Favorite season of Breaking Bad?

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Chrome_Head, Oct 19, 2018.

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  1. Damn, how did I miss that? I usually go see all the anthropomorphic horse cartoons.
    HaileyMcComet likes this.
  2. HaileyMcComet

    HaileyMcComet Forum Resident

    It also has Batman, a woman married to a dog whose brother is Weird Al Yankovic, and a cat with a porcupine baby. So there's something for everyone.
  3. Wait, that sounds like Family Guy. It had Adam West, and Brian the dog was married to Lois for a time when peter was missing. Which horse cartoon was this, anyway?
    HaileyMcComet likes this.
  4. YarRevenge

    YarRevenge Forum Resident

    Season 3 and 4, I think better call saul is better.
  5. GregM

    GregM The expanding man

    Bay Area, CA
    We used to watch My Little Pony, but my kid grew out of it.
  6. tyrionbelike

    tyrionbelike Member

    Obviously season 4. We see Walt finally become the villain as he destroys Gus's empire. Pinkman is slowly turning against Walter. The ending to Crawl Space has some the best acting I've ever seen, and Face Off was one of the best season finales of all time.
    HaileyMcComet likes this.
  7. George Co-Stanza

    George Co-Stanza Forum Resident

    To be fair, Aaron Paul wouldn't be the first actor to struggle to do well after doing an iconic role, and while he was great as Jesse, I never saw him as an actor you'd suddenly see doing all kinds of stuff that was great. He definitely struck me as "he is awesome in this role, but I won't be surprised if he never does anything notable" kind of actor. So, yeah, if he still wants to cash in on being Pinkman, I say, let him keep making those fat stacks. ;)

    I still remember seeing Crawl Space for the first time and being in awe and shock at the level of acting and tension in that final scene. Just amazing.
    GMfan87' and tyrionbelike like this.
  8. HaileyMcComet

    HaileyMcComet Forum Resident

    Family Guy is for 12-year-old boys and stunted adults who still laugh at 12-year-old boys jokes. BoJack Horseman is for adults and absolutely inappropriate for 12-year-old boys.

    But Carrie Fisher was on Family Guy, so it pretty much evens out.
  9. GregM

    GregM The expanding man

    Bay Area, CA
    It was good, but I remember thinking they were looping the maniacal laughter of Cranston and pumping it up a bit, kind of like in Raiders, when Belloq takes the Aztec head from Indy and orders the hovitos to kill him. They go running through the forest with Belloq's laughter. Been done in many other ways, too, in other productions. It also reminded me of the scene in Goodfellas where Henry freaks out after he realizes Katherine flushed the drugs.

    I thought it was very well done, but what ruined it for me is that Walt wouldn't have changed identity and left, even if the money was still in the crawlspace. The whole thing seemed out of character for him to want to change his identity and run, and I wasn't really buying it.
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