Movies you can watch over and over

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Chrome_Head, Dec 30, 2019.

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  1. Wildest cat from montana

    Wildest cat from montana Humble Reader

    ontario canada
    I ' m right behind you , daddy-O. But we won't even have to own any movies. We will just assume we've already seen them and just forgot.
    ssmith3046 and Vinyl is final like this.
  2. Vinyl is final

    Vinyl is final Not Insane - I have a sense of humor

    South central, KY
    That is actually very interesting. It was one of my all time favorite movies and I was very excited to get it on DVD a couple of decades ago. Yet I've only tried to watch it once, and didn't get all the way through. The only thing I can think of is that my wife wasn't into it and, truth be told, there are so many other great movies that have been created since then that the competition is too fierce.

    Same thing happened with It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, though I did finally watch it all the way through.
  3. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    It was such a great cast and all of them in their prime. Wonderful musical score. I saw it at the movies when I was kid when it was released and it's been a favorite ever since.
    Chrome_Head likes this.
  4. Wildest cat from montana

    Wildest cat from montana Humble Reader

    ontario canada
    " My girlfriend's a vegetarian which pretty much makes me a vegetarian..."
    --- Samuel L Jackson in ' Pulp Fiction '
    wrappedinsky and Vinyl is final like this.
  5. Wildest cat from montana

    Wildest cat from montana Humble Reader

    ontario canada
    I saw it in the theatre for the first time when I was about 10. Loved it! Lots of action! Good guys and bad guys ! War! No icky girls !
    ssmith3046 likes this.
  6. NettleBed

    NettleBed Forum Transient

    new york city
    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    Big Lebowski
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  7. Lightworker

    Lightworker Forum Resident

    Deep Texas
    The Maltese Falcon
    Ruggles Of Red Gap
    The Big Clock
    To Have And To Have Not
    Rio Bravo
    The Searchers
    Forbidden Planet (except for the 'Tasmanian Devil' attack)
    Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
    Black Orpheus
    The Wild Bunch
    The Birds
    Peeping Tom
    Dr. Strangelove
    A Hard Day's Night
    Don't Look Back
    The President's Analyst
    Dirty Harry (1971)
    The Harder They Come
    Death Wish (1974)
    Taxi Driver
    Alien (1979)
    Red Dawn (1984)
    Heartbreak Ridge
    Die Hard (1988)
    The Big Lebowski
    True Romance
    Tremors (1990)
    Pulp Fiction
    Open Range
    Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
    Jackie Brown
    The Rundown (2003)
    Team America: World Police
    The Runaways
    Lawless (2012)
    Once Upon A Time...In Hollywood
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
  8. mmars982

    mmars982 Forum Resident

    Pittsburgh, PA
    Godfather I & II
    Shawshank Redemption
    Star Wars (original trilogy & the sequels)
    The Jerk
    Many Christmas movies

    Probably others, but these are the first off of the top of my head.
    HaileyMcComet and Hyacinth House like this.
  9. Vinyl is final

    Vinyl is final Not Insane - I have a sense of humor

    South central, KY
    One of my favorite lines in the movie, and yeah...

    My wife and I like to play the game "Movie?". It's completely random. One of us will say a line from one of the movies we own and say, "Movie?" and the other has to guess.

    e.g. I might say, "I'm a chain! Movie?" And my wife will say, "Steel Magnolias." We've both gotten almost too good at it.
  10. jbmcb

    jbmcb Forum Resident

    Troy, MI, USA
    The Sting

    When I worked at a video rental store in college, I would put on Quiz Show when I opened Sundays. It had a good soundtrack, some funny parts I could watch, and only one part with swearing so it didn't bother the few customers that came in that much.

    The only problem is, usually, someone would ask what movie it was then want to rent it because it "looked good." It was our only copy, so I'd have to take it out of the player and rewind it to rent it out. Then they'd come back that afternoon and complain that it was boring.
  11. kevinsinnott

    kevinsinnott Forum Coffeeologist

    Chicago, IL USA
    My short, from-memory list:
    1. The Sixth Sense - My favorite repeatable horror film. Shyamalan made one other film that's even better, in my opinion and just as repeatable.
    2. Unbreakable - My favorite Bruce Willis film and a reinvention of the superhero film. Too bad Glass didn't (for me) capture the magic.
    3. Glengarry Glen Ross - A Male Weeper. That's what I told my wife after we watched it. And it is, but it's a great one. Every actor is perfect in their part. i don't care if you're in sales or not, we all have to face the same things in life.
    4. Live Free; Die Hard - My favorite of the franchise. I know the first one is supposed to be best, even a Christmas film to boot, but I actually like this one best.
    5. Galaxy Quest - I just can't stop laughing at it. I'm not even a big Star Trek fan, but I simply enjoy it from beginning to end.
    6. It's a Wonderful Life - I actually used to hate this (Uncle Billy's memory issues made me self-conscious) but my daughter-in-law, whom I love, insists on seeing it once per year and I've grown to appreciate its many virtues.
    7. Beyond Tomorrow - My real favorite Christmas film - actually it's a redemption tale, which foreshadows It's a Wonderful Life, produced by Lee Garmes, Gone with the Wind's original cinematographer, whose eerie lighting and economical camera setups and special effects (it is a ghost story) really tackle some story elements and scenes I'm more used to seeing in pre-code 1930s films, but somehow make this the darkest of all holiday classics. Avoid the colorized version, not only for its compromised visual effect but because two important scenes are cut.
    8. The Third Miracle - Very personal to me, but a great Ed Harris performance as a troubled Catholic priest. Shot like an indie film in Canada (to resemble Chicago), but powerful story.
    9. Citizen Kane - Being a sound guy, I can't help but love this film for its audio, including the moody Bernard Herrmann score.
    10. The Saboteur - Hitchcock never got better than this. Part of its charm might be Dorothy Parker's charming little scenes, including the lovers' fight scene (which features both Hitchcock and Parker in cameos) and the circus performers. But, the sweeping Edward Weston-like cinematography and American West travelogue add to make this his biggest film ever, although I know other films are more well known.
  12. hbbfam

