Filmmaker Weakest Link: Stanley Kubrick - Round Four

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Oatsdad, Jun 5, 2010.

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  1. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever Thread Starter

    Alexandria VA
    Last round sent home "Spartacus" and "Lolita", so it's single elimination time! I think I know what's going this round, but will see what happens.

    As always, vote for the film you like the LEAST.

    Time to start discussion questions! :pineapple:

    What was the first Kubrick film you ever saw, and what did you think?
  2. Barnabas Collins

    Barnabas Collins Senior Member

    Dr. Strangelove.

    The first Kubrick film I saw was "2001". What did I think at the time? Something along the lines of WTF?! LOL
  3. Matthew B.

    Matthew B. Scream Quietly

    Tokyo, Japan
    A Clockwork Orange. Still a good film, but the caricatures are even broader than in Dr. Strangelove, and since A Clockwork Orange isn't a farce that probably wasn't the best way to go about things.
  4. R. Totale

    R. Totale The Voice of Reason

    2001 again. Pretty, dated, no story and (intentially, I know) sleepwalking performances.
  5. gd0

    gd0 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

    Golden Gate
    Full Metal Jacket... very good movie, but as a Nam film, too little too late.

    Q&A: had to be 2001.

    Changed everything I perceived about movies in general, never mind science fiction movies. One of the most profound experiences I ever had in a theater. Afterwards, I wondered why everyone was so perplexed – I totally got this movie!

    Rael, you're obviously not a fan... when did you see it, and at what age? (Me: 1968 @ age 18).
  6. Paths of Glory ends here.

    I'm not sure if I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey or Dr. Strangelove first.
  7. wolfram

    wolfram Slave to the rhythm

    Berlin, Germany
    Ok, now it starts to hurt. It was already difficult for me to vote off Lolita in the last round, but all that's left now are classic masterpieces in their own way. I go with Full Metal Jacket. Why? Because Paths of Glory impressed me more as an anti-war movie and Apocalypse Now as a Vietnam movie (though I wouldn't call that one really "anti-war"). And because I think all others on the list are more interesting stylistically and formally, more innovative, more Kubrickesque. Still I think FMJ is a great movie.

    My first Kubrick? Not absolutely sure, but I guess A Clockwork Orange. I was way too young (13 or 14) and thought it was awsome because my big brother thought it was awsome. It stayed my favourite for many years until I matured into recognizing the greatness of Barry Lyndon, Paths of Glory and 2001 :)D).
  8. "2001: A Space Odyssey". Even as a kid it mesmerized me including the long, cold silence and the clinical detachment so evident in the film. It's clear in many respects that Kubrick identified with HAL more than the astronauts because of the conflicted nature of the computer system--it was asked, essentially, to do everything that humans do so well (deceive) and had a conflict of conscience. I very much saw that element of it relating to the Biblical myth of Adam, Eve and the apple in paradise but, instead of being exiled from paradise, HAL was killed by his "gods" for his purity of nature when he was asked to deceive those he watched over in the Discovery.

    The analogy also between the Monolith and the Biblical story of Adam, Eve and the Serpent is also represented well in the first sequence on Earth where Moonwatcher kills for the very first time and they discover the Monolith for the first time in the Moon is also there (although, in this case, they want to "Discover" the nature of their "god").

    Which is why I would have loved to see what Kubrick would have done with "A.I."
  9. SBurke

    SBurke Nostalgia Junkie

    Philadelphia, PA
    I voted for "Full Metal Jacket" -- and I was surprised to see it's in the lead. I would have thought "Paths" would get bounced this round (and maybe it still will). But on the whole I had a higher opinion of it than "FMJ." It's been a long time since I've seen "FMJ," but my recollection of it is that there's really only half a good movie in it (the first half). In fact I don't remember much at all about the second half except Matthew Modine's helmet (and that was on the poster, I think).
  10. SBurke

    SBurke Nostalgia Junkie

    Philadelphia, PA
    Forgot to answer the discussion question.

