Best Law & Order cast?

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by mdp7751, Dec 9, 2003.

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  1. mdp7751

    mdp7751 New Member Thread Starter

    There have been many, all good if you ask me. The writing and production on that show have been so consistently strong, I can't recall a more successful long running drama. I mean Gunsmoke was pretty good, but Law & Order regularly takes it to another level.

    Here are the six most prominent cast configurations, by my tabulation (there is a little unaccounted for blead over, but hey), what's your favorite?
  2. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Los Angeles
    What a wacky thread, but it's the ORIGINAL cast for me. I saw the very first episode and have watched a good many since then. I always enjoy the show but the first cast was the best for me.....

    Of course the good looking female assn't DA's helped all the casts.:)
  3. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Slight corrections/additions (going by memory, so I may not be 100% correct on season numbers):
    Season 1:. Moriarity, Brooks, Dzundza, Noth, Florek
    2: Moriarity, Brooks, Sorvino, Noth, Florek
    3. Moriarity, Brooks, Sorvino (left midseason)/Orbach, Noth, Florek
    4. Moriarity, Hennessey, Orbach, Noth, Merkerson
    5. Waterston, Hennessey, Orbach, Noth, Merkerson
    6. Waterston, Hennessey, Orbach, Bratt, Merkerson
    7. Waterston, Lowell, Orbach, Bratt, Merkerson

    After that I went from loyal viewer to occasional watcher.

    I'm voting for the original cast. Noth and Dzundza had great chemistry, and DA Stone was to me a more interesting character than McCoy. If Jill Hennessey had been in that cast too it would have been perfect. My second favorite cast is season 4, which isn't listed as an option in the poll...

    Boy, those old episodes were REALLY well written. The show is still enjoyable today, but a shadow of its former self in the writing dept.
  4. mdp7751

    mdp7751 New Member Thread Starter

    My apologies on any incorrect casting examples. I think all of the ones listed were together at some point though. I admit to unscientific research on the subject.
  5. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    I just voted for the cast with Hennesy. Probably because I've seen those the least of all casts.

    Next poll... L&O Original, SVU, Criminal Intent, etc...
  6. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    The only actual mistake in the poll is that Waterston was never in the same regular cast as Brooks/Sorvino/Florek (although Brooks of course has popped up a couple times since as a defense attorney opposing Waterston). Other than that, yeah, you're just missing some variations/permutations. Confusing isn't it... at least one major cast change each of the first seven years on that show. I think the cast actually remained stable from season seven to eight, though. The only reason I have it straight in my head is that a few years ago I was addicted to the A&E reruns, and I consciously researched episode guides because I wanted to have a sense of the chronology.
  7. VeeDub

    VeeDub Senior Member

    Denver, CO
    This is a tough one. I've seen every episode through last year and finally stopped watching regularly this year. Not that it's bad, I think I just slowly got tired of it. I love the original cast, but on the detective side I really liked the Orbach/Noth team best. I may be alone, but I liked Carey Lowell as well. Seemed like she challenged McCoy a lot, and that gave the "order" half a bit of an edge.

    OK, voting for the original cast....
  8. mdp7751

    mdp7751 New Member Thread Starter

    Actually, calling McCoy et al "DA"s is technically wrong too. He's an ADA, just a really senior one. The Adam Schiff's of the world are the elected DA. He's still my favorite of the 3 DA's, by the way. I think that cast spot has lost the most over the years (although Fred Thompson has his moments).
  9. lil.fred

    lil.fred Señor Sock

    The East Bay
    I voted, against my best judgment, for the "Hennessy" cast. I love her (no, wait, I'm IN love with her). But Moriarty was better than Waterston -- good as he is -- and the writing was so great in the first few seasons.

    I watch them with pleasure up until Angie Harmon makes her appearance ... that's a deal-breaker. This woman's an ADA? After that I no watch.
  10. mdp7751

    mdp7751 New Member Thread Starter

    It seemed like the biggest fan disconnect occurred with Rohm taking over as ADA Southerlyn. Her first year on the job it simply looked like they continued with the "hot chick" casting call but eliminated the requirement of "at least SOME acting ability". I couldn't even willfully suspend my disbelief with her that year. She's gotten a little better recently, at least to an extent that I can safely watch the show again.
  11. mdp7751

    mdp7751 New Member Thread Starter

    Oh, and where's the love Carey Lowell?? Hottest of the hot, AND it was an overall good cast (even though I voted for Hennessy too).
  12. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    Southerlyn never bothered me. Actually, the actress filling in for the woman detective on Criminal Intent is a horrendous actor. She just looks forced and stiff.

    Angie Harmon... at first I LOVED her, the way most folks love Hennessy. But after a while she just got on my nerves.

    At some point, they need to stir things up a little. I'm sick of the casting decisions! I know L&O is all based on formula, and that's why we watch it. But they shouldn't stick to formula when casting actors. I think the most creative casting decision they've made in years was casting Dianne Wiest as the DA.
  13. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    They always played her like she was some hottie (judges, lawyers, defendants, witnesses... all hitting on her!). I never got it. :confused:
  14. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Well, she's pretty, but she's no Jill Hennessey. :love:

    They are pretty rigid with their casting. Ever since the network demanded the producers add women to the cast (resulting in Brooks and Florek being let go at the end of season 3) there seems to be a mandate that the second ADA position be filled by an attractive young thang.
  15. lil.fred

    lil.fred Señor Sock

    The East Bay
    Hennessy is not only beautiful in an interesting way (that sort of heart-shaped face!) but her acting was understated and she was a believable lawyer.

    I had a big crush on Dr. Elizabeth Olivet, as well. Who, I think, later turned up on Seinfeld as "Mulvah"? Is that correct?
  16. VeeDub

    VeeDub Senior Member

    Denver, CO
    The Olivet actress wasn't "Mulvah," but was Minuet on an episode or 2 of Trek/Next Generation.
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