Post cool, weird, bad, or otherwise interesting album covers from YOUR collection

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by scotto, Dec 17, 2007.

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  1. billygtexas

    billygtexas Forum Resident

    Kilgore Texas, USA
    A couple more..

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  2. Zeroninety

    Zeroninety Forum Resident

    Did that Puff and Toot cover give anyone else Dark Tower flashbacks?

    "Blaine is a pain, and that's the truth."
  3. Beatle Buddies. As awful as the expressions on the band are,
    the note on the back "says it all"

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  4. Excellent Flamenco album art. A customer saw me photographing it
    and called it a "real eye popper"

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  5. dgsinner

    dgsinner New Member

    Far East
    Actually, I've always wondered why this is such a sleeper. You're the first person I've encountered in decades who knows about it, let alone being someone related to a band member.

    Do you know anything about the background for the cover art? Based on the cover, you might think there was some kind of hard rock inside, sort of like the UK band The Gun on that album with Race With The Devil, the one with the Roger Dean depiction of hell.

    I always got the impression that the cover art was meant to tie in with a theme somewhere in the album, but all I have are theories.

  6. reb

    reb Money Beats Soul

    Long Island

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  7. Craig

    Craig (unspecified) Staff

    North of Seattle
    Sorry I can't give you any information on that. He lived in Denver and I lived up in the Pacific Northwest. I hadn't seen him in about 10 years until 1970 when I was in the Air Force and spent some time training in Denver. I think it was his mom (my aunt) who actually gave me a copy of the album then. He was probably about ten years older than me and (before Beast) had also been in the service - playing in the Air Force band.

    Did you ever run into this page?
  8. What - no love for the Beatle Buddies here????? (laughing)
  9. TLMusic

    TLMusic Musician & record collector

    But you didn't tell is if it is a tube or solid state cut. Matrix numbers, please. And, does the LP sound better than the remaster?:)
  10. dgsinner

    dgsinner New Member

    Far East
    No, but that's a great looking resource. Thanks.

    I have their first album, but don't remember being all that impressed with it. "Higher and Higher" though, has stellar vocal mixes, superior, jazzy lead guitar and organ and the whole album has a sort of weird, mysterious and perhaps quasi-religious vibe to it. One of my all time favorite albums (super short, too -- I think it's about a 28-minute lp) that so few people have ever heard or showed any interest in.

  11. chewy

    chewy Forum Resident

    West Coast USA

    oh god, i know: classical music used to be CRAZY!!!
  12. Solaris

    Solaris a bullet in flight

    New Orleans, LA
    I can't pass these things up in the thrift stores...

    The Music For Casual Affairs album is just a sleeve with a 12-inch round piece of black cardboard that says "I bought this album for you as a gift...sorry, I couldn't afford the record!" On the back there's a list of "suggested titles, suitable for enclosure in this album cover": Let's Do It, Back in the Saddle Again, On Top of Old Smoky, Hard Ain't It Hard, Down in the Valley, etc.

    The Tony Perkins album is from 1958. It's impossible to imagine such a thing existing after 1960 isn't it? The Odd Couple album makes sense, actually, in a weird kind of way, and I like the Les Baxter and David Carroll covers so much that I had them framed on the wall for years.

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  13. Solaris

    Solaris a bullet in flight

    New Orleans, LA
    Three more, and the Gary Burghof LP is autographed! :laugh: I know you're all jealous, try to control yourselves. The Katie Lee LP is pretty well known, a still-clever rip on pop psychology that makes me smile every time I put it on.

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  14. I may knock the ball out of the park with this one.

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  15. sbroache

    sbroache Forum Resident

    Richmond, Virginia
    oh boy...
  16. quicksrt

    quicksrt Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    Skillet and Leroy - airbrushed out some test

    crazy comedy album on Laff Records

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  17. Baz P

    Baz P Active Member

    Charles Trenet "live". Worth getting for the superb rendition of "La Mer" - the original of Bobby Darin's "Beyond the Sea"

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  18. boyfromnowhere

    boyfromnowhere Senior Member

    missouri, usa
    I bought this today. I thought it was pretty great:

  19. Salvador Dali + Jackie Gleason = EZ listening


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  20. Actor Vanity Record number three

    Her hubby Quincy Jones did not produce this, Lou Adler did.
    The backing is the Wrecking Crew, aka Hal Blaine and Joe Osborne.

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  21. John DeAngelis

    John DeAngelis Senior Member

    New York, NY
    Hal even got a small acting spot on "The Mod Squad" out of this.
  22. Cartoon covers


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  23. Honeys, or "Hoes"?

    Millie's album has a hilarious Rockwell-inspired watercolor painting.

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  24. Old man cuts rug

    This lp sells like crazy in my store.

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  25. Costumes and makeup will sell this record!!!!

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