SAE MC Cartridges (NOS) On eBAY

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Ampexed, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. Ampexed

    Ampexed Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Santa Fe, NM
    I just noticed that NOS SAE MC cartridges are now available on eBAY. I purchased one of these probably 10 years ago. They are high output moving coil with I think 2.5mV output and are loaded like a MM cartridge. This is the "E" version (elliptical) - I bought the "LT" version (line tracking) which might also be available. They are selling for cheaper than what I paid.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
    Soundslave, Hugo 65 and Rekkerds like this.
  2. Davey

    Davey NP: Jackie West ~ Close to the Mystery (2024)

    SF Bay Area, USA
    Wow, that's really cheap, I wonder how old they are? I see that Thakker is still selling them, but for around $250. Apparently made by Coral in Japan, wonder when they stopped making them. I'm intrigued :)
  3. Ampexed

    Ampexed Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Santa Fe, NM
    I don't know how old but I would expect the 80s. Maybe some here who is more familiar with the history of SAE might know. I bought mine 10 years ago and these might be from the same batch. I just don't know but the price is surely in the impulse buy category. I might pick up another one myself. I notice that the location is Montebello, CA which is where ATI is, so they are probably coming from the SAE factory.
    Davey likes this.
  4. vinylbuff

    vinylbuff Forum Resident

    North Port Florida
    If they are NOS, depending on how old they are, could there possibly be issues with the suspension drying out over time and getting brittle?
  5. patient_ot

    patient_ot Senior Member

    I would be worried about a dried up suspension. Other than that, looks interesting. Fwiw there are some old threads about these carts and folks talking about using test records on them. High RF and not meeting tracking test spec are dead giveaways that a suspension has hardened up. That did happen to some users. I would certainly be running tests if I bought one and would want a bullet proof returm policy.
    Gullaz and mtemur like this.
  6. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    This is unbelievable deal!

    I bought an LT version back (2016?) when they were being sold at $200, and that was an unbelievable deal. At $200, they competed with $800+ cartridges. no exaggeration.

    I'd still be using mine, if my girlfriend's nephew didn't break the cantilever. By that time, they were gone.

    These were made by Coral in Japan, the same company that made cartridges for GAS (the fantastic Sleeping Beauty), Adcom, and a few others.

    The LT version is more detailed, the elliptical is more forgiving.

    I know the term "giant killer" gets tossed around so much on audio forums, that it has lost it's meaning. But if ever there was a product that fits the definition, it is this cartridge.
  7. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    This was a concern for me when I bought one of these 5+ years ago.

    But from what I was told by several people on other forums, these do not use natural rubber, and they are not susceptible to drying out. My LT version performed flawlessly, as did my friend's elliptical (he is still using his).

    I recently enquired about getting my broken cantilever retipped, and 2 separate retippers told me what a fantastic cartridge they are.
    jusbe likes this.
  8. ubiknik

    ubiknik Forum Resident

    Chicago, IL USA
    I just bought an LT version, I noticed three of the E version had sold since yesterday morning.
    I read some old reviews on this cartridge and it should be a hundred bucks very well spent as people really like it.

    I have an old AT 140 LC that I still run so heck this should work just fine.
    Any one know the compliance of this cartridge?
    bjlefebvre likes this.
  9. leakingwater

    leakingwater Forum Resident

    Yeah saw it yesterday. The seller had 10 available each for LT and E at that time, and the LT version sold out faster than I could say "damn". Pretty sure someone bought like 7 of them in one scoop... Then lo and behold it's back in stock today with even more available. I asked the seller about the origin of these and here's their reply:

    "Owner of our company (Amplifier Technologies) started SAE, so these are unsold items from when SAE closed."

