Artists that don't put out any deluxe editions of their albums

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by mattdm11, Aug 10, 2019.

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  1. mattdm11

    mattdm11 Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Cleveland, OH
    As the years go by, I sometimes wonder why certain artists don't re-release their catalogs with bonus tracks/deluxe editions/etc. I am sure it's because of the record company, but some bands you'd think would do this, haven' all. A few I can think of:

    Alice in Chains
    Chris Isaak
    Collective Soul

    Dave Matthews Band put out a "deluxe" version of a few of their albums, with 1-2 new bonus tracks, big whoop.

    I can certainly think of more, but I think at some point you have to realize bands like Rusted Root, Sponge, and other 90s acts won't really I'm trying to keep this to reasonably large bands who had a decent career and a few hit albums.
    SteveFff, Eric_Generic, Sean and 2 others like this.
  2. negative1

    negative1 80s retro fan

    go west
    living in a box
    wang chung (hopefully will change soon with some releases)
    front 242
    men without hats
    cj bolland
    darren price
    deep dish
    meat beat manifesto
    naked eyes
    peter godwin
    red flag
    scritti politti
    stone roses
    talk talk
    tracey thorn

  3. LeBon Bush

    LeBon Bush Hound of Love

    War. Considering how huge they were stateside in the 70s, you'd think somebody would come up with some fancy reissues beyond the 40th Anniversary disc of "The World Is A Ghetto". Many of their songs were even cut down from longer jam sessions, so in theory there should be lots of material left for some nice deluxes.
  4. GoodKitty

    GoodKitty Om

    Olivia Newton-John
  5. RedRoseSpeedway

    RedRoseSpeedway Music Lover

    Would love to hear more Talk Talk material, even just the scraps!
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2019
    ChoonyFish and Nightfly68 like this.
  6. thefxc

    thefxc Forum Resident

    Wichita, KS
    Front 242 have done deluxes of Geography and No Comment
    Red Flag 2CD Naive Art is supposed to come out soon on Pylon
    Something from Boxcar supposedly in the works

    Depeche Mode have been pretty good with singles comps but they've never done proper deluxe album reissues. Same with Ministry.
    Kraftwerk barely seem interested in basic reissues; I think deluxe reissues are out of the question
    c-eling likes this.
  7. Jimmy Agates

    Jimmy Agates CRAZY DOCTOR

    The most obvious one to me is Aerosmith...a wealth of unreleased stuff they have too.

    Hard to believe they let the 30th anniversary of Pump slide by without any sort of deluxe release...
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2019
  8. SoundAdvice

    SoundAdvice Senior Member

    Winwood, Guess Who, Smiths

    ChoonyFish, Defrance, qtrules and 6 others like this.
  9. vamborules

    vamborules Forum Resident

    Van Halen
  10. richard a

    richard a Forum Resident

    borley, essex, uk
    Still waiting for regular reissues of the first three albums let alone anything deluxe....
    Ahhh I see thefxc has said something similar...
    Jimijam, Usagi75, negative1 and 4 others like this.
  11. InStepWithTheStars

    InStepWithTheStars It's a miracle, let it alter you

    North Carolina
    I just went through the list of artists I collect and found about five or six that I thought would qualify until I thought harder and/or looked it up. The closest I can think of is Pugwash - and that might not even count because The Olympus Sound had a territorial reissue with bonus tracks, which may or may not count. I'm excluding things like artists who have two releases on Bandcamp, or my friend whose only album I mastered (and even then, I made my own deluxe edition with various mixes and things that he sent me).
  12. Roger Thornhill

    Roger Thornhill Senior Member

    Ilford, Essex, UK
    Steely Dan of course.

    Everyone knows there are studio outtakes and rarities out there but we'll almost certainly never get legal releases of all the albums with the extras.
  13. douglas mcclenaghan

    douglas mcclenaghan Forum Resident

    The Beatles.
    The Stones.
  14. Ricardo Perfecto

    Ricardo Perfecto Forum Resident

    It doesn’t get much more deluxe than the deluxe White Album, Sergeant Peppers and forthcoming Abbey Road.
    Stones did somewhat deluxe Exile, Some Girls and a super deluxe (although constrained somewhat by their hesitation to add Allen Klein era out-takes) Ya Yas.
    mbrownp1, PepiJean, joshm2286 and 7 others like this.
  15. douglas mcclenaghan

    douglas mcclenaghan Forum Resident

    When I get Deluxe With The Beatles or Aftermath for example, I'll retract my statement.
  16. Bobby Morrow

    Bobby Morrow Senior Member


    She does deluxe editions with bonus tracks on release of her most recent albums, but her 80s/90s classics remain very
    undeluxed. And yes I know that’s not a word.:)

    It’s odd as Madonna has a great back catalogue that sold millions. You’d think there’d be money is some decent reissues..
  17. Jimmy Agates

    Jimmy Agates CRAZY DOCTOR

    If you read the thread title you;d retract it now. But why not just turn the thread into what you want it to be about instead....
  18. stillrockin

    stillrockin Forum Resident

    United Kingdom
    Dire Straits - no deluxe or box set. Goodness me, the Japan sacd of Alchemy even had less music than the original double album when we are crying out for the complete concert.
    joshm2286, CDFanatic, Jimijam and 6 others like this.
  19. delmonaco

    delmonaco Forum Resident

    Sofia, Bulgaria
    Lack of deluxe fans? ;)
  20. Mylene

    Mylene Senior Member

  21. Vaughan

    Vaughan Forum Resident

    Essex, UK
    Good call. The current - very cheap - CD's sound great, but they lack in extras and the booklets are poor.

    I'll add an extra element here, and in turn sneak in an artist some people might suggest has had SDE's already.

    For major artists SDE's are all about the extras, the outakes, demos, lives recordings and such. However, another key part is in the presentation. For example, how much worse would the Jethro Tull series be without that great booklet? I'd say a lot worse. Further - it's a real bonus to have a cohesive, uniform, presentation. The Tull's are great partly because if you have them all they look great on the shelf. You can see Cherry Red are heading down this road with Be Bop Deluxe too - when the series is done they're going look lovely on the shelf.

    Here's where I sneak in Bowie. There have been Deluxe Editions of some albums, but the presentation is all over the shop. Hell, when EMI did some (Ziggy, Diamond, Station) we got three different sized packages! There's some good material on them, and the booklets were nicely expanded, but they look like the dogs breakfast on the shelf.

    So for me, I wish someone would put together a series of Bowie sets that got it right.
  22. iloveguitars

    iloveguitars Forum Resident

    Chris Rea - throughout his career this guy has had more B - sides than I’ve had hot dinners.
    Could easily release Many deluxe editions of his back catalogue.
    rs4951 and Eric_Generic like this.
  23. BigManRestless

    BigManRestless Forum Resident

    The Tourists (still waiting for the catalogue to appear properly on CD at all!)
    The B-52's (the recent 2CD Cosmic Thing aside, I'd much rather have expanded editions of the 1979-1986 albums).
    Ringo Starr
    Post-Punk Monk likes this.
  24. Derek Slazenger

    Derek Slazenger Specs, rugs & rock n roll

  25. Vaughan

    Vaughan Forum Resident

    Essex, UK
    John Cale

    His solo work is fantastic, but it's only ever had a handful of half-hearted editions with a few bonus tracks (and only then his really early solo stuff).
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