Bob Dylan: Shadow Kingdom - Digital Release June 02, 2023 *

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by BawBag, Jun 16, 2021.

  1. zombie dai

    zombie dai people live in dreams, but not in their own

    mine, i got a notification saying it has been 'merged'
  2. Amnion

    Amnion Forum Miscreant

    Ontario, Canada
    Watching it again now.. The thought that there might be more... (blushes)
  3. Tribute

    Tribute Senior Member


    The nearest video rental store to me is 370 miles.

    Mostly, they rent movies and TV shows (and some audio) from actors, directors and musicians who have been banished.

    Tapes of "Prairie Home Companion" are their bread and butter items.

    The owner said Dylan has some local people get stuff there for him.

    Dylan has listened to Prairie Home Companion ever since he heard that Garrison Keillor said that Dylan is not a true Minnesotan (based mostly on his Malibu home).

    Dylan wanted to appear on Prairie Home, but he insisted that the theater and everyone in it be in black & white and wear hats selected by Bob. Garrison said that would be impossible, but he kept the hat that Dylan sent him.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2023
    Alfie Noakes and The Sprawl like this.
  4. FingerPickin'Triumph

    FingerPickin'Triumph Forum Resident

    Washington, D.C.
    yeah I think I jumped the gun on a DVD edition.. thought I saw that .. but in all my excitement.. it was just a shadow and then it disappeared. I apologize for the confusion.. wishing they had included extra tracks as there have been reports of more songs that were recorded. But still pleased this is getting an official vinyl release.
    Floater and matt79rome89 like this.
  5. Tribute

    Tribute Senior Member

    When someone says, "I want to get into Dylan....", I will give them a copy of Shadow Kingdom.





  6. TheGoodDoctor

    TheGoodDoctor It used to go something like that

    Sierra’s Theme, presuming it’s the track the played over the credits, sounded incredibly like All Along The Watchtower to me.
  7. cable hogue

    cable hogue Forum Resident

    I get the confusion, but it’s amusing some outlets are still calling SK a live album.
  8. PJayBe

    PJayBe Forum Resident

    MonkeyTennis and Floater like this.
  9. cable hogue

    cable hogue Forum Resident

    I’ll be curious to see where it’s placed in the catalog by Dylan Inc. Imo SK is a studio record - and a very fine one at that - with music videos (that, of course, feature musicians who aren’t playing on the actual recording).
  10. zombie dai

    zombie dai people live in dreams, but not in their own

    some musicians release 'live' albums after editing them and dubbing in bits
    Floater likes this.
  11. My Echo My Shadow And Me

    My Echo My Shadow And Me Forum Resident

    I thought that so far only Blowin' In The Wind from the five songs (Blowin' In The Wind, Gotta Serve Somebody, Masters Of War, Simple Twist Of Fate, The Times They Are A-Changin', Not Dark Yet) recorded at the Ionic sessions had been sold as a one-off disc. Has Simple Twist Of Fate also been auctioned off?
  12. Well, it is live just like the Nick Cave's Idiot Prayer Lock Down performance video and the album was a live release.
    Dylan75 and fishcane like this.
  13. Tribute

    Tribute Senior Member

    To me, not all "live" recordings have to be in front of an audience in a venue.

    Thankfully, much of modern Bob is recorded live, in the studio live.
  14. zombie dai

    zombie dai people live in dreams, but not in their own

    R-2359 Blowin' In The Wind - exclusive "Ionic Originals" 2021 performance with Bob and T-Bone Burnett, auctioned at Christie's London, July 2022

    Thanks to Samuel Stone for information that the new line-up is: Bob Dylan (vocals), Greg Leisz (mandolin), Stuart Duncan (violin), T-Bone Burnett (electric guitar), and Dennis Crouch (bass). Thanks to Jacques Colinet for news that the master recording was auctioned at Christie's in London on 7 July 2022 (no copies exist). It is reported to have fetched almost £1.5 million ($1.8 million).

    Thanks to Peter Coulthard for the photo taken at the listening session he attended. Shown in the photo are Peter Coulthard, Mike Piersante (recording engineer) with acetate, Peter Klarnet (Christie's Vice President). The Christie's coaster signed by Mike Piersante has on the back a reproduction of the underside of the acetate, with the etched signatures of Bob and T-Bone Burnett. Thanks also to Peter for information about five other Ionic Originals from the same 2021 recording session:

    R-2367 Masters Of War - exclusive "Ionic Originals" 2021 performance with Bob and T-Bone Burnett

    R-2368 The Times They Are A-Changin' - exclusive "Ionic Originals" 2021 performance with Bob and T-Bone Burnett

    R-2369 Simple Twist Of Fate - exclusive "Ionic Originals" 2021 performance with Bob and T-Bone Burnett

    R-2370 Gotta Serve Somebody - exclusive "Ionic Originals" 2021 performance with Bob and T-Bone Burnett

    R-2371 Not Dark Yet - exclusive "Ionic Originals" 2021 performance with Bob and T-Bone Burnett

    All these "Ionic Originals" are single-sided 10" acetates.

    More information will be added when available, but these five Ionic Originals are believed to have been sold privately by T-Bone Burnett's company Neo Fidelity for very high prices!
    Floater likes this.
  15. vcpj

    vcpj Gomper

    birmingham, al
    So is the DVD only being released in Japan?
  16. Justin Brooks

    Justin Brooks Forum Resident

    I don’t think that’s an official release.
    agn and vcpj like this.
  17. vcpj

    vcpj Gomper

    birmingham, al
    "Nanker Dog" should have clued me in lol.
  18. “The audience members were actors in period costumes.”

    so even if some was pre recorded over the several days of taping, since there was an audience of sorts, I think it can be referred to as a live show.
    Aleksander86 likes this.
  19. malcolm reynolds

    malcolm reynolds Handsome, Humble, Genius

    Bummer that the video is only available to rent or stream according to
    Amnion likes this.
  20. revolution_vanderbilt

    revolution_vanderbilt Forum Resident

    New York
    It's very much a gray area but for the qualifications I use, it isn't live.
    MrCJF likes this.
  21. Geordiepete

    Geordiepete Tippet tyer

    Cambridge, UK
    I think it says it can be bought as a download, too.
    MonkeyTennis likes this.
  22. Whatever. The Dylan people are promoting it as that ( I get the reality) like the Nick Cave stream.
    fishcane likes this.
  23. Elliottmarx

    Elliottmarx Always in the mood for Burt Bacharach

    Los Angeles
    Does the newly released version of Watching the River Flow sound remixed compared to the Shadow Kingdom broadcast mix? I watched SK once, liked it a great deal - but chose to not listen again, knowing that this release was inevitable.
    Justin Brooks likes this.
  24. Mbd77

    Mbd77 Collect ‘Em All!

    This isn’t a live recording. They’re studio recordings and the film was effectively a choreographed long form music video with Dylan and musicians miming along.
  25. Attila the Professor

    Attila the Professor Forum Resident

    It's being referred to as a soundtrack rather than a live album

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