    At least the location checks out so looks legit. I just bought two LTs (one for backup). From what I can gather these came up in bulk sale about 10 years ago on Audiogon but for much more, and many who bought them had extremely positive things to say about them. At $99.95 I think it's a no brainer, especially the LT model which has a nude line trace (similar to line contact or shibata? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong) stylus.
    33na3rd and kt66brooklyn like this.
  10. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    They are supposed to be the same cartridge as the Coral 777EX, which is listed at Vinyl Engine as - 15 x 10-6 cm/Dyne
    kt66brooklyn, ubiknik and patient_ot like this.
  11. ubiknik

    ubiknik Forum Resident

    Chicago, IL USA
    So that's basically medium compliance, maybe a little high?
    You better get one, it's less than the cost of retipping an older one...
  12. Davey

    Davey NP: Jackie West ~ Close to the Mystery (2024)

    SF Bay Area, USA
    I think the LT is more like a hyper-elliptical, or extended contact elliptical, below is what I saw at one site ...

    SAE 1000E 0.4 x 0.7 mil
    SAE 1000LT 0.25 x 1.5 mil
    ubiknik likes this.
  13. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles

    Already ordered one!
    ubiknik likes this.
  14. ubiknik

    ubiknik Forum Resident

    Chicago, IL USA
    Some older threads online likened it to more something like what the Ortofon Bronze uses which is a standard line contact.
    Whatever it is given the positive reviews, it is a 'no brainer' and 'giant killer' rolled into one.
  15. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles

    I might have been a little hyperbolic with that bolded statement.

    But not by much :cool:.
    ubiknik likes this.
  16. Davey

    Davey NP: Jackie West ~ Close to the Mystery (2024)

    SF Bay Area, USA
    The Ortofon fine line is specified with a stylus tip radius - r/R 8/40 µm, whereas in µm the above LT would be 6.35/38, so you're right, that's a pretty good comparison. The line contact stylus typically has a little bigger contact radius, but no biggie, the edges get a little blurred between fine line and line contact.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
    Soundslave, ubiknik and patient_ot like this.
  17. Davey

    Davey NP: Jackie West ~ Close to the Mystery (2024)

    SF Bay Area, USA
    Link in the OP.
    Elvis Pedalhead likes this.
  18. Ampexed

    Ampexed Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Santa Fe, NM
    The SAE LT that I had sounded very nice and sweet. After about a year, I wanted to 'upgrade' to another MC so I bought a Benz Micro Glider. Turns out that the Glider sounded more sterile than the SAE, but I had already given the SAE to a friend! I probably won't buy one of these new SAE since I have the Ortofon 2M Black LVB which I'm extremely happy with. The Ortofon has the sweetness I heard originally in the SAE. The price on these NOS cartridges is pretty much of a no-brainer however.
  19. ranch 22b

    ranch 22b Forum Resident

    Thanks for the tip, Ampexed. I just purchased the LT version.

    It will be interesting to see how it compares to a retipped ADCOM HOMC cartridge I bought several years ago. That one is also supposed to have been made by Coral. On my Technics SL-1210M3D, I prefer the ADCOM to both the Denon DL-110 and 160.
  20. 33na3rd

    33na3rd Forum Resident

    SW Washington, USA
    The seller is also selling the 1000LT, calling it a "conical line trace".

    What is a "conical line trace"? I know what a conical is, and I know what a line trace is. Has anyone else heard this term before?

    In the mid 1980's I bought a SAE 900E, it came with a SAE head amp. It looked the same as the 1000E, but was the low output version. It was a very pleasant cartridge. In fact, that's the cartridge in my avatar!
  21. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    You be the judge if they are both made by Coral...

    Here is an image of the Adcom cartridge:


    Here is an image of the SAE cartridge:

  22. 33na3rd

    33na3rd Forum Resident

    SW Washington, USA
    It's my understanding that the GAS Sleeping Beauty is another variant.

  23. Simoon

    Simoon Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    It's more a variant of your 900E than the 1000, since it was low output.
    33na3rd likes this.
  24. needlestein

    needlestein GrooveTickler

    New England
    And the Coral 777.

    Nice cartridges. For $99.99 you can’t go wrong.
    hammr7, bjlefebvre, ubiknik and 2 others like this.
  25. ubiknik

    ubiknik Forum Resident

    Chicago, IL USA
    I just got a tracking number on the LT I bought.
    Here's to hoping the 100 clams was well spent.

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