Paul Feig's 'Ghostbusters' Reboot

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Roger Meadows, Jan 28, 2015.

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  1. I shudder to think about Hudson and Murray's cameos. But I heard Weaver is in it. Why would she cameo in this but turn down Ghostbusters: The Videogame which turned out to be an excellent sequel?
    Beamish13 likes this.
  2. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

  3. For anyone who missed out:
    Michael likes this.
  4. I'm totally guessing though. I had the same response that you did when I saw it. I think Aykroyd may even be the villain if it isn't Murray (who is rumored to either be the villain or gets killed).
    Michael likes this.
  5. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    it struck me immediately! hey, that's Dan! looking forward to see this on home video...
  6. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    thanks... that was great!
  7. Bryan

    Bryan Starman Jr.

    Berkeley, CA

    And personally I do think there's some level of misogyny involved, though I don't think it's intentional or conscious on James' part. I guess we'll never know, but I feel like there's a pretty good chance that he wouldn't be boycotting if it were a male cast.
  8. I dunno about him, but I absolutely would. When the rumors started I assumed it would be: Seth Rogan, Jesse Esienberg, Channing Tatum and 4th unfunny current day actor (Jonah Hill?). I thought the female cast would be one thing that could save the project. Alas...
  9. frozen-beach

    frozen-beach Forum Resident

    It's always misogyny isn't it when it comes to criticism towards the Ghostbusters remake, isn't? It's impossible to actually have criticism about the movie that doesn't revolve around the female cast, right? Garbage. I'm tired of people painting people misogynist when it isn't there. I've been labeled a misogynist over this crap before when I've criticized it and none of my issues have ever had anything to do with female cast. This movie looks like crap. It looks like a sequel to a Scooby Doo movie. And if the trailers aren't properly representative of the final product, then someone isn't doing their damn job.

    James made this video for his fans. His fans know he's a major Ghostbusters fan. He got tons and tons of emails asking him to review the game, which he did. Whose to say he wasn't getting tons and tons of emails asking if he was gonna review the movie or even the trailer? He reviewed the newest Godzilla trailer. Why? Because it was the franchise close to his heart, same with Ghostbusters.

    The entire production of this movie was a ridiculous. It turned from a sequel starring the original cast, to a remake starring new people. Of course Ghostbusters fans are gonna be bitter about it. They were strung along for years, teased over and over until Harold Ramis died and it became a remake nobody really wanted.

    The only way this movie could have been worse was had it been a stoner comedy with Seth Rogen

    Also, the script for the movie has been leaked online for a while, and the trailers have confirmed it to be legitimate.

    edit: also, his video was a lead in to this one

    And James is right when he says "...descended into garbage" at the beginning of this video because the entire situation surrounding this remake is garbage.

    Sorry if I sound bitter or hostile, but I admittedly have been angry over this situation because the level of harassment James is getting is ridiculous, some real low blows from people who are "journalist" saying things like "His wife must be a gold digger!"
    Last edited: May 20, 2016
  10. It's funny cuz it's true.
  11. What this fella is missing is the fact that Reitman, Aykroyd, Ramis, & Murray all had stakes or claims in the franchise and that permission from all four was needed to move forward with anything using the Ghostbusters license. So why has this new project moved forward? The Sony leaks seem shed light on that.

    He's also wrong about the project being able to work without Murray/Venkman. No way. No how.
  12. frozen-beach

    frozen-beach Forum Resident

    I'm not even sure If James was even aware of the information surrounding Ghostbusters with the Sony leaks, especially since he didn't even mention that Sony considered suing Bill Murray if he didn't play ball.

    Also, I agree.
  13. Probably not. But I thought it was common knowledge for years about the four having stakes in the license and that what's been stopping the project has always been Murray's vote. Then apparently something forced their hands recently to give up all creative control. I don't know the details, but I think Murray went soft due to the quality of the game and that gave Sony enough leverage to kick the door in.

