Kate Bush - Live shows 2014!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by dunkrag, Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. Cloudbuster

    Cloudbuster Forum Resident

    United Kingdom
  2. Chris DeVoe

    Chris DeVoe RIP Vickie Mapes Williams (aka Equipoise)

    A bit of information about why this particular theater: It was formerly the Hammersmith Odeon, which was the final date of the Tour of Life.
  3. pghmusiclover

    pghmusiclover Senior Member

    ...probably since I've always sucked at math. What I was trying to say is why does it have to be on increments of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, etc.)?
  4. Cloudbuster

    Cloudbuster Forum Resident

    United Kingdom
    He does love his numbers. :D
    ConnieGuitar likes this.
  5. Chris DeVoe

    Chris DeVoe RIP Vickie Mapes Williams (aka Equipoise)

    Kate always has some reason for her choices, though they may never be clear to we mere mortals.
  6. Thurenity

    Thurenity Listening to some tunes

    Lucky for those of you in or near London!

    scobb and drivingfrog like this.
  7. Classicrock

    Classicrock Senior Member

    South West, UK.
    Pity she didn't wait another 15 years so we could have got their easily on HS2. 15 concerts in London is plain daft and it's not even at the 02 but Hammersmith. This should have been at Birmingham NEC if one location is essential.
    hodgo likes this.
  8. ConnieGuitar

    ConnieGuitar Here in my balloon...

    People will be flying in from all over the world for this - I actually feel somewhat bad for UK folks because it inevitably means some are going to get shut out because of slobs like me coming from elsewhere.

    If there was only a disclaimer of "more [int'l] dates to be announced...." or similar, I'd gladly sit back. But without it? Not a chance... My apologies in advance!
    theMess and Thurenity like this.
  9. gregorya

    gregorya I approve of this message

    Kate loves numbers too...

    pi symbol.png
    Cloudbuster likes this.
  10. Chris DeVoe

    Chris DeVoe RIP Vickie Mapes Williams (aka Equipoise)

    This is designed to be easy and non-stressful for Kate. Two shows, followed by a day off, another two days, followed by two days off, rinse, repeat. This is what you do if you don't like touring. I'm sure she has already purchased a very nice place right near the venue.
    APH and theMess like this.
  11. ConnieGuitar

    ConnieGuitar Here in my balloon...

    Seems you think I was being critical? As *everyone* in this thread already appreciates, this is an unexpected gift and no one (at least I'm sure as hell not) asking for or expecting anything more from her.

    Which is why the stomach churning, penny counting and online airfare searches have already started!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  12. nikh33

    nikh33 Senior Member

    Liverpool, England
    It was great. Little did we suspect that she would wait 35 years until her next live show!
    theMess likes this.
  13. Thurenity

    Thurenity Listening to some tunes

    Can't afford to go to London (trust me, I considered it). My only consolation is that, if she does manage to tour the US she'd likely play NYC. But I'm not holding my breath. :(
  14. Chris DeVoe

    Chris DeVoe RIP Vickie Mapes Williams (aka Equipoise)

    Huh? I was being critical of Kate. I wish she had a bit more of a work ethic. Most of us don't have the option of taking a year off to "recharge our batteries".

    I have to figure out how to do this. My wife and I have never seen Kate live in concert, apart from the little song she sang at the Kate Bush Club Convention.
  15. ConnieGuitar

    ConnieGuitar Here in my balloon...

    Apologies - I read your prior comment as you thought I was criticizing her for not doing more! :o Carry on....

    And "a year to recharge" - heh - I had just started working at Sony Music when The Red Shoes was released and *that* felt like it had been an eternity after The Sensual World had come out. Silly us - who knew we'd have a 8-year wait after that to look forward to!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  16. R. Totale

    R. Totale The Voice of Reason

    I remember a joint interview with Fripp and Eno right after their first collaboration came out, and when asked about touring one of them (Eno I think) said he didn't like playing live at all, and they both agreed they hated touring, so maybe they'd rent a theater somewhere and play every night for a few weeks and let the audience do the touring part for a change. Looks like Kate's trying it out.
  17. butch

    butch Senior Member

    Begging,stealing,borrowing and cajoling will get some of us to London.;) I know that many of us will do anything to see Kate perform live and it's justified after so many years of Kate abstaining from the concert stage . I hope she is considering some concerts abroad particularly in in NYC possibly at Radio City or anywhere else for that matter. I know that her faithful US cult will be out in full force if that happens. Well many of them will go to London anyway.....

    Then again the London shows are like Kate doing a stint in Vegas isn't it? Albeit a truncated version of one.Though I couldn't see her play Vegas at all. Then again Kate in Vegas would be quite the trip.
  18. Classicrock

    Classicrock Senior Member

    South West, UK.
    Kate is too cool to play Vegas. The ultimate sell out.
  19. drivingfrog

    drivingfrog Calm down, have some dip.

    Los Angeles
    Coachella 2015.

  20. recoverydog

    recoverydog Forum Resident

    I'm seriously putting aside my fear and hate of flying and going. I just don't think she'll make it to the US. Dream come true sort of show.
    drivingfrog and theMess like this.
  21. butch

    butch Senior Member

    Elvis was too cool to play Vegas and he sold out!;) As I had stated :"Though I couldn't see her play Vegas at all." I don't think she would do this just for a paycheck and a Vegas gig would be exactly that. Then again I can't see Steve Wynn or some other Las Vegas entrepreneur offering her a gazillion dollars to do that anyway. She's a cult artist in America so unlike Elton John or Celine Dion she doesn't have the "commercial " viability to do such a gig in America to begin with.
  22. theMess

    theMess Forum Resident

    Kent, UK
    Has there been any mention of what her setlist will include? Is this promotion for an upcoming album, or more of a 'greatest songs' show?
  23. Squealy

    Squealy Forum Hall Of Fame

    It was 12 years!
  24. ConnieGuitar

    ConnieGuitar Here in my balloon...

    Sorry - you are right - my mind is admitted not on math today!
  25. houston

    houston Forum Resident

    Dallas, Texas, USA
    I would love to see Kate.. I hope Hell will freeze over so I can
    Thurenity likes this.
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