Star Wars: Episode VII

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Bowie Fett, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    Complaining for the sake of complaining, got it. So now the validity of an opinion is based on when you were born. Got it.
    sunspot42 likes this.
  2. jh901

    jh901 Forum Resident

    If you (or others) haven't screened it on a proper front projection home theater, then you'll be in for yet another treat. Commercial theater image quality is lacking contrast to say the least and the sound is often loud but of poor quality. I've enjoyed and appreciated TFA more and more as my theater has come together. There's simply no substitute for the real thing!
  3. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    Yep. Enjoy your new Star Wars. Just remember people like to complain on the internet.
  4. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    I don't mind people complaining when they have a basis to their complaints.
    sunspot42 and Tristero like this.
  5. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    I bet.
  6. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    Yeah, I didn't care for it, but at least I waited to see the thing before passing judgement. To righteously reject something that you haven't even seen is silly.
    sunspot42 and marblesmike like this.
  7. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    More like a personal choice, and one that I'm extremely comfortable with. I never carried any notion that these movies would be anything other than what they are. Am I wrong?
  8. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    They're just movies made for our entertainment, yes. But to come in and trash something and then openly admit you haven't seen it is going to garner some reaction.

    I liken it to someone who refuses to try a new food and then goes around telling everyone it tastes like crap.
    sunspot42 likes this.
  9. Sondek

    Sondek Forum Resident

    The fact that it has characters in it - Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie, C3PO, R2D2 etc - from the original trilogy should tell you that it's not a reboot.
    sunspot42 likes this.
  10. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    Where did I trash anything, except to say that I thought it was a reboot? I was commenting on your dismissal of that whole argument, not on the movie itself. I don't recall anywhere that I made a comment involving Rey's performance, Williams' score, or anything that called for having actually seen it. It's the old fanboy internet argument where once you've admitted to not see something, that invalidates your point. Well, it sort of depends on the point.
  11. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    If it's the content that makes it a reboot, and you haven't seen the content, then how would you know?
    sunspot42 likes this.
  12. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    Because I have pretty distinct opinions on the way movies are made today. Of which, nothing about this one seems any different.
    Or if that isn't enough. Refer to Tristero's original comments, and those of many others.
  13. Sondek

    Sondek Forum Resident

    How would you like a Star Wars movie to be made?
  14. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    You're certainly well within your rights to decide that you don't want to see it. If you don't think it will work for you, that's perfectly fine, but as a rule, I think that's misguided to pass judgement on art/entertainment that you haven't actually experienced.
    sunspot42 likes this.
  15. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    Probably not at all at this current date. It was like 20 years between the first two trilogies? Lucas had his go, I'd let it rest until a valid reason came up to continue it. It really is part of the remake and sequel culture that currently predominates.
  16. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    The offending comment was that I thought it was a reboot. Not that it WAS a reboot. Want to talk about something that's silly...
    So by your reasoning, a person should watch something first to see if they really don't want to watch it?
  17. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    No, I said quite clearly that if you feel like you don't want to see something, you shouldn't. There's no point in trying to force it when you have already reached a firmly negative expectation, but I still think it's unfair to pass judgement on something you haven't seen, just on the basis of other comments you've read (which is what you did in the comment above). This would seem to confirm my sense that you're just naturally predisposed to expect the worst in things, this miserablist notion that everything in popular culture just gets irrevocably worse and worse.
    sunspot42 and marblesmike like this.
  18. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    And what would you call the notion that seeks to dismiss or discredit negative criticism? I have a few ideas but I'll keep them to myself.
  19. marblesmike

    marblesmike Forum Resident

    Nothing wrong with negative criticism at all, but in a thread where people are mainly paying tribute to something negative opinions (especially those without evidence) will often be questioned.
  20. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    There's nothing wrong with negative criticism, of course. I made some very pointed criticisms about this new movie myself, but I think criticism needs to be informed by the actual experience of a given work of art/entertainment or a genre, not just preconceived biases.
    Sondek likes this.
  21. fishcane

    fishcane Dirt Farmer

    Finger Lakes,NY
    why start now?
    BeatleJWOL likes this.
  22. mpayan

    mpayan A Tad Rolled Off

  23. thegage

    thegage Forum Currency Nerd

    Rejecting something you haven't seen isn't an opinion, it's a stance. You can certainly say, "based on previous experience and what I've heard I don't think it will be any good." but after that opinion doesn't figure into it.

    If you were an original Star Wars fan you must have been one heck of a precocious three-year-old.

    John K.
    sunspot42 likes this.
  24. PlushFieldHarpy

    PlushFieldHarpy Forum Resident

    The first time I saw it was at the drive-in. So yeah, I'm sure I missed a lot of the finer points, but it probably held something for me. And from then on it was an omnipresent part of growing up.
    And don't let my "stance" seem a more principled position than it is. There are many movies that I don't see.
  25. mpayan

    mpayan A Tad Rolled Off

    After having thought about this movie for awhile, I still like it.

    Do I think it could have been done differently?... Oh yeah.

    Whether anyone wants to admit it or play it off as some Lucas "rhyming" thing with each generation repeating the same mistakes blah blah blah. Its a very derivative movie. And, for some reason I still enjoy it. Its about as well done as a movie that relies on its predecessors can be. Ill still give it a B-. Strong B-. Almost damn near a B.

    Now, it will slip to a C- and then to a D- if they decide to make this whole sequelogy predictable and derived. This next film will be the deal maker or breaker for me.

    It must develop the characters as ones I care about even more. It must give us some not before used surprised that matter in the SWs world. There must be some charisma and chemistry betwen Rey and Luke. Between Po and Fin. And an engaging not a headscratching "WTF was that story with Snoke about???" or whatever moments. A bit of weird is ok. As long as it moves the plot along in a SW direction.

    Theyd better think this one out. And think it out as a classic. Thats what fans expect now. We cut them a break on The Force Awakens. Please dont piss us off.

    The Force Awakens must be a springboard for the greatness of 8 and 9. Or .. will.
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