Album covers 33 ⅓ - Because it sounds better than 33 ½

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Nostaljack, Nov 5, 2014.

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  1. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    I kind of wished they had gone retro back to the tan/gold label of the late 60s and early 70s.
    HGN2001, Dude111 and Nostaljack like this.
  2. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  3. HGN2001

    HGN2001 Mystery picture member

    There was one for sure - Carpenters MADE IN AMERICA, detailed on Ed's site:


    Made in America | Vinyl Album
    Grant and Nostaljack like this.
  4. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    ALWAYS loved that variant. Looks great on 45 too. The Janet Jackson "Let's Wait Awhile" label has this.

    Grant likes this.
  5. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    As do all of the singles from the "Control" album.
    Nostaljack likes this.
  6. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Newly added:

    Gino Cunico - "Gino Cunico" (front, Arista sleeve, back, labels)

    Gino Cunico – Gino Cunico | Vinyl Album


    P.S.: This one's a rare bird. He's the guy who wrote "When I Wanted You" - a tune that Barry Manilow would record a year or two later. His version of that tune is here and it's not bad.
  7. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  8. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  9. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    I just noticed the site went down. Been busy with too much stuff and simply forgot to pay the bill. All is well now and the site should be up in a few hours. Sorry about that!

    Grant likes this.
  10. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    What a coincidence! I just clicked on it last night after several months and saw that "Account Suspended" notice. I was hoping you'd have some covers i'd missed.
    Nostaljack likes this.
  11. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    I do. Two albums and some labels are waiting on my hard drive. Just gotta get them up. Computer troubles have prohibited uploading lately. I can start doing it again now. :)

    Grant likes this.
  12. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Goodie! I hope they are covers I can use.
  13. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  14. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  15. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    I'm also toying a bit with the aesthetics. It's due for a slight makeover anyway.

  16. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

  17. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  18. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Grant likes this.
  19. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Great idea. Albums covers load real slow, maybe just me.
  20. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Hmm. Haven’t heard anyone else say that before. I’m not have my any issues on my devices here. Maybe temporary?

  21. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Nostaljack likes this.
  22. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  23. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
  24. HGN2001

    HGN2001 Mystery picture member

    Ah, but do you have the US Spanish market version (SP-30001)? :)
    Nostaljack likes this.
  25. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    LOVE that! I know he was trying to court the audience that moved on following his Tijuana Brass work so this makes perfect sense to do.

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