Ah, those 80s synth pop soundtracks - which ones don't suck?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by villicodelirante, Oct 21, 2010.

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  1. yasujiro

    yasujiro Senior Member

    Exactly. Both Blade Runner and Antarctica (Nankyoku Monogatari) are very strong soundtrack albums. :agree:
  2. Karnak

    Karnak "81, 82, 83, 84..."

    Cat People?
  3. ippudo

    ippudo Forum Resident

    Berlin, Germany
    I'd forgotten about those two tracks, which IIRC were the a- and b-side of the single, and they are fantastic indeed. My main gripe is that I feel the soundtrack doesn't suit the movie.
  4. AH On Vibes

    AH On Vibes New Member

    So. Cal.
    Nonsense. Ryuichi Sakamoto's soundtrack is perfectly apt fot the movie's subject matter.

    And the title track is beautiful.
  5. AH On Vibes

    AH On Vibes New Member

    So. Cal.
    Yes, the soundtrack CD was released as "Furyo".
  6. ippudo

    ippudo Forum Resident

    Berlin, Germany
    I just heard it. It's great!
  7. darkmatter

    darkmatter Gort Astronomer Staff

    That one and Vangelis Blade Runner (1994 issue) are my two of my favs :thumbsup:
  8. hi_watt

    hi_watt The Road Warrior

    San Diego, CA
    The TRON soundtrack
    Vangelis' Blade Runner, and Antarctica
    Tangerine Dream: Thief, Near Dark, Risky Business
    Brad Fiedel: The Terminator
  9. Larry Mc

    Larry Mc Forum Dude

    Eddie and the Cruisers ................................. Does this one count?
  10. Obtuse1

    Obtuse1 Forum Resident

    Almost forgot this one:

    1. Good Love - Prince
    2. True Faith - New Order
    3. Divine Emotions - Narada
    4. Kiss And Tell - Bryan Ferry
    5. Pleasure, Little Treasure - Depeche Mode
    6. Century's End - Donald Fagen
    7. Obsessed - The Noise Club
    8. Love Attack - Konk
    9. Ice Cream Days - Jennifer Hall
    10. Pump Up The Volume - M/A/R/R/S
    theholygoof and hi_watt like this.
  11. ippudo

    ippudo Forum Resident

    Berlin, Germany
    No need to get stroppy. I'm a huge Sakamoto fan and this is just my opinion. Obviously, this was Sakamoto's first soundtrack, composed and recorded in a month. The original idea was to use real instrumentation, which I reckon would have worked better. Either way, he's done more rewarding scores later on.
  12. Unknown Delight

    Unknown Delight Alan Myers Jazz Heads Unite!

    Nice..i forgot about those!

    I have BP and RotN on LP...and both are really cool sountracks full of typical 80s synth pop.

    And they DO NOT suck! YAY!

  13. Unknown Delight

    Unknown Delight Alan Myers Jazz Heads Unite!

    Awesome..'The Lost Boys' is one of my fave 80s flicks. Everything about it is great....( well, except maybe Corey Haim...). Love it love it LOVE IT! The music is fab.

    'Fright Night' is another fave, and yes, i recall their being some nice synth work in the main film score. I don't have the LP, but i beleive it was issued mostly as a pop tune album. Would have to check..but it would be sweet if it had some score.

    On a unrelated sidenote...

    Dandridge, the main lead vampire in 'Fright' was fantastic, but Kiefer Sutherlands' 'David' from 'Lost Boys' was even moreso!

    hi_watt likes this.
  14. Unknown Delight

    Unknown Delight Alan Myers Jazz Heads Unite!

    Here are a couple of gems :

    Ridley Scott's 'Legend' -
    Has a very nice synth score by Tangerine Dream, plus the stunning 'Loved By The Sun' end title track by them and Jon Anderson ( of YES fame). Worth the price of the album alone..that one.

    Danny Elfman - 'Music For A Darkened Theatre' -
    Though not technically a 'sountrack' it is a 1990 compilation album of most of Mr. Elfmans' scoring works up to that time, the most recent inclusion being a segment from 'Darkman'. I mention this album as it is all 80s works, and the earlier works contained on it ('Face Like a Frog', etc.) are pure synth work and damn good. Pure score...some really cool stuff....but no songs.

    So it sort of qualifies.
  15. dwonda

    dwonda New Member

    For me. what makes me nostalgic is music found in 80's movies, completely synthesized, but its something that is hard to go out looking for. Maybe the kind of music i'm thinking of is slightly more on the serious side, but what I'm thinking about can be found in the opening credits of Hoosiers. I also liked "Bionic Boar" from Animalympics. I've listened to a bit of To Live and Die in L.A. and I've been liking some of that too, any other suggestions?
  16. ganma

    ganma Senior Member

    Retro '80s synth sounds are hugely hip now. People fawn over DX7s now that they're retro.
    I love '80s synth soundtracks: Robocop, Big Trouble in Little China. Beverly Hills Cop, No Man's Land ... it's all good.
  17. Colin M

    Colin M Forum Resident

    Maybe as it was at the start of the 80s so it wasn't too tarnished, but I loved Francis Monkman's: The Long Good Friday and from UK TV Clannad & Robin of Sherwood.
  18. JPagan

    JPagan Generation 13

    South Florida
    Rocky IV

    Vince DiCola was pretty good at this.
    Galley and hi_watt like this.
  19. lhassall

    lhassall New Member

    Original Black Rain score/soundtrack is highly listenable with eclectic selection of pop tracks in the film.

    The score itself is brilliant. I find all Zimmer's other work totally bland in comparison :confused:

  20. audiotom

    audiotom Senior Member

    New Orleans La USA
    Donnie Darko is not from the 80s but features great 80s synth pop
    JimC likes this.
  21. Cassiel

    Cassiel Sonic Reducer

    NYC, USA
    Liquid Sky.
    RevUp64 likes this.
  22. In-Absentia

    In-Absentia Forum Resident

    This one is excellent and perfect for late night listening. I would love to own a copy, but I don't think it has ever been officially released.
  23. Basenote66

    Basenote66 Forum Resident

    Purple Rain...
  24. jamiesjamies

    jamiesjamies Forum Resident

    Northern Europe
    Top Gun is good... Just for the "Top Gun Anthem" at the end by Steve Stevens and Harold Faltermeyer. Love 80s soundtracks in general, but not sure if some of my favourites would fit the bill for this thread, "Betty Blue" being a big personal favourite.
  25. sunspot42

    sunspot42 Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    If you're talking a synth-pop soundtrack I don't think many from the '80s have held up better than the work Eurythmics did for 1984. It's very much of-the-time, but I also think it has timeless qualities and fit the film really well.

    The director hated it, though - although approaching Eurythmics to do the soundtrack wasn't his idea, the studio went around him. He had most of the music cut from the film.

    Supposedly there's a cut of the film somewhere (Japan?) with the full soundtrack Eurythmics produced, and reportedly it's a much better film as a result. Wouldn't surprise me, as I found the film dull and disjointed - the somewhat surreal, often tragic music Eurythmics recorded for the film would have at least given it a compelling mood.
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