anyone rarely listen to the beatles?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by phish, Jul 1, 2010.

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  1. phish

    phish Jack Your Body Thread Starter

    Biloxi, MS, USA
    i know my mom had a "meet the beatles" album, but she also had the isley brothers and james brown.... i gravitated toward the later.... i'm not even sure i even pulled the beatles record out of the drawer at that time.

    i really liked twist and shout when it was in the movie "ferris beuller's day off" and i think i bought a beatles cassette back then for that song.

    fast forward to about 200 (i think) when i joined this forum... i bought a blue box and a horzu mmt. i've listened to a few of them and what sticks out most is i seemed to like the harrison and starr songs moreso than the lennon/mccartney ones. i still haven't made it through the blue box....

    now, it's hard to go a day without hearing some beatles tune in a tv jingle. that makes it a bit harder for me to go back and try to listen to the blue box.

    anyone else rarely listen to the beatles or find them difficult to listen to?
  2. BillyK

    BillyK Forum Resident

    Hamden, CT USA
    Nope. I listen to the Beatles a lot - at least when the mood hits me.

    I listen to everything pretty much though.... not just The Beatles.

    My brother-in-law doesn't care for the Beatles that much - he just says "they're ok..."
  3. street legal

    street legal Senior Member

    west milford, nj

    Possibly the funniest thread ever started on this forum!
  4. Matty

    Matty Senior Member

    If I remember correctly, you joined in June 2007. Or so it says right below your avatar. Frankly, I doubt you were even alive in 200.

    Okay, enough stupidity from me.


    However, I didn't listen to them for most of the 1990s -- I guess I was sick of them, or took them for granted. However, I started listening to them again about 10 years ago, when my kids were born. My kids loved them from the start, and I was able to hear with fresh ears just how brilliant the band's music was. My kids are branching out into other artists now, but the Beatles are still the most-played band in my household.
  5. jgreen

    jgreen Well-Known Member

    St. Louis,MO.
    Give side 1 of Meet The Beatles a play. You'll be pleasently suprised.
  6. Jim T

    Jim T Forum Resident

    I did not listen that often until the remasters came out and now own 7 of them and do listen at least once a week to something on one of those discs.
  7. extravaganza

    extravaganza Senior Member

    San Diego, CA USA
    I have gone through long periods of my life where I have sort of drifted away from this band. In high school and college (80s) I was more into "college rock" and British indie - so I listened to a ton R.E.M. and The Smiths and maybe some "oldies" like The V.U. and Joy Division but I had little time for The Beatles.

    Not everyone has to like this band. And not everyone who likes them has to listen to them all the time. For the last 20 years or so I have been a pretty consistent fan though and regularly listen to them.
  8. GregorSamsa

    GregorSamsa Forum Resident

    I've rarely listened to them for a while just because of being annoyed with my brother relentlessly hyping them up as the only band even worth listening to, the only band who never did a crap song, whatever. And its a shame, because even with the dud songs, they did do a lot of great stuff. On the upshot, I have been listening to All Things Must Pass a lot. :)
  9. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Some will agree, most won't. I don't. I've been listening to the same limited roster of songs for 30 years and I still love 'em...
  10. kevintomb

    kevintomb Forum Resident

    I got really sick of....(( burnt out..?? )) of most of the later day stuff...from mid 60s on. It seems to have not really lasted the test of time for me....(( except Abbey road )) for many reasons. I know that sounds bad, but their earlier stuff much more appeals to me now. The later stuff while years ago seemed so groundbreaking and new and experimental, seems too outdated and hippy sounding as if they were trying for a certain sound. Seems like they were awesome to me up through maybe the late 80s at its more of a pick and choose thing, song wise.

    In the end, really their music is getting quite old and falling into the realm of "oldies" to me now.
  11. First, I RARELY hear Beatles songs in "jingles"--it does happen but rarely

    Second, do we REALLY need another one of these threads that appear to infect the forum like a virus?

