Is it worth it to watch the new season of The Walking Dead?

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by sloaches, Sep 28, 2017.

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  1. beat_truck

    beat_truck Forum Resident

    SW PA
    While I agree that the show isn't as good as it once was, it is still worth it to me to watch it and see how it plays out.
    Michael likes this.
  2. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    after all the years invested we do have to finish it...sounds like the best excuse for bad TV...
    Higlander likes this.
  3. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    it was the best season, but I'm not happy with the way Madison is going...I now call the original boring and an egofest. BUT we will watch it!
  4. theoxrox

    theoxrox Forum Resident

    central Wisconsin
    Even at its' worst, it has to be better than most of the absolute crap on TV that time of the evening.......
    Jim B. and beat_truck like this.
  5. masswriter

    masswriter Minister At Large

    New England
    Negan is more interesting than Rick, so I have no interest in seeing Negan "get his."
    Higlander likes this.
  6. Diamond Dog

    Diamond Dog Cautionary Example

    I'm keeping the new season programmed on the DVR and will see how the first few stack up. If it blows, it goes. Time is finite.
    Have skipped all the pre-premiere hype shows and stopped watching Talking Dead seasons ago.

  7. Bingo Bongo

    Bingo Bongo Music gives me Eargasms

    Ottawa, Canada
    I'm still watching, but PVR it, so that I can skip half a show of commercials.... :laughup:
  8. beat_truck

    beat_truck Forum Resident

    SW PA
    I'm almost ready to start eating my own words.:sigh:
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  9. Higlander

    Higlander Well-Known Member

    Florida, Central
    I've said this for a while. Rick should have been killed off with Carl, By Negan last Season.
    That would make for a show that literally "anything" can happen.
    As it is, the main several characters seem to be immune to being killed.

    Once an audience realizes for sure that none of the main people are really in any real danger, they lose the thrill and feeling of Peril.
    That is the point when the show lost its sense of danger.
    Kyhl likes this.
  10. Witchy Woman

    Witchy Woman Forum Resident

    Third Coast, USA
    I’ve watched it from the beginning so I can’t quit now, even if it’s not as good as it used to be, and I don’t hang on to the dialogue and every detail like I used to. I don’t want to miss what’s going to happen to Negan.
  11. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Shoot just watched the Blu Ray season 7, argh factor when disc 6 was all the extra stuff. Thought Negan ( singular) would have been the Tiger's play thing.
    Gotta wait another year for conclusion.

    16 deleted scenes could have been included BD directors cut.
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