Record Labels 78: A New Home

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Nostaljack, Dec 25, 2015.

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  1. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    OK: I don't know if you will see this on the screenshot, but this is what I see with my monitor's setting. Notice that the black area isn't all black on your 20th Century label? You can still see the runout grooves and debris. Notice how the text isn't fully erased, and on other labels you did with solid colors, I see splotches where you used the stamp tool. If you can't see the blemishes, I suggest that your monitor is calibrated too dark. Perhaps you're using an old CRT?
  2. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    I've been leaving them. In fact, I've been working around them to keep them in play.

    I noted my additions and "Cymbaline" noted his in another thread somewhere here. We were both adding things for a pretty good clip there.

  3. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Thanks for pointing it out. You're zoomed in further than I was. Somehow I missed it. I'll get to fixing it later tonight.

    No, I don't use a CRT and haven't in ages. I'll need to know the mistakes you see in order to fix them. I want things to be right so let me know when you can.

  4. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    As was I. I noticed you added a couple of album covers, too.
  5. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Fairmount, white Janus, and the black MCA label you just did. I see the splotches.

    I will say that you've done very nice work on stuff like filling in the hole on the HBR label.

    I know you didn't do it, but I noticed that the black parts of the "E" on the Elektra Quad label eren't black. I'm going to fill them in.
  6. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    The splotches on the MCA label are very minor. In fact, they aren't splotches at all. You're seeing clone-out. I don't want to "paint bucket" it because it removes all the character. This is mild compared to some of the things I've let through on the archive.

    I did what I could with the white Janus label. I don't want to do the "paint bucket" thing there because it washes out part of the logo itself. I can do no better but it is an improvement per your suggestion.

    The Fairmont label was also dealt with and the few splotches it had have been removed.

    I didn't but I should have been aware of the issues. My bad. I corrected the label and it's up again.

    Thanks for the proofing. If you see more, say so.

  7. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    More than a couple but yeah, I put a bunch up there along with 45 sleeves and other things. I was obsessed for a while...LOL!

  8. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    20th Century label fixed as best it can be. There's a wicked gradient at work on this one and I didn't want to hurt it's integrity.

  9. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    I saw that. I tried the rudimentary descreening in Photoshop as the first step, but it doesn't do enough. That slanted gradient could be fixed, but it would be tedious. It would take me weeks, and, frankly, I don't care to devote that kind of effort to this stuff anymore.

    I zoom in to the pixel to clean up text off of the labels, too.
  10. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    The text is gone on the one that's on the site.

  11. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    This is going to seem reactionary but I promise it isn't. I need to be able to get into a rhythm with these alterations and by notating each one, it just isn't happening. It's kind of a drag to stop after each one and notate the changes. I kept it going for a while but it's slowing me down so I won't be doing that anymore. If I do anything drastic to a label, I'll post that. I'll also post updates on the progress here as well and when I add things that aren't already there. It's just the blow-by-blow that's becoming a bit of a headache. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

    Thanks for the support!

  12. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    All Mercurys in the archive are back up.

  13. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Still there. One line is repeatedly cloned.

    Again, it can be cleaned, but it would take some tedious work.
  14. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Don't see it. Please point it out and I'll get rid of it.

  15. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    It's all good. I think we all concentrate on certain things more than others. I tend to notice minute details like patterns and smoothness, and perhaps you tend to concentrate on colors and sharpness.
  16. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    You have to zoom in to see it. Thing is, while one may not see it at normal size, it can be detected that something is off. When I did these labels, I always worked by seriously zooming in and gave myself time. You are trying to don two things and just get it done.

    I do have a stash of more labels I need to clean up one day, but they are very hard to do!

    BTW, the Mercury's look great!
  17. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    No, I'm not working that way at all. You've got me all wrong. I'm absolutely not just trying to "get it done". If that were my aim, what would be the point? I thought it was clear that I was trying to get this right. So many of these labels absolutely aren't right and I'm trying to make them so. When I run across something I have that's interesting, I'm adding it. I'm not rushing a single thing. There's evidence of that all over the place.

    On the 20th Century label, I simply don't see what you're seeing. I did zoom and I honestly don't see it. I was asking you to point it out so I could fix and make it right. I fixed it once and I have no problem at all fixing it again. I really do want these to be right. Not sure what else to do to prove that.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  18. Trashman

    Trashman Forum Resident

    I'm glad to see the 70s Ardent Records label among the database of labels. The only thing I have to add is that the Ardent label was usually different on the A-Side versus the B-Side. This applied to both the singles and the LPs. On the A-Side, the arrows turn clockwise and they use an image with a brighter sky. On the B-Side label, the arrows turn counter-clockwise and the cloud image is much the location of the Ardent name is different. The lettering for the Stax address is also black on the A-Side and white on the B-Side. Here are examples of each (not from the same record):


    I always liked the fact they used a different image for each side. Like a pressing from Apple Records, you can immediately tell which side of the record you are looking at without reading the text.
    Nostaljack likes this.
  19. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Those are nice! Let me get the archive uploaded and then I'll see what I can do about the other Ardent. Never knew that! Thanks!

  20. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    I took another look at the 20th Century labels and while I found no text, I absolutely saw the repetitive cloning debris. I fixed it...I think.

  21. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

  22. 56GoldTop

    56GoldTop Forum Resident

    Nowhere, Ok
    Just, wow. This is (that site is) pretty awesome. Keep up the good work, folks.
    Nostaljack likes this.
  23. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Heh! I did! I'm the one who did that Ardent label, but I never got around to doing Side B. :)
  24. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    Got it. Thanks!

  25. Nostaljack

    Nostaljack Resident R&B enthusiast Thread Starter

    Washington, DC
    More added to the "M"'s!

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