Jethro Tull – Heavy Horses: New Shoes Edition, 5-disc set (9 February 2018)

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Daniel Falaschi, Jun 7, 2017.

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  1. anth67

    anth67 Purveyor of Hogwash

    The book edition has certainly given me a whole new appreciation for Heavy Horses, I love it now and suspect it will only endear itself more richly over time. But Songs From the Wood is never going to lose its crown for me. That collection of songs, and its performances and production are just too perfect. Easily (I think) the most accessible of the three, too, for what that's worth.

    PROGGER Forum Resident

    Honestly I could make a classic album for all 3. Stormwatch or Horses might be tied on 9/10 and Songs 8.5/10.
    Old Zorki II and anth67 like this.
  3. scompton

    scompton Forum Resident

    Arlington, VA
    Horses has always been a favorite of mine. It was my introduction. For some reason the radio stations in my area played lots of tracks off of it. They only Tull I had heard before that was Bungle in the Jungle. I bought it that summer and went to college that fall. It seemed everyone at college was huge Tull fans so I got into the rest of the albums pretty quickly.
  4. Old Zorki II

    Old Zorki II Storm Watcher

    near Tampa, FL
    I have Stormwatch first press record (US) and it sounds dull compared with Wilson remixes. So lots of possible improvements.
    I would put is a notch a two below Horses or Songs, it sounds like Ian was struggling to compile enough materials for LP. And I suspect Glascock death affected band more then Anderson wanted to admit.
    But it is still a classic Tull record.
  5. lwh1

    lwh1 Forum Resident

    Kent, England
    Finally got to open my copy of HH, enjoying a read of the excellent book. Then took out the DVD disc from the slot in the page and found it to be badly scuffed. So it's going back.
    I'm getting pretty sick of ordering pricy items and getting defective goods in return.
  6. Old Zorki II

    Old Zorki II Storm Watcher

    near Tampa, FL
    Mine was scuffed (concert one, not audio) as well, apparently it affects almost all boxes. It did not affect playback of mine.
  7. Glascock died after the album sessions had concluded and the album was released in Sept, 1979. His ill health prevented him from contributing to more than a few songs on the album, but I believe his death was unexpected by all when it happened. It likely did impact the moral of that tour, as Barrie was pretty upset about his passing and his belief that Ian did not treat him fairly.
    Old Zorki II likes this.
  8. Old Zorki II

    Old Zorki II Storm Watcher

    near Tampa, FL
    Yes, you are correct, perhaps I should word it as "very ill and not contributing due to poor health". His death was unexpected, but he contributed to only 3 songs on the record, and I believe it affected overall album quality.
    Pete Puma likes this.
  9. Catbirdman

    Catbirdman Forum Resident

    I think that would be a bad idea, because reports were from just about everyone that the DVD was scuffed, and it did not affect playback. Seriously, I think this was the case for every set released. I know it's the case for me.

    So if you return it, you won't get a better replacement, and you likely will get no replacement at all seeing as how these are pretty much gone. I strongly advise you accept the situation and soldier on.
  10. pbuzby

    pbuzby Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, US
    Barlow said he was planning to leave Tull after the Stormwatch tour to start a new band with Glascock, who was able to play guitar although no longer playing bass due to circulation problems, so yes, I think his death was unexpected.
    Pete Puma and Old Zorki II like this.
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Mastering Engineer

    Toulouse, France
    ^ This. The scuffs do not affect play.
    Haggis Wampovich likes this.

    PROGGER Forum Resident

    Well return it and miss out. They’ll sell out. You ever heard of a cloth? :cool:
  13. electronicpaperboy

    electronicpaperboy Forum Resident

    Correct, a visible flaw was on all discs. This does not effect playback, you would be wasting your time.
  14. yesstiles

    yesstiles Senior Member

    It skips?
  15. electronicpaperboy

    electronicpaperboy Forum Resident

    I hope more Glascock material comes out of this Stormwatch boxset. Anyone know if anything was left out other than stuff which appeared on the original album?
  16. Daniel Falaschi

    Daniel Falaschi Live detective Thread Starter

    The BBC documentary shows the band recording Dark Ages with John.
    Keith V and electronicpaperboy like this.
  17. Kim Olesen

    Kim Olesen Gently weeping guitarist.

    Odense Denmark.
    Reportedly they did record stuff that was shelved before Stormwatch. A situation not unlike Chateau/APP or the tracks from Nightcap that lie inbetween A and Broadsword.
    electronicpaperboy likes this.
  18. John Buchanan

    John Buchanan I'm just a headphone kind of fellow. Stax Sigma

    See post #2756. There was a thread about it. All seem to play normally.
  19. anth67

    anth67 Purveyor of Hogwash

    If memory serves, "Blues Instrumental" on the 20-Years box features Glascock from this period.

    (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Maybe King Henry's Madrigal, too (?)
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2018
    Keith V likes this.
  20. electronicpaperboy

    electronicpaperboy Forum Resident

  21. Deek57

    Deek57 Forum Resident

    My disc is good, no scuff marks, the disc envelope isn't really tight enough to cause a scuff anyway the inner surface is super smooth. But to be on the safe side I moved the disc to the tray and put one of the Berne discs in the envelope.
  22. pbuzby

    pbuzby Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, US
    Images for Jethro Tull - 20 Years Of Jethro Tull - The Definitive Collection

    According to this, "Crossword," "Kelpie" and "Blues Instrumental" had Glascock on bass while "King Henry's Madrigal" was Dave Pegg.
    anth67 and Keith V like this.

    PROGGER Forum Resident

    Will be an awesome set. Wilson needs to keep doing Tull albums until the end of the 80s :D
  24. stenway

    stenway Forum Resident

  25. Norco74

    Norco74 For the good and the not so good…

    This is insane especially for unsealed items.

    I would go with the single remix cd and wait a few years for used box pricing to go down.

    Eventually the used market will get saturated with these or they might be reissued in some other format.

    Who knows what’s coming after they complete all of the albums remixes?
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