"Independence Day" sequels coming

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Sgt. Pepper, Mar 26, 2013.

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  1. xdawg

    xdawg in labyrinths of coral caves

    Roswell, GA, USA
    It IS awsome for me. But it isn't New Mexico and I'm not 'Paul" (however, that is my brother's name :hide:)
  2. DrPhibes

    DrPhibes Vengeful Revenant and 5.1 Fanbeast

    I have a soft spot for this film because I was pleasantly surprised by Stargate. I was entertained when I first saw Independence Day, but it definitely had some serious "fridge logic" problems.

    HOWEVER. the followup was Godzilla, which was just too terrible for words. Pretty much all of their films have a tainted pallor because of that disaster.
  3. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    I can agree with both of those points. The widespread word around town was that both Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin were so stunned by the massive failure of Godzilla, this split up their creative partnership and they haven't worked together or spoken much since.
    DrPhibes likes this.
  4. So you're saying it comes off like it was scripted by Quentin Tarantino. ;)
  5. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    You're gonna give that one a pass and attack "ID4" for theft??? :eek:

    From my "Stargate" review:

    "A throwback to another era, Stargate uses the action/adventure flicks of the Thirties and Forties as its inspiration. It conveys that tone fairly well, but unfortunately, it steals from so many sources that it often comes across as ridiculously derivative. As I watched Stargate, I saw obvious evocations of Alien, Aliens, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Star Wars. Plenty more exist, but those stood out to me. At times Stargate feels more like a game of “spot the reference” than an actual movie."
  6. Luke The Drifter

    Luke The Drifter Forum Resident

    United States
    I don't know why they were surprised. They messed up the one thing you could not change-the basic look of Godzilla himself. Before the movie came out, we were all excited about such a beloved character with advanced effects. As soon as "it" appeared (I won't call it Godzilla), everyone in the theatre in unison said "what is that?"
    guppy270 likes this.
  7. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    At least they stole from fewer films!
  8. Mirrorblade.1

    Mirrorblade.1 Forum Resident

    When the Saucers came that was great And they started to blow
    up buildings the white house included that was awesome.
    Then I got really stupid, and moronic. I wanted all the major
    characters dead.
  9. Dance Mxyzptlk

    Dance Mxyzptlk Forum Resident

    Minneapolis MN USA
    One thing I've learned from watching sci-fi, when aliens invade, don't shot 'em, don't nuke 'em, just get an alpha male type to jump out of the way of their laser beams and punch 'em out.:)
  10. DrPhibes

    DrPhibes Vengeful Revenant and 5.1 Fanbeast

    I remember the fallout from the fan side. I was pretty active on the website they'd put up to promote the film, and I was excited until I saw the film on opening night. Dean Devlin was on the forums before and after the premier, and then started arguing with some of the biggest detractors. Things got ugly. Not long afterwards, the production company shut the forums down.

    This movie should have written itself. Instead they "improved" on the original myth with some bad detours. I distinctly remember a love story so odious that people literally threw things at the screen in anger. I certainly remember shouting my distaste to join the chorus of boos.

    I could have predicted the end product when I read their description of how they prepared for the film. They watched all the movies back-to-back and decided that they were really just the same movie over and over again. If you don't like the actual material, it's unlikely that you'll make a good derivative film.
  11. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    The worst were the steals from the Alien movies with the pods and the little creatures escaping and jumping on people. God, that was just horrifically awful. The audience I was with laughed, booed, or got up and left.

    The last thing writer/co-producer Dean Devlin did was Flyboys, which was a pretty big flop 6-7 years ago. Hasn't done a lot since. I don't doubt that he's made enough money to take it easy for decades.

    I can't deny that this moment in Independence Day was so outrageous, I fell down laughing. It's a moment that's so stupid, you roll your eyes at the total illogic of the whole situation, but Will Smith's snappy one-liners and great reactions are really funny. The moment where he drives up to the Area 51 gate, and the guard doesn't want to let him in until he sees his security pass, and Will just pulls off the tarp on the back of the truck to show the unconscious alien and says, "how's this?" The guy's reaction is classic.

    Here's a very snotty British guy's review of the movie (which starts about 1:20 in). I don't agree with all his conclusions, but he's in the right direction:

  12. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    I have to admit I am in awe of your disdain for Independence Day!:laugh:
  13. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    Hey, be in awe of the haughty British guy! I think he hates it more than me.
    robertawillisjr likes this.
  14. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

  15. apileocole

    apileocole Lush Life Gort

    DreadPikathulhu and benjaminhuf like this.
  16. tommy-thewho

    tommy-thewho Senior Member

    detroit, mi
    Can't afford Will now...
  17. robertawillisjr

    robertawillisjr Music Lover

    Hampton, VA
    Action flicks have been on a steep decline lately. I don't have high hopes for this one.
  18. neo123

    neo123 Senior Member

    Northern Kentucky
  19. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    looking forward to this...bring 'em on! always in for am alien invasion...as long as it's not bugs!
  20. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    I do... there will be plenty of CGI, carnage and destruction...who could ask for more?
  21. Somewhat Damaged

    Somewhat Damaged Forum Resident

    Devlin is now very successful as a show runner in TV. He did Leverage (solid con artist show I watched in its entirety) for about five years. He’s now doing The Librarians (fantasy show) which I have zero interest in.

    Emmerich’s problem is that everything is set in the ‘Hollywood movie’ universe. There is ZERO connection to real life or how real people interact – even by movie standards his stuff is too movie fake. Watch the first half hour of White House Down. It’s one big pile up of clichés that all come from other movies. No one talks or acts like this in real life. I particularly hated the look of wide-eyed wonderment on the girl’s face when the helicopter flies over her house at the start. Has anyone ever in the whole of human experience looked on in such wonderment at anything?
    Vidiot likes this.
  22. scotpagel

    scotpagel Forum Resident

    Mesa, Az
    I'm surprised at them making a sequel and would think they just will reboot it like a lot of films these days every 6 years or so they re do it and sucker us back in to watch.
  23. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

    Not Jaden Smith as son of Will Smith's character? The horror :D

    What about Bill Pullman or Mae Whitman?
  24. greenhorn

    greenhorn Forum Resident

    :agree: Loved the first one watch it multiple times a year. Can only hope the second is as entertaining.
  25. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
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