Hitchcock's secret cameo in North By Northwest

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by HGN2001, Apr 25, 2007.

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  1. HGN2001

    HGN2001 Mystery picture member Thread Starter

    I've run across a discussion about a secret cameo by Alfred Hitchcock in his NORTH BY NORTHWEST feature. It appears that he appeared dressed as a woman in a scene on the train.

    I'd never heard of this before, find it fascinating, and am still unsure after studying both the DVD and this webpage on the subject:


    What do the forum members here think?
  2. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    It's either him or his mother. :p

    Why, though, I'm not sure.
  3. Drifter

    Drifter AAD survivor

    Vancouver, BC, CA
    Wow, that's definitely got to be him, IMO...same famous profile, jowls and all. Neat. I remember my brother saying that he liked the fact that Hitchcock got his cameo over with early in this film. :laugh: I'll have to tell him about this.
  4. Jerry

    Jerry Grateful Gort Staff

    New England
    The reason that Hitch got his cameos over in early scenes further into his film career was this: He made his first cameo in an early movie as he needed an extra body in a scene. Viewers thought he was doing it purposely, as a little "bonus." As he made more movies, filmgoers would be anxious to see his cameo, and Hitch felt that it distracted from the film, so he got it over with earlier in later films. He also got more clever, such as inserting himself in Lifeboat in a newspaper ad, as he couldn't put himself in the boat.
  5. HGN2001

    HGN2001 Mystery picture member Thread Starter

    One theory I've seen about this floating around is that perhaps THIS was to be the official cameo in NORTH BY NORTHWEST, but later it was thought that perhaps it was too well-hidden and not obvious enough that "looking for Hitch" would become a distraction from the film, so perhaps the early missing-the-bus scene was added to get it out of the way.

  6. Gary

    Gary Nauga Gort! Staff

    We.... err.... had an incident a few years ago and apparently it's impossible to disguise one's hands.

    Look at that woman's hands. It's looks like a man's hand to me.
  7. Jerry

    Jerry Grateful Gort Staff

    New England
    Here's a list of his cameos:

    Family Plot
    In silhouette through the door of the Registrar of
    Births and Deaths, 41 minutes into the movie.


    In the center of a crowd, wearing a bowler hat, three
    minutes into the film; he is the only one not applauding the speaker.

    Being pushed in a wheelchair in an airport, half an hour in.
    Hitchcock gets up from the chair, shakes hands with a man, and walks off to the right.

    Torn Curtain
    Early in the film, sitting in the Hotel d'Angleterre
    lobby with a blond baby.

    Entering from the left of the hotel corridor after Tippi
    Hedren passes by, five minutes in.

    The Birds
    Leaving the pet shop with two white terriers as Tippi
    Hedren enters.

    Four minutes in, through Janet Leigh's window as she returns
    to her office. He is wearing a cowboy hat.

    North By Northwest
    Missing a bus during the opening credits.

    In a gray suit walking in the street, eleven minutes in.

    The Wrong Man
    Narrating the film's prologue.

    The Man Who Knew Too Much
    Watching acrobats in the Moroccan marketplace (his back to the
    camera) just before the murder.

    The Trouble With Harry
    Walking past the parked limousine of an old man who is looking
    at paintings, twenty minutes into the film.

    To Catch A Thief
    Ten minutes in, sitting to the left of Cary Grant
    on a bus.

    Rear Window
    Winding the clock in the songwriter's apartment, a half
    hour into the movie.

    Dial M for Murder
    On the left side of the class-reunion photo,
    thirteen minutes into the film.

    I Confess
    Crossing the top of a staircase after the opening credits.

    Strangers on A Train
    Boarding a train with a double bass fiddle as
    Farley Granger gets off in his hometown, early in the film.

    Stage Fright
    Turning to look at Jane Wyman in her disguise as
    Marlene Dietrich's maid.

    Under Capricorn
    In the town square during a parade, wearing a blue
    coat and brown hat, in the first five minutes. Ten minutes later, he is one of three men on the steps of Government House.

    His trademark can be seen briefly on a neon sign in the view from the apartment window, approximately 55 minutes into the movie.

    The Paradine Case
    Leaving the train and Cumberland Station,
    carrying a cello.

    At a big party in Claude Rains's mansion, drinking
    champagne and then quickly departing, an hour after the film begins.

    Coming out of an elevator at the Empire Hotel,
    carrying a violin case and smoking a cigarette, 40 minutes in.

    In the "before" and "after" pictures in the newspaper ad for Reduco Obesity Slayer.

    Shadow of A Doubt
    On the train to Santa Rosa, playing cards.


    Standing in front of Cut Rate Drugs in New York as the
    saboteur's car stops, an hour in.

    Mailing a letter at the village postbox about 45 minutes in.

    Mr. and Mrs. Smith
    Midway through, passing Robert Montgomery in front of his building.

    Foreign Correspondent
    Early in the movie, after Joel McCrea leaves his hotel, wearing a coat and hat and reading a newspaper.

    Walking near the phone booth in the final part of the film
    just after George Sanders makes a call.

