Fleetwood Mac with Christine back is amazing

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by chewy, Nov 30, 2014.

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  1. chewy

    chewy Forum Resident Thread Starter

    West Coast USA
    seeing Chris for the 1st time has been wonderful, i cannot express. it was absolutely divine. all her wonderful songs that i grew up on, live for the 1st time, for me. there were 1sts not only for me but the Mac themselves......part of the show is like the Tango tour-that-never-was: the album lineup, performing live "Seven Wonders", "Little Lies", "Everywhere" (which was done in 97 too w/ emt).... for my 1st two shows I had the perfect seat where i could see everthing Christine played the on the keyboards + watch her sing, thats hard to do if you see the stage arrangement, but thats where i was, the perfect seat for the ultimate reunion
    RickH, bonus, Terry and 15 others like this.
  2. davers

    davers Forum Resident

    I saw the Tacoma Dome show last week and had a great time.

    While the classics are always enjoyable, I especially loved the Tango In The Night material. For just one example, Christine and the entire band sounded stunningly great on "Little Lies".

    I also noticed Stevie Nicks seemed a lot more on her game than when I saw them five years ago...her voice sounded better this time out.
    Terry, Fullbug and Clanceman like this.
  3. chewy

    chewy Forum Resident Thread Starter

    West Coast USA
    was right there with you dawg! yo real this elle interview


    lindsey is being such a prick to her, everyone in the bands all yay welcome back and lindseys all: yea but r u ready to commit, u cant be goin in and out...........YEA HES REALLY ONE TO TALK ABOUT THAT, LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM.....pLUHeeese!

    then it mentions chris and lindsey had a studio reunion and shes all sometimes i dont know what to write abt and lindsey all: JUST WRITE ABT SEX. and then shes all: id rather write abt love........ HOW RUDE AND CRUDE. shes freaking 71. show some freaking respect
  4. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    Voxbox, Turmatic, Damiano54 and 19 others like this.
  5. raphph

    raphph Taking a trip on an ocean liner…

    I feel duped seeing them in London last year as it was exactly the same show (thereabouts) as in 2009 but I'm excited to see them again in London next year with Chris...
  6. lennonfan1

    lennonfan1 Senior Member

    baltimore maryland
    It really is a wonderful show, I just wish they'd add a new tune....they have enough for a new album, try some out!!
    They are really on their game, and it was a privilege to see them on Holloween, with John McVie wearing a huge witch hat.
    Go on Youtube and check out Stevie doing Gold Dust Woman from this show...she blew us away!
    davers and MikaelaArsenault like this.
  7. Aghast of Ithaca

    Aghast of Ithaca Forum Resident

    We need the lady who speaks jive in Airplane.
  8. willy

    willy hooga hagga hooga

  9. RayS

    RayS A Little Bit Older and a Little Bit Slower

    Out of My Element
    Like, totally.
    theMess likes this.
  10. DreamIsOver

    DreamIsOver Senior Member

    Chicago IL
    Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help.
  11. profholt82

    profholt82 Resident Blowhard

    West Michigan
    Christine was always the weakest singer in the group. I like her keyboards, but her vocals have always paled in comparison next to Stevie and Lindsey. The thought of her belting out a song now in her 70s is terrifying.

    "Buh-leeheeheeheeheev in miracles"
  12. Dark Horse 77

    Dark Horse 77 A Parliafunkadelicment Thang

    I don't see how Buckingham is being disrespectful. His sex comment seems more like a semi putdown of the buying public and the other part seems like he doesn't want her to bail like last time. But yeah, Lindsey's certainly left and come back too.

    Christine's always seemed like the secret weapon in FM. Stevie & Lindsey get all the attention yet there's Christine writing a lot of their biggest hits and "some" stability.
    WalkAThinLine and JDeanB like this.
  13. The Trinity

    The Trinity Do what thou wilt, so mote be it.

