The Walking Dead on AMC (part 2)

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by MilesSmiles, Mar 19, 2012.

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  1. If Lori would have shut up and stopped talking, she would still be alive.
    Lownote30 likes this.
  2. Lownote30

    Lownote30 Bass Clef Addict

    Nashville, TN, USA
    If Andrea would have shut up and stopped talking, she would still be alive! I kept commenting that I could have picked up those pliers with one foot and been out of that chair before Milton turned. She had plenty of time!
  3. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    AGREED. She would spend all this time just STOPPING and STARING at Milton. That was ridiculous -- just HURRY UP like he told you to and there wouldn't be any problem.

    Count me in with the folks that were VERY disappointed in the finale. Weak. That stuff with the Gov shooting all his people down was just lame -- come on, NO ONE took a shot back?! And why did he spare Martinez and that other dude?!
    JimC likes this.
  4. Yes I meant that
  5. Solaris

    Solaris a bullet in flight

    New Orleans, LA
    But it's full on soap opera now, with everyone moving at an incomprehensibly slow pace to do anything. Andrea can't pick up the pliers because she has to have special time with Milton and give us a dramatic death scene. No one can shoot the Gov because if they did the writers would have to think up something new for everyone to do next season.

    When they were packing up at the prison I was hoping they were leaving that location for good. Now that they're staying, with all the people from Woodbury (I share Carl's wtf sentiment), I suspect we'll be getting more of the same. I watch the show with friends and because of that social aspect I'll hang on for a while, but I'm not as excited about this show as I once was.
  6. zeppage2

    zeppage2 Forum Resident

    Oakland, CA
    So Rick will fatally ignore a lone hitchhiker but bus in a whole town?
    Its great the prison is so well stocked...

    Agreed that the death of Andrea was anticlimactic and long overdue.

    I think the filmmakers were trying to contrast the two lives and deaths of Merle and Andrea.
    Merle only cared about Merle before he had an awakening while delivering Michone to the Governor. He died as the group's futile savior.
    Andrea only cared (allegedly) about others. She tried to be the peacemaker and was martyred for her efforts.

    Carl's impudence might be construed as a commentary on the 'stand your ground' laws.
    Likewise the Governor's 'going postal' on his own people.
    There is an opportunity for a real discussion about some of these issues I believe the filmmakers unconsciously use as simple plot devices.
    But you won't hear that discussion on "The Talking Dead", and that is my issue with that show...
  7. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    I don't have a problem with the scene where the Governor mows down his own people. He's pretty much unhinged. The people he shot aren't soldiers--they are townspeople who agreed to come help storm the gates of the prison because they were told that the prison people were evil and a threat. The Governor had soldiers--the kinds of people who would stand up to a counter-attack--but they were mostly taken out my Merle last week...These are D-list draftees who aren't prepared for real battle, and likely wouldn't be fast with a gun when the Governor shot them up. The two guys the Governor spared were his henchmen--the ones who were battle ready and who wouldn't have run except that all the support was taking off...

    I did think it odd that the leftovers from the town were taken into the prison. First, because that showed a softness in Rick that is very incongruous with the hardening he's developed over the past season, and second because they don't have many supplies (food) left. I could add third because the only indication any of these people have that the Governor is bad is one survivor of the attack, and you would expect that when it came to her word against the life they'd been sold for many months, they'd want more proof before moving out.

    Overall, I liked the episode, but agree there were some plot issues with motivation...
    nbakid2000 likes this.

    F_C_FRANKLIN Forum Resident

    I wonder if Rick taking in the rest of The Governor's people into the prison was more of symbolic a F**k You power play against The Governor, than it was charity?
  9. A very quick role reversal has occurred between father and son. That's the big..surprise.
  10. noname74

    noname74 Allegedly Canadian

    Perhaps...but I think you're reading more into it than there is...Rick has always been very compassionate so I can't see him turning his back on the elderly and children left behind.
    F_C_FRANKLIN likes this.
  11. noname74

    noname74 Allegedly Canadian

    If Carl were older I could see a future storyline being that he challenges Ricks authority in the way that Shane did but he's so young it would be quite awhile before it would be believable that anyone would side with him against Rick.
  12. chumlie

    chumlie Forum Resident

    Carl did have a point. Seems everytime they didn't kill someone, it came back on them.
    Michael and guidedbyvoices like this.
  13. guidedbyvoices

    guidedbyvoices Old Dan's Records

    Alpine, TX
    I was fine with that plot line. Tyrese and sister opting out if the battle plays a seed in the other avg joe's heads that its one thing to kill zombies, but killing people is something different. Plus that's where Merle taking out some of the gov's more hardened soldiers weakened them. So the Woodbury folks fleeing at first sight of battle made sense. As did their standing in shock as the gov killed them. Governor has the hardened killer heart, not some townsfolk who've been relatively sheltered in a place that till recently was barbecues aNd lemonade.

    What I didn't buy was his two lackeys going along with him. If you're Martinez and see gov do that I don't think he just goes following him willingly. I'd think one of those guys kills gov and then this two go find a new tribe to hook up with.
  14. Steve in Omaha

    Steve in Omaha Never kissed a bear, never kissed a goon

    It was a good night of television IMO: Andrea and Omarosa both got fired.
    Allen Michael and Vidiot like this.
  15. mj_patrick

    mj_patrick Senior Member

    Elkhart, IN, USA
    I was partially right, although how she was going to check out wasn't quite how I'd imagined. I hate to see her go, I liked her character, one which has developed considerably since the early episodes. Now only Rick remains of the group of four main characters (Rick, Lori, Shane, Andrea) that set the ground for the show.

    For this season's finale... I have to admit some feeling of disappointment, having to sit through a whole lot of buildup for what felt like a ho hum showdown. The cynic in me feels it might have a lot to do with AMC's clamping down on the show's budget. I still like the show and will stay tuned, and this season still had some great moments..
  16. full moon

    full moon Forum Resident

    Great season, IMO. Gonna miss it.
  17. lasvidfil

    lasvidfil Forum Resident

    Coram, NY
    I don't think budget cuts would affect weak writing. Another dissapointed finale watcher.
    JimC likes this.
  18. Hagstrom

    Hagstrom Please stop calling them vinyls.

    Glen Mazzara wrote the (lackluster) finale. I hope Scott Gimple can get the best from his writers for season 4.
  19. bundee1

    bundee1 Forum Resident

    Queens, New York
    The Battle for the Planet of the Apes was more impressive. And they had less vehicles and weapons!
    F_C_FRANKLIN likes this.
  20. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    I'm shocked and happy...bye, bye Diane.:D
  21. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    really?..I loved the finale! good things happened...
  22. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    yes! another long year of waiting.
  23. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    he seems to be the only one with a brain for the future...gonna need a ton of food now and who will try and take over?
    F_C_FRANKLIN likes this.
  24. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!'s just the wrong decision...I see much trouble ahead as the scum stuck with the GOV...
    F_C_FRANKLIN likes this.
  25. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    :laugh: my wife and I were yelling at the TV screen...but, I'm thrilled she's toast.
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