    The Lady Vanishes
    Very near the end of the movie, in Victoria
    Station, wearing a black coat and smoking a cigarette.

    Young and Innocent
    Outside the courthouse, holding a camera.

    The 39 Steps
    Tossing some litter while Robert Donat and Lucie
    Mannheim run from the theater, seven minutes into the movie.

    Walking past the house where the murder was committed, about an hour into the movie.

    Being bothered by a small boy as he reads a book in
    the subway.

    Easy Virtue
    Walking past a tennis court, carrying a walking stick.

    The Lodger
    At a desk in a newsroom and later in the crowd watching an arrest.
  8. HGN2001

    HGN2001 Mystery picture member Thread Starter

    There are a few frames where one can also compare the "woman's" foot size with those around "her", and let's just say that "she" wouldn't be going to the ball in glass slippers any time soon.

  9. Drifter

    Drifter AAD survivor

    Vancouver, BC, CA
    I've always liked the cameo in "Dial M For Murder" on the class reunion photo (I got to see a screening of the movie in 3-D in the 1980s :cool: ).
  10. Jerry

    Jerry Grateful Gort Staff

    New England
    I saw that 3-D "tour" too. Very cool. I also saw the re-release premiere of Vertigo at a cool Art Deco theatre in the Castro district of San Francisco a few decades back. A large part of that movie was shot there, and when a line about "having a gay time" was delivered, the audience erupted in cheers. :D
  11. KevinP

    KevinP Forum introvert

    I saw Dial M in 3D two years ago.
    I've often wondered: how does 3D look on DVD? Does it work at all? I've never even heard of any, except for the still photos on the Harold Lloyd set.
    (Thread drift, sorry.)
  12. stereoptic

    stereoptic Anaglyphic GORT Staff

    sounds like a Hitchcock film (or more like a series episode) in itself! :)
  13. His Masters Vice

    His Masters Vice W.C. Fields Forever

    I notice there's also a theory that he has 2 cameos in Rope...
  14. His Masters Vice

    His Masters Vice W.C. Fields Forever

    He's also the guy in the street at the beginning of Rope

    Plus it seems that he had also two cameos in Under Capricorn and The Lodger


    So maybe there's other undiscovered Hitchcock cameos out there. That just has to be him in North by Northwest. I've looked at some pics of him and the hands and the ears seem to be identical. Plus the profile is pretty unmistakeable.
  15. Wow, North By Northwest is my favorite movie, and I've seen it many, many times, and hadn't noticed the woman before.
  16. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    Interesting...may have to pull out my Laserdisc of this movie tonight.
  17. Jerry

    Jerry Grateful Gort Staff

    New England
    Have you heard the story filming NBN with the little kid and the gun going off? Funny....
  18. vconsumer

    vconsumer Unapologetically 70s

    Anybody read Donald Spoto's biography of Hitchcock, The Dark Side of Genius? It's among the best biographies I've ever read. Fascinating from start to finish.
  19. JoelDF

    JoelDF Senior Member

    Prairieville, LA
    I have. Now I watch for the kid to cover his ears before the gun is fired everytime.
  20. The Panda

    The Panda Forum Mutant

    Marple, PA, USA
    I saw the 3-D SF premiere in 1980, it wasn't playing in Castro, though. Frenzy was the opener and everyone came earlier and sat through it so they would have a seat for the 3-D premiere. When the lights came up at the end of the movie, there were a hundred people in the lobby and back of the theater and NOT ONE SOUL stood up to leave. The manager quickly realized he had a major problem on his hands and maybe squeezed 1/4 of the people into the theater and started handing out refunds. I still talk about the 3-D version to my wife, wish it would come around again.
  21. The Panda

    The Panda Forum Mutant

    Marple, PA, USA
  22. HGN2001

    HGN2001 Mystery picture member Thread Starter

    Well, I think the mystery's been solved, and the seated woman on the train is not Sir Alfred, but rather character actress Jesslyn Fax in an uncredited role.

    Here's a screenshot of Jesslyn Fax as she appeared around the same time in the Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse presentation of "The Time Element" by Rod Serling, the almost-pilot to THE TWILIGHT ZONE:
  23. Derek Gee

    Derek Gee Senior Member

    It can look very good, although it depends on what system. Most 3D home video releases are anaglyph, using red and blue glasses. This type can cause eyestrain after a while for some people. The other 3D system is field-sequential video. You can buy a nice little setup at Best Buy for around $60 that includes two pair of glasses and three DVD's. Mine came with "Encounter in the Third Dimension", "Alien Adventure", and "Haunted Castle". The depth is much better but the images flicker slightly. You will need a television that is not progressive scan, or can switch to interlace in order to view these. For more info:


  24. PaulB

    PaulB Forum Resident

    I don't think that's him. He didn't have a nose like that
  25. Drifter

    Drifter AAD survivor

    Vancouver, BC, CA
    Sure he did. The pics are pixelized from being zoomed in so the nose looks a bit different, that's all.

    Jesslyn Fax was in "Rear Window" too, but I think the "woman" on the train in "North By Northwest" looks far more like Hitchcock than Fax. Fax didn't have that nose or those jowls.

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