    I've seen them 3 times in the past 5 years, and my last show was with Christine McVie two weeks ago. I have always liked her voice best, over Stevie and Lindsey, despite the fact that she is aging and clearly not as fluid as she once was. Its great to have her back. If there is one member of the band that I struggle with, its Lindsey, and his self indulgent and monotonous monologues, which haven't changed by as much as one word in the past 5 years. The Kosmo Kramer hairdo suits his personality well though. Anyway, Fleetwood Mac are just wonderful now that the full depth of their line-up can be experienced once again. Awesome to have Christine back!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
  14. lennonfan1

    lennonfan1 Senior Member

    baltimore maryland
    Christine is very important to their harmonies, and just her at the piano at the end for Songbird is just such a joy, a wonder that is stunning all these years later. I like her voice very much.
  15. Ringmaster_D

    Ringmaster_D Surfer of Sound Waves

    Chicago, IL
    I think part of the magic of the latter-day Fleetwood Mac was the blend of Lindsey, Christine & Stevie's voices. That's the best part about having her back, in addition to getting her songs back in the set list.
  16. The Trinity

    The Trinity Do what thou wilt, so mote be it.

    Is there any recent information on John McVie's health status since his cancer diagnosis? I wonder if that contributed to Christine jumping back in, given that "one day" had arrived by virtue of his precarious health situation.
  17. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    I've always liked her voice too. The years with her and Bob Welch were a few of favorite years of Fleetwood Mac besides the Peter Green years.
  18. chewy

    chewy Forum Resident Thread Starter

    West Coast USA
    ok. dawg the bridge of You make lovin fun......that was MY FAVORITE PART OF THE ENTIRE SHOW. i was there. right in front of her. it was transcendent. beyond divine. and no pun intended: perfect!
    Tree of Life and chacha like this.
  19. Comet01

    Comet01 Forum Resident

    I'm here now bans play but no nob
    drivingfrog likes this.
  20. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Forum Resident

    North West England
    I think Christine deserves a bit of credit to be brave enough to come back at the age of 71.

    Though Stevie is no spring chicken at 66.
    Tree of Life and sunspot42 like this.
  21. pinkrudy

    pinkrudy Senior Member

    i just saw them at the forum on friday....micks kick drum was like it was in my chest and the snare drums sounded like gun shots.....lindsey guitar sounded huge.

    the vocals could have been little better soundeding...they sounded a bit too bright and overloud sterile.....

    great litghshow! cool backgrounds....terrific setlist.
    Moonbeam Skies and Scooter59 like this.
  22. jimcdenco

    jimcdenco Forum Resident

    Denver, CO
  23. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Senior Member

    Is this a joke?
  24. The Spaceman

    The Spaceman Forum Resident

    Well, this is hard to top:

    Christine's great too though.
  25. profholt82

    profholt82 Resident Blowhard

    West Michigan
    Ok, based on your reactions, I went back and listened to "You Make Loving Fun" for the first time in years. I still feel that her vocals are weak on the album, but I watched a youtube video of it from 'The Dance' performance, and I found her enchanting. She sang it with much more passion and emotion, so I can understand why you (@chewy ) found that part of the show to be magic in person. I don't know why, but I've always found her performance of that song to be kind of flat and dull on 'Rumors,' as if she's just going through the motions. Perhaps that was just her style at the time, sort of an aloofness. I always liked her background harmonizing (and I never said she was a bad singer, just that I found Buckingham and Nicks to be superior).

    I should also add that my mother had about 3 cassette tapes in the minivan during the late 80s as she drove me to school, basketball practice, etc.: FM 'Rumors,' The Dirty Dancing Soundtrack, and some horrible Michael Bolton album. So, I probably heard 'Rumors' in its entirety at least 100 times growing up, and I always found McVie's vocals to be the weak link on that album, while I was genuinely engaged by Buckingham's rock passion and Stevie's lovely voice. I got goosebumps the first time I heard her sing "Dreams," there's just so much emotion in her voice, a true vulnerability. I just personally found that McVie's vocals left me cold by comparison. What can I say? Different strokes for different folks. :shrug:

    I will add that I think McVie is a million times better than Michael Bolton or Patrick Swayze. :p
    CybrKhatru likes this.
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