Funniest scene in tv history?

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by grizzly, Mar 12, 2010.

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  1. greelywinger

    greelywinger Osmondia

    Dayton, Ohio USA
  2. conniefrancis

    conniefrancis New Member

    Brookfield, OH
  3. Not even close. It's got some amusing bits, but what might elevate this above standard sitcome fare escapes me.

    Anyway, someone mentioned MADtv earlier; here is the funniest segment from that show IMHO - the "Midnight Golfer" sketch, where a guy completely flummoxes a coworker with his vague insinuations about a colleague:
  4. grizzly

    grizzly New Member Thread Starter

  5. stumpy

    stumpy Forum Resident

    South of Nashville
  6. Jerryb

    Jerryb Senior Member

    New Jersey
  7. yesstiles

    yesstiles Senior Member

    Funniest TV Scene

    Final Episode of "Police Squad!" when Leslie Nielsen is onstage posing as the nightclub entertainer.
    ZackyDog likes this.
  8. dbacon

    dbacon Senior Member

    Does anyone recall this....
    I recall a sketch that features Marty Feldman (I believe it might have been from a Bob Hope Special). Marty was sitting in a waiting room with a large basket. The basket contained some large, unseen creature.
  9. Mister Charlie

    Mister Charlie "Music Is The Doctor Of My Soul " - Doobie Bros.

    Aromas, CA USA
    Yes, I am pretty sure that was on Dean Martin.
  10. Doug G.

    Doug G. Forum Resident

    Austin, MN USA
    I have two.

    In the Dick Van Dyke episode called "The Two Faces Of Rob" where he pretends to be somebody else on the phone to Laura, at the end, he apologizes to her saying:

    "I don't blame you for not jumping to forgive me"
    "I don't even expect you to forgive me"
    "I'm not even asking you to be nice to me"
    "I'm just asking you to let me live here"

    And, the scene from Cheers where Frazier is explaining to Woody that he is a Rhodes scholar and woody wants to know that, if he is a "roads" scholar, why is the tar they fix potholes with darker than the tar already there and Frazier says, "I guess I skipped that day." Woody says, "Sure, and now it's coming back to haunt you."

  11. sprocket

    sprocket Active Member

    Shafter, Ca
  12. RockWizard

    RockWizard Forum Resident

    Lets see:

    The kiss: Archie Bunker and Sammy Davis Jr.
    MTM episode of Chuckles The Clown Dies
    Barney Miller Hash Brownie Episode....the whole show is classic!
    Turkey Episode on WKRP
    Lucy's Vitameatavegamin....classic. A lot from this series.
    Carol Burnett's GWTW curtain scene..

    Sorry, just can't pick one. Guess I watched too much classic TV in my day.
  13. Tony Plachy

    Tony Plachy Senior Member

    Pleasantville, NY
    I am older than many of you so here are two that go way back:

    1. The tomahawk throwing demonstration on an early Johnny Carson episode.

    2. On an episode of "You Bet Your Life" Groucho Marx was interviewing a couple before they played the game and found out they had eleven children. With a straight face Groucho says to the husband "You know I like my cigar but I take it out ever so often".
  14. . . . I read as I spit my Diet Coke all over the desk . . .
  15. JonUrban

    JonUrban SHF Member #497

    Newhart waking up from his dream, and telly Emily "...and there were these three woodsmen."

    WKRP Turkey's could fly
    Rev Jim Driving Test
    "Hello Ball"
  16. Johnny66

    Johnny66 Laird of Boleskine

    All good choices, duly noted. The beauty of The Office (as you rightfully note, the real one) is that most any scene could qualify as a classic moment. It's near television perfection in every sense.

  17. aaronfirebrand

    aaronfirebrand Well-Known Member

    You said it. My favorite has to be the MC Hammer meets Flashdance scene:

    Also, David in the bird costume.

    Sanford & Son--
    Fred and Bubba at the library to get the Blind Mellow Jelly records back.
    Fred and Bubba at the gay bar.
    Fred gets the results of his chest x-ray.
  18. nikh33

    nikh33 Senior Member

    Liverpool, England
    It's from 'Marty', Mr Feldman's BBC show from 1968/9. There's his 'stooge' Tim Brooke Taylor (who co-wrote the 'Four Yorkshiremen' sketch with John Cleese) as the lady, and at the end John Junkin, another veteran writer/performer who was a regular on Marty. I didn't know it had been screened in the US.
  19. nikh33

    nikh33 Senior Member

    Liverpool, England
    Harry Speakup, anyone?
  20. steeler1979

    steeler1979 Darren from Nashville

    Nashville,Tn. USA
  21. Gary

    Gary Nauga Gort! Staff

  22. RockWizard

    RockWizard Forum Resident

    Thanks Tony, forgot about those two. Laughed my a$$ off watching both. Gotta love Groucho. Fennerman always said he NEVER used a dirty word in his bits. BUT....let him start bobbing his eyebrows or flipping the cigar....the joke took a whole new turn!
  23. Tina_UK

    Tina_UK Forum Resident

  24. ROLO46

    ROLO46 Forum Resident

    Flowery Twats for me.

    Could n't do that sketch today......:angel:
  25. greelywinger

    greelywinger Osmondia

    Dayton, Ohio USA
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