    I met Murray once. And I was gonna beg him to always abstain from letting them do GB3 because by 2009 (when we met) studios weren't showing capabilities of treating properties well, but I got a vibe that he already knew the project would be mutilated so I didn't mention it. He may've also figured the game finally closed the chapter and did so well. Dunno.
    Last edited: May 20, 2016
  14. HiredGoon

    HiredGoon Forum Resident

    I watched the first two trailers ... can't really understand what the wailing is about. A polite yawn is all it evokes from me, since it's a remake and I've already seen the original enough times. There's nothing there to justify anything other than apathy, IMHO.

  15. It's a different story across the ocean, bud.
  16. Texastoyz

    Texastoyz Forum Resident

    Texas, USA
  17. I'm afraid to read it. But a more apt title would 'Paul Feig Should Be So Over the Remake/Reboots Backlash to 'Ghostbusters'. The "sexist" thing is pure damage control (even though, yes, there are sexist goofballs on the internet.)

    EDIT: I clicked the link; read the first sentence and immediately closed the link. I wonder what he thinks of females who aren't interested in the movie.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
  18. Bryan

    Bryan Starman Jr.

    Berkeley, CA
    This is why I can't take James Rolfe seriously over his refusal to review the new Ghostbusters:

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows »

    He'll pay to see and review complete garbage like the new TMNT movie, but Ghostbusters is somehow a bridge too far. You can't tell me there isn't some underlying misogyny at play there.
  19. Mister Charlie

    Mister Charlie "Music Is The Doctor Of My Soul " - Doobie Bros.

    Aromas, CA USA
    Bill Murray loves the new movie.
  20. Gems-A-Bems

    Gems-A-Bems Forum Resident

    The Duke City
    Exactly. I think that is why people are taking the active hate against it as being based in some kind of gender bias.
  21. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Agree completely. It's not like this is the first modern remake of an old property that blatantly copies the original without adding anything new creatively. It's not like it's even the 100th. And it's not like the original Ghostbusters was Citizen Kane anyway. I see nothing here to justify the level of vitriol and outrage in the pre-release criticism, which seems a ridiculous overreaction given that hundreds of other similar remakes get a pass. I don't know that I'm ready to buy into the misogyny theory, but I can certainly understand why people are looking for some explanation for the disproportionately hostile reaction to this film.
  22. James Cameron loved the newest Terminator.

    It's pretty rare for anyone not to love the project they're working on when doing press rounds for its release. If Billy Murray still says he loves the movie five or six years from now when the hoopla dies down, then I'll believe him. Until then he's (most likely) under contract to nice things as is everyone involved with promoting a film ever.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  23. Implying it's misogyny is a bridge too far. You can't just infer it because you want to. I haven't heard him insinuate anything about not wanting female leads. He obviously just has higher standard/regards for the Ghostbusters property. Simple as that.
    Drifter likes this.
  24. Some people just really like Ghostbusters. That's it. It doesn't need to be Citizen Kane. Some people are crazy for Star Wars. Some properties are just like that and this one is obviously one of them, whether or not it's silly doesn't change the fact that some people just want certain properties left alone. Back to the Future is another. And I guarantee the same backlash when its inevitable remake happens and I guarantee the same calculated change in lead casting from the studios to try and combat the (genuine) criticisms. The lead will be female/ethnic maybe even gay. Something exploitable and able to shield from the backlash. Check back to this post in a few years.
  25. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Yeah, I get that. But some people also really like The Three Stooges, or National Lampoon's Vacation, or The Pink Panther films, etc. I just don't understand why this particular film is on the receiving end of so much more vitriol than any one of the hundreds of other similar remakes over the past 30-some years. Question for you... do you think there'd be less hostility if they'd gone the sequel route rather than remake... ie, having Aykroyd appear as an aged Ray Stanz, passing on the franchise to a new group?

    Have to say, a BTTF remake now would actually be kind of interesting, because the passage of time would force them to change the story rather than doing an outright copy. The "30 years ago" past era would be the mid-80s...
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