    Attached Files:

  12. Jay F

    Jay F New Member

    Pittsburgh, PA
    I played them so much in the '60s, I don't think I'm ever going to want to listen to them again. I bought the mono box set and some of the stereo CDs, and put it all on my computer. I don't listen to any of it. If a Beatles song comes on while iTunes is in "shuffle" mode, I may click to the next song without listening.

    I've been very tempted lately to sell my box set.
  13. Patrick

    Patrick Senior Member

    Love the thread title!
  14. Mark Kaufman

    Mark Kaufman Forum Resident

    All hype and worship aside, this is one of the few bands that keeps coming back at me with a punch, over long long stretches of time. Like owning a fantastic old Gibson, it just keeps delivering.
  15. RocknBluz

    RocknBluz Member

    Canby,Oregon USA
    The Beatles difficult to listen to?:rolleyes: On that sunday night Feb. 9,1964 when I saw them for the first time on Ed Sullivan show, at that moment they impacted my life when it come to music. I am glad to say I have never had the problem of listening to The Beatles:righton:
  16. bababooey

    bababooey Forum Resident

    Houston, TX USA
    I listened to 90% Beatles up thru about 1978. Finally got burned out on them. I still think they are the greatest group ever by far and I even put all their cds on my ipod but I have yet to listen to them.

    Occasionally if I'm in the car when "Breakfast With The Beatles" is on I will tune in.
  17. phish

    phish Jack Your Body Thread Starter

    Biloxi, MS, USA
    i think it's a fair question....

    also, did you miss all the beatles songs used in commercials around christmas time? macy's i think ran one about every 10 minutes or so.
  18. Siegmund

    Siegmund Vinyl Sceptic

    Britain, Europe
    Got seriously into them in 1980/81 (post-Lennon murder). Listened to them too much, then moved on to Bowie, Dylan, etc. Never actively disliked them until the Britpop bands started dropping their name and for a long time after that found Beatletalk a bit irritating. Then, re-discovered them via the remasters campaign last year - hadnt listened for so long that it was good to re-visit and re-appraise. Verdict: don't have a problem listening to them, listen to them a lot!:righton:
  19. PetSounds

    PetSounds Forum Resident

    To me the Beatles were an excellent gateway to exploring music. I rarely listen to them as their albums bore me in comparison to all the other albums I enjoy/own. Cheers.
  20. Robin L

    Robin L Musical Omnivore

    Fresno, California
    Twist & Rut

    I got caught up in the excitement over the Beatles Remasters, bought about 9 of the stereo discs. They all loaded up on I-Tunes, I've had them on the stereo and the boom boxes. Hardly listened to them last month. There's times when they blow me away but this is not the time.

    And Phish is right—their songbook is getting covered by a lot of anonymous performers for the likes of Chase Manhattan television commercials, and I do not like it. I suppose we're seeing what happens when Rock stars retire. Seriously, it's time to move on.
  21. kevintomb

    kevintomb Forum Resident

    Thanks for the threadcrap....:shake:
  22. I rarely listen to The Beatles. A lot of their later music I don't like. Some of their music is very good but I've heard it so many times that it's hard to pay attention.
  23. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    A guy with a Dead avatar finds THE BEATLES boring! Oy! :sigh:
  24. street legal

    street legal Senior Member

    west milford, nj
    It was not a threadcrap in any way, shape or form. For the record, The Beatles always have been & always will be my favorite band.

    I honestly thought that this thread was a satire on forum member Rose River Bear's recent threads "anyone else rarely listen to ......... "

    The wording in Phish's initial post about liking the George & Ringo songs better ...... well, I thought he was just trying to be just this side of believable, while still trying to be funny.
    I can't believe that no one else honestly didn't think that this was a satirical thread.
    Apparently I was wrong. My apologies to Phish & anyone else who was offended.
  25. curbach

    curbach Some guy on the internet

    The ATX
    I've listened to very little Beatles in the last 20 years. Never got around to buying all the albums on cd. Have not bought the remasters. Can no longer muster much excitement for them. It's not that I don't like them. It's just that I've been there, done that. Too much other music to explore. . .

    That said, I sure had a good time revisiting Hey Jude recently when I stumbled upon a U.K. pressed lp for a reasonable price.
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