BBC Dinosaur Planet BD, one disc open, one disc region locked

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Rachael Bee, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Rachael Bee

    Rachael Bee Miembra muy loca Thread Starter

    I bought this 2-disc set of BBC's TV show Dinosaur Planet and it said it was for Wee-juns 2 & 4. Anyway, I put disc 1 in my Oppo 103D and it played. I watched all 6 episodes. I thought this set might be locked when I bought it. Isn't it odd that disc 2 is locked. My Oppo gave me a screen that said the disc was locked and told me to push OK. Then the tray opened. I tried again, same result. I have other players that are multi-region but half of the set is locked.....what?
  2. Rachael Bee

    Rachael Bee Miembra muy loca Thread Starter

    Hey, anybody in the U.K. or in the know, is this type of thing a common mistake or ocurence?
  3. Seems O.K., if it is this one:

    The Blu-ray disc is region free, the DVD is Region 2 and 4. Many Blu-ray discs are region free nowadays. It they are locked, the zones are A, B or C. Letters indicate regional restrictions on Blu-ray discs, numbers indicate regional restrictions on DVDs.
  4. moops

    moops Senior Member

    Geebung, Australia
    I have the DVD and it's fine ........ just want to say though, what they can do now with CGI and these dinosaur docos is fantastic.
    I love watching them with my kids !!
  5. balzac

    balzac Senior Member

    I bought the UK BD as a import (bought it direct from Amazon UK, where it was much cheaper than imported through the US Amazon site). I figured the second bonus disc, a DVD, would probably be region-locked, but the set was so cheap (I think well under $20 imported after currency conversion), it was worth it for getting the entire series on the first disc in full HD.

    It appeared they recently finally released this in the US on BD, but it appears it's a shortened version done for 3D.

    Other weird thing about the UK BD, which is indeed region-free: One of my Sony players won't play it and seems to *think* it's the wrong region. Meanwhile, it plays in a cheapie Toshiba BD player I have.
  6. Rachael Bee

    Rachael Bee Miembra muy loca Thread Starter

    I didn't even notice that disc 2 was a DVD.... :oops:.....all I noticed on it was, "How to build a Dinosaur" and threw it in.
  7. Rachael Bee

    Rachael Bee Miembra muy loca Thread Starter

    How To Build A Dinosaur on disc 2, the DVD, was really good. I played it on an Oppo 93 that is Wee-jun emancipated. This is a nice set, especially if you can play disc 2.
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