    I think "FMJ" was probably the first Kubrick film I saw. But I didn't think of it as his; I didn't know who he was. I really just thought of it as a Vietnam film and sort of an also-ran after "Platoon," although obviously it's a different movie.
  11. nsmith1002

    nsmith1002 Forum Resident

    Monticello, IN USA
    I voted off "Shining". Of all the ones remaining, I'd would watch this one the least.

    My first Kubrick was "2001: A Space Odyssey". I really can't remember if it was in 1968 or 1969. I was in fifth grade at the time and saw it in a small theater (compared to what was in the larger cities) and it had to be a 35mm print. That particular theater did not have the wide screen needed for 70mm. I left the theater thinking I had just seen the worst movie ever (as if a 12 year old would know). But I could not stop thinking about it. After a few days I was convinced that I'd seen the best movie ever!
  12. smilin ed

    smilin ed Senior Member

    2001. Shouldn't have get this far.
  13. smilin ed

    smilin ed Senior Member

    Uh, shouldn't have GOT this far...
  14. gd0

    gd0 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

    Golden Gate
    Keep trying... :)
  15. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    Voted for Paths Of Glory. It SHOULD be the one exiting this round, but some weirdos apparently think its better than FMJ.
  16. wolfram

    wolfram Slave to the rhythm

    Berlin, Germany
    Damn straight.

    Colin, could you please close the poll while POG is still ahead?

  17. Turnaround

    Turnaround Senior Member

    So far, the leaders in this round are the two war films -- Paths of Glory and Full Metal Jacket. Between those two, I'd have to say that Paths of Glory is the better film. Look at this amazing scene from Paths of Glory:

    Reminds you of those shots of the Sgt walking up and down the barracks in FMJ, or the hallways of the hotel in the Shining.

    I recall that FMJ came out during a year that also gave us "Platoon" and "Hamburger Hill" -- all of them portraying the Vietnam War in a more cynical (or conflicted) way than prior movies.

    I would criticize FMJ for lacking cohesion (it is like two mini-films, training camp, then war), and lacking a strong protagonist to pull the viewer into the story. But as I think about it, you could say those things about Strangelove or 2001, too.
  18. Matthew B.

    Matthew B. Scream Quietly

    Tokyo, Japan
    Paths of Glory might be Kubrick's peak. The tracking shots are deservedly famous, but the film's relentless force is even more jolting. When Dax finishes his plea for mercy at the trial, Kubrick doesn't even show the verdict — the film leaps immediately to the firing squad. There's not an ounce of fat in the script. Everything's been pared down to blood and bone.
  19. gd0

    gd0 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

    Golden Gate
    Oh, yeah. Most (all?) Kubrick films are loaded with meticulously-setup vanishing-point shots. Not sure why, but several of them really give a claustrophobic or unsettling feel. Nicholson's job interview in The Shining, for example. Something ain't right in that room...
  20. wolfram

    wolfram Slave to the rhythm

    Berlin, Germany
    You mean Nicholson already grinning like a madman?


  21. klonk

    klonk Forum Resident

    Path of Glory
  22. Matthew B.

    Matthew B. Scream Quietly

    Tokyo, Japan
    It's disquieting to see shots that are so perfectly symmetrical. Notice how Bill Watson gets summoned into the office just so he can sit next to Jack and balance out the composition.

    Attached Files:

  23. gd0

    gd0 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

    Golden Gate
    Well, Jack ain't exactly making everyone feel warm and welcome...

    But I had in mind any number of environmental shots, per Matthew B's follow-up.

    Lotsa these... some just establish environment or atmosphere... and some make you want to run screaming from the theater.
  24. gd0

    gd0 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

    Golden Gate
  25. carrick doone

    carrick doone Whhhuuuutttt????

    Vancouver, Canada
    Paths of glory

    First film was Lolita on cable as a child.
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