Peppa Pig

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Panama Hotel, Sep 24, 2018.

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  1. Panama Hotel

    Panama Hotel in transit to the Mars Thread Starter

    anyone else watching? I got into it whilst on the elliptical trainer at the's drawn me in, over time.
    MikaelaArsenault and ajsmith like this.
  2. JAuz

    JAuz Forum Resident

    For people that have kids of a certain age, the answer is most likely "yes".
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
  3. Jason Manley

    Jason Manley Senior Member

    My twin girls adored that show, once upon a time. They are well past it (nearly 10 y/o) but it was a "big deal" in my house 5-6 years ago.
    johnny q likes this.
  4. unclefred

    unclefred Coastie with the Moastie

    Oregon Coast
    Anything would be better than the unrelenting, whining Caillou.

    BLUESJAZZMAN I Love Blues, Jazz, Rock, My Son & Honest People

    Essex , England.
    My Son is now 8 so he has grown out of it but from the age of about 2 until he was 5 that is all we had on TV. I've actually been to Peppa Pig world which was quite an experience!!!
    Panama Hotel likes this.
  6. The Hud

    The Hud Breath of the Kingdom, Tears of the Wild

    Haven't seen the show, but my son has some really stupid Peppa Pig books.

    I think a lot of writers of childrens' books don't have kids, and therefore don't understand that little kids like having the same book read over and over, and watching the same show over and over. Otherwise, why would they make characters that are so annoying? I don't get it.
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  7. SquishySounds

    SquishySounds Yo mama so fat Thanos had to snap twice.

    New York
    We’re a Dinotrux household
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  8. Solaris

    Solaris a bullet in flight

    New Orleans, LA
    My five year old niece is a big fan. She pronounced the word "banana" with a British accent ("ba-nah-nah") for the longest time because she was hearing it on the show that way. I was sad when she started saying it with an American accent!
  9. jazon

    jazon A fight between the blue you once knew

    my son watches it from time to time. it cracks me up sometimes. "ello, ello, ello" ... "this is how a police officer says hello"
  10. The Hud

    The Hud Breath of the Kingdom, Tears of the Wild

    Haven't seen that one yet. We watch:

    PJ Masks
    Llama Llama
    Boss Baby (TV Show and the movie)
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  11. hbbfam

    hbbfam Forum Resident

    Watch w my granddaughter Animation is simplistic but concepts are appropriate for four yr olds and 63 y.o
  12. x2zero

    x2zero Forum Resident

    Brooklyn USA
    Big fans in our house, also Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom, created by the same folks
    BLUESJAZZMAN likes this.
  13. fishcane

    fishcane Dirt Farmer

    Finger Lakes,NY
    Love it... its right up my alley......the subtle adult British sardonics are just enough to crack me up every the kids love it so win win
    Panama Hotel likes this.
  14. Jeff Kent

    Jeff Kent Forum Resident

    Mt. Kisco, NY
    Not anymore, but plenty a few years ago.
  15. jbmcb

    jbmcb Forum Resident

    Troy, MI, USA
    My kids used to be into Peppa Pig. It's a well made kids show. Some bits had me laughing out loud.

    Papa answers the phone - someone starts speaking to him in French.
    "I think there's something wrong with the telephone!" he blurts out. LOL!
  16. E.Baba

    E.Baba Forum Resident

    It got banned in China because they didn't like to show kids that it was fun to play in mud.
  17. SquishySounds

    SquishySounds Yo mama so fat Thanos had to snap twice.

    New York
    One episode is banned in Australia. It’s about how spiders can’t hurt you and they’re friendly. Makes sense in the UK but Australia has very different spiders (and they do hurt people).
    Category: | Herald Sun
    MikaelaArsenault, Phil147 and E.Baba like this.
  18. Mistermono

    Mistermono Forum Resident

    Toronto, Canada
    It's no Clangers.
  19. sotosound

    sotosound Forum Resident

    It's not trying to be that.

    What it does is cleverly observe how young children and especially young siblings behave, all wrapped up in situations such as picnics and gardening, that are nothing special for adults but that are huge firsts for young children.

    Little things such as leaving a teddy bear behind must surely chime with lots of adults.

    And it's all wrapped up in gentle humour. Love it!
    Panama Hotel likes this.
  20. Mistermono

    Mistermono Forum Resident

    Toronto, Canada
    Thanks. I get that. I mean it's not classic British children's programming IMO. YMMV.

    We live in Canada and my daughter has Clangers toys and a stuffed Bagpuss that she sleeps with at night. She was never much for Peppa (and the Paw Patrol phase was brief, thank God). These days Teen Titans is her fave, but over the weekend she asked to watch the Schoolhouse Rock DVD.
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  21. sotosound

    sotosound Forum Resident

    If you have issues with Peppa Pig then don't even think about watching "In The Night Garden". I think the makers of that were high on something at the time. :nyah:
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  22. Mistermono

    Mistermono Forum Resident

    Toronto, Canada
    I draw the line at Teletubbies and Rastamouse.
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  23. MikeInFla

    MikeInFla Glad to be out of Florida

    Kalamazoo, MI
    It's a little sad when the youngest outgrows Nick Jr. Our youngest will be 9 soon and no longer watches that channel but if we see Peppa on we will watch it and all of us enjoy it. I also like Yo-Gabba-Gabba. These days our 9 year old is more into The Loud House or The Amazing World Of Gumball. Which is fine because I like those too.
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  24. mdphunk

    mdphunk Sharing in the groove

    Northern VA
    My 3.5yo daughter is obsessed with it. They do a great job of catering some of the humor towards adults, like the narrator constantly stating the obvious when the characters are wrong about something (similar to "Arrested Development").
    Panama Hotel likes this.
  25. forthlin

    forthlin Member Chris & Vickie Cyber Support Team

    Peppa was pretty popular with the grandkids (now 5 1/2 and 7) but they've pretty much moved on(though the 7 yr old insists on making the snorting noise._ Their current favorite is "The Greatest Showman." They will watch that on an endless loop but occasionally a Disney Junior show grabs their attention.
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