding one to try out.
  3. beowulf

    beowulf Forum Resident

    Chula Vista, CA
    Yes, that post of mine was a bit facetious :D ... those speakers are from a Danish Company called Devone and they have several designs that are aesthetically based on Eames' furniture designs, the Grande $24Kposted above resembles the Eames Lounge Chair ... if you look at it even some of the angles are closely related to that specific chair.

    Whereas their Riva design $6K actually looks like the ottoman of the same chair:
    SandAndGlass likes this.
  4. mojomojo

    mojomojo Active Member

    The repair looks pretty easy.You should try it .Most people use the wrong epoxy and it comes apart.
  5. mojomojo

    mojomojo Active Member

    Btw I've seen the rosewood ones sell for $6000 with ottoman.It's worth paying to have it repaired but I think you could have it done cheaper.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  6. jriems

    jriems Audio Ojiisan

    Yeah, it's worth too much for me to risk screwing it up by trying to repair it myself.
  7. Jack Flannery

    Jack Flannery Forum Resident

    Houston, TX
    Perhaps you could send it to miller.
    PhilBiker likes this.
  8. PhilBiker

    PhilBiker sh.tv member number 666 Thread Starter

    Northern VA, USA
    It looks extremely comfortable. I'll keep an eye out. We have a "Design Within Reach" not far from us where we bought our deck furniture, they may be able to accommodate.
  9. jriems

    jriems Audio Ojiisan

    They don't guarantee the work, and I've seen photos and read accounts of chairs that have come back from Miller with plywood layers peeled and broken under the replacement shock mounts. It's not visible when the cushion is installed, but missing/broken plywood layers weakens the bond between the wood and the shock mount which can lead to further/worse breakage down the road.
  10. AxiomAcoustics

    AxiomAcoustics "The enemy is listening"

    I had been looking at the same chair, along with the Stressless line from Ekornes and determined that they are both much too high in the back rest. Having that big swath of reflective leather right behind your head and ears will play havoc and create phase issues. There are several threads here discussing the improvements gained by eliminating that from the 'playback chain'.

    I'm now looking into a lower-backed Stressless that would solve this problem and still retain some of the aesthetic value:

    You can add the ottoman, shown here with the high-backed version:
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
  11. Ozoid

    Ozoid Member

    The Eames's actually did design a speaker cabinet! and one's for sale at this auction of Eames-designed stuff: http://www.wright20.com/auctions/2015/09/eames-design-jf-chen-collection/137

    He and his wife also designed several table radios that are in the same lot, as well as some LCWs and other audio-friendly chairs that some posters have mentioned, and some cabinets that would be just fine for electronics.

    We're in the process of selling off some of the excess mid-century furniture and met with someone from the gallery. Reputable firm. Our Eames lounger-ottoman will be sold only over my dead body.
    beowulf likes this.
  12. starfieldroad

    starfieldroad chew up your love then swallow

    there's only one chair you need.

  13. ether-bored

    ether-bored click OK to continue

    i owned one in rosewood and after about 5 years, maybe 7, some seams began to split. one call to herman miller and a replacement was dispatched and the damaged chair was picked up - all within a week. they were so kind and efficient that it may go down as the best customer service experience ever. oh, and i opted for walnut as a replacement.
    PhilBiker likes this.
  14. ether-bored

    ether-bored click OK to continue

    dude. that top model is the bizzomb! send me the details on it....
  15. AxiomAcoustics

    AxiomAcoustics "The enemy is listening"

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
  16. Bart1

    Bart1 Forum Resident

    Hamilton, AL
    That's a LeCorbusier. I went to a museum/house of his in Germany.

    This is what I have heard of as the best option for that.


    Sit in an eames. Your head is higher than the back.
  17. beowulf

    beowulf Forum Resident

    Chula Vista, CA
    Thanks for sharing Ozoid, that is a lot of cool furniture and I would be so broke if I worked there! :love: Let me wipe the drool off my keyboard now. :drool:
  18. beowulf

    beowulf Forum Resident

    Chula Vista, CA
    That is correct, the back/headrest does not reach the ears of an average sized person.


    The Sandman is not very tall, just about 5'10" or so ...
  19. You can buy 5 knockoffs over 5-10 years or an original for a lifetime.
    SandAndGlass likes this.
  20. Bart1

    Bart1 Forum Resident

    Hamilton, AL
    I'm 5'8", sitting in mine now and enjoying John lee hooker with no chair behind my head. ;)
  21. starfieldroad

    starfieldroad chew up your love then swallow

    those Le Corb chairs are on the market by different manufacturers, approx $900 and up from what I saw.

  22. RichardG

    RichardG Forum Resident

    Wales, UK
    I was all set to buy an authentic Eames this year (they're licensed to Vitra in Europe rather than Herman Miller) but sitting in it, I didn't find it too comfortable. Really surprised me - disappointed too, as there is no more beautiful and iconic chair out there imo.

    Once I'd sat in Antonio Citterio's Repos for Vitra there was no contest - it was the one to have. http://www.vitra.com/en-ch/product/repos-and-grand-repos


    http:// [​IMG]

    Design icon chairs are big money, so I'd strongly recommend sitting in as many as you can before making a decision. I would have bought an Eames on looks alone, but so glad I didn't.
    somnar and PhilBiker like this.
  23. Bart1

    Bart1 Forum Resident

    Hamilton, AL
    My eames is super comfy for me. The vitra version is bigger than the HM version.

    Plenty of others to consider if its not a good fit for you.
  24. spitback

    spitback Forum Resident

    New York
    I'm a big fan of the Eames lounge chair as well but I went with the Eames Office chair, also known as the Time/Life chair. My main listening space is my downstairs home office so this works well as my desk chair and I can spin around to face the Harbeth 30.1's. It's really comfy and works for me.

  25. moops

    moops Senior Member

    Geebung, Australia
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