    hbbfam Forum Resident

    Godfather (s)
    Shawshank Redemption
    The Sting (still love that ending)
    The Hustler
    Maltese Falcon/Big Sleep
    Big Lebowski
    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence
    White Heat
    Pulp Fiction
  13. Good Vibes

    Good Vibes Forum Resident

    Houston, Tx, USA
    Shawshank Redemption
    The Usual Suspects
    Forrest Gump
    A Soldier’s Story
    Million Dollar Baby
    HaileyMcComet and Chrome_Head like this.
  14. skisdlimit

    skisdlimit Forum Resident

    Bellevue, WA
    20 re-watchable films for me that come to mind (in no particular order):

    The Blues Brothers
    Road House
    The Producers (1968)
    Star Wars (1977)
    The Wizard of Oz
    Kind Hearts and Coronets
    Auntie Mame
    Scrooge (1951)
    Duck Soup
    Rear Window
    The Bad News Bears (1976)
    Halloween (1978)
    This is Spinal Tap
    The Road Warrior
    The Terminator
    Conan the Barbarian
    Sleeping Beauty
    The Big Lebowski
    HaileyMcComet and Chrome_Head like this.
  15. Strat-Mangler

    Strat-Mangler Personal Survival Daily Record-Breaker

    Amazing performances from all involved. It's the anti-wife movie. No women whatsoever, tons of foul language and sexual innuendos (and not so subtle ones), a topic that is dry, and a denouement most wouldn't care for.

    It pretty much is a movie that embodies what my wife would never watch in a million years. :D
    Lightworker and Chrome_Head like this.
  16. DetroitDoomsayer

    DetroitDoomsayer Forum Middle Child

    Detroit, Michigan
    A Few off the top of my head.

    Barry Lyndon (my favorite Kubrick)
    Safety Last
    Come Drink With Me
    Dragon Inn
    Star Wars: A New Hope
    Valley Girl
    The Red Balloon
    Gregory's Girl
    The Bride Of Frankenstein
    Annie Hall
    The Gay Divorcee
  17. Anthology123

    Anthology123 Senior Member

    Basil Rathbone-Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes films
    Die Hard 4
    Event Horizon
    Spirited Away
    Starship Troopers
    Clear and Present Danger

    I like watching that last one all the time, but even more now, as it seems to parody current events of government.
    HaileyMcComet likes this.
  18. NettleBed

    NettleBed Forum Transient

    new york city
    Forgot to put Trading Places on my list. I probably watched it a couple of dozen times on tape back in the '80s.
    DiBosco likes this.
  19. Luvtemps

    Luvtemps Forum Resident

    Most movies in my collection get viewed once a year,but there are some exceptions..Spiderman-Batman Begins-Hidden Figures-Deadpool-Malcolm X-Get On Up-Magnificent Seven[both versions]-Enter The Dragon-Sherlock Holmes-Hang Em High-Do The Right Thing-Breakfast At Tiffany's-The Devil At Four O'Clock-Claudine.
  20. Paul Gase

    Paul Gase Everything is cheaper than it looks.

    My Cousin Vinny
    Naked Gun

    I’m sure there’s more. Happy New Year.
    Lightworker, razerx and blutiga like this.
  21. LeBon Bush

    LeBon Bush Hound of Love

    You'll love it, it's a wonderful and very rewatchable film! Also on my list:
    Victoria (2015)
    Most Kubrick films, in particular 2001, Clockwork Orange and The Shining
    Reservoir Dogs
    Sweet Smell Of Success
    Chrome_Head and Lightworker like this.
  22. Lightworker

    Lightworker Forum Resident

    Deep Texas
    An all-time classic David Mamet adaptation. She should probably steer clear of Oleanna too.
    Ghostworld likes this.
  23. Jerrika

    Jerrika Mysterious Ways

    The new version of Little Women is one of those movies too. I plan to buy it in the spring.
    Chris DeVoe likes this.
  24. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member


    It would have been better if Cliff Dalton had played McQueen’s role.
    Chris DeVoe likes this.
  25. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member

    Lol. No, show her Oleana! And then you can both curl up and relax to Edmund.
    Lightworker likes this.
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