Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker*

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Classicolin, Sep 12, 2017.

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  1. I guess I must be in the minority I liked the second installment of this trilogy quite a bit more than Abrams first film (which played like a retread of Star Wars I-I refuse to call it A New Hope). I am looking forward to this but hopefully it's more than just fan service.
  2. lambfan68

    lambfan68 Forum Resident

    Seeing it tomorrow by myself. The rest of the family dropped out. My daughter, who is 20 years old, read some spoilers online that made her decide that she didn't want to see the movie at all. She told my wife who doesn't care about spoilers, and she decided that she's going to wait until the DVD comes out and watch it at home. Both of them loved TFA and TLJ, so I'm kinda worried.
  3. Nipper

    Nipper His Master's Voice

    I noticed that in the credits tonight.
  4. Kevin In Choconut Center

    Kevin In Choconut Center Offensive Coordinator

    Binghamton, NY
    I saw the film at a 7 p.m. showing that had a full audience. I am by no means a fanatic when it comes to Star Wars. I'm just a big fan of fantasy
    and science fiction. I loved the film. It hit me hard at times, to the point of crying. But it also had moments that made me laugh, and made me smile.
    It ended the saga in style, I think.
  5. David Campbell

    David Campbell Forum Resident

    Luray, Virginia
    Read my thoughts. They are missing out if they sit it out. As far as I'm concerned,Star Wars films were made to see on the big screen and this may be the last one for awhile and definitely the last one with John Williams score.

    I saw some of the spoilers by accident a few weeks ago. Believe me,it doesn't have the same impact as seeing it unfold because you are missing context and the visual and acting elements. It all works .
    Sammy Banderas and coffeetime like this.
  6. greg_t

    greg_t Senior Member

    St. Louis, MO
    Just got back from imax screening. Totally sold out. We all loved the movie, it's as good as any star wars film has been, save Empire. Ignore the naysayers and critics and go see it and have a fun time watching star wars again See it in imax if you can, best sound experience of my life.
  7. MekkaGodzilla

    MekkaGodzilla Forum Resident

    Westerville, Ohio
    You're shallow.
  8. JediJoker

    JediJoker Audio Engineer/Enthusiast

    Portland, OR, USA
    Two? There's only one episode between VII (The Force Awakens) and IX (The Rise of Skywalker). :confused:
    FACE OF BOE likes this.
  9. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member


    What was I thinking. I’ll skip Rian Johnson’s. Was that the director. I think it felt like mor3 than one movie because it was so disjointed.
    JediJoker likes this.
  10. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member


    A nice john Williams score, too. I remember listening to his horns at one point
  11. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member


    They’re gonna miss out. It’s good!
  12. The Hermit

    The Hermit Wavin' that magick glowstick since 1976

    This, this, and this... with great big feckin' Christmas bells on 'em to boot!!! Thanks guys, you helped me get off the fence on whether to see this or not... and it's the latter by a landslide! Palpatine died in Episode VI at the hands of the very person he turned to darkness and whose life he destroyed... "It's like poetry, it rhymes".

    It's not negativity... it's pointing out a desperate ploy by the writers because the Big Bad cupboard for IX was otherwise empty... there's dramatic licence and then there's total narrative illogicality that reaches into complete incredulity country; there's simply no way Palpatine could and did (imho) survive his plunge down that shaft... even George Lucas told Ian McDiarmid that Palpatine was "dead, absolutely dead"... and he's right. It's nice for McDiarmid - who's a class act and a total gentleman, btw - that he got a (likely) decent little payday out of the new film, but Palps died in Return of the Jedi, the chronological story ended in the same film, and that's it, over... goodnight, take a bow, roll credits, lower curtain, release the hounds, etc.

    R.I.P. STAR WARS 1977 - 2005

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  13. David Campbell

    David Campbell Forum Resident

    Luray, Virginia
    Well. You do you. I think if you gave it a chance you would enjoy it,but I'm not going to convince you.
    The Hermit likes this.
  14. The Hermit

    The Hermit Wavin' that magick glowstick since 1976

    I might - just might - give it a whirl in a week or two (finish what I started and all that)... but I have to be honest, the whole thing of bringing Palpatine back when there's simply no logical reason how he could have came back (he quite literally exploded, for goodness sake's, aside from the initial plunge down that shaft!) is leaving a sour taste in my mouth, it has to be said... frankly, much of this sequel trilogy made no sense (how again did they get Luke's lightsaber from Bespin?) or had little to no actual story substance. The prequels for all their faults were coherent; had a story of real dramatic, thematic, and emotional heft to tell (even if it was somewhat botched in the overall execution); had a singular vision behind it, for better or worse; and had both direction and purpose... all of which, the current trilogy had none.

    But thanks anyway, hope you had a great time watching it.

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
    twicks, MPLRecords and David Campbell like this.
  15. Grand_Ennui

    Grand_Ennui Forum Resident


    Same here: It'll always just be "Star Wars" to me as well...
    Motorcity supernaut and YardByrd like this.
  16. David Campbell

    David Campbell Forum Resident

    Luray, Virginia
    You should still go see it,if only to hear a John Williams' score on the big screen probably for the final time.

    I'll be honest when I say that I very nearly made the decision to not see it this weekend once the reviews rolled in and a couple people whose opinion I value here gave less than enthusiastic marks. I was accidentally exposed to some of the leaks a few weeks back and found them wanting. Plus I've always been nervous about how they were going to handle Palps. All of that together made me question if I wanted to see it.

    Ultimately I'm glad I did. The stuff I worried about worked a lot better than I imagined. The stuff that was good was really good and the goofy things are no goofier than anything George cooked up.
    The Hermit likes this.
  17. YardByrd

    YardByrd rock n roll citizen in a hip hop world

    Seriously... Talk about sucking every bit of majesty and mystique out of the first flick's title
    MPLRecords and Grand_Ennui like this.
  18. Deuce66

    Deuce66 Senior Member

    RT Audience score is 86% - same score as Force Awakens
  19. Dr. J.

    Dr. J. Music is in my soul

    Memphis, TN
    Did these things not bother you?

    Princess Leia dies inexplicably. I know they didn't have much to work with because of Carrie's passing, but here's a Jedi who was trained by Luke, even defeating him on her last night of training and who was able to do a force space walk, and just because she says the word "Ben" from across the galaxy and get's in his head she loses all her life force and dies? Luke fought an entire lightsaber battle before he expired. And don't get me going on the lame sitting shiva with Maz Kanata with a shrouded Leia. Maz was supposed to be some mystic and the holder of the keys to Rey's past. She was never fleshed out as a character. Plus those butt-hole eyes...

    Rose becomes the Jar Jar Binks of the franchise. Apparently she was hated by fans so Abrams listens and sidelines her in favor of a new character who works with Finn to destroy the First/Final Order.

    Introducing even more new characters who do very little to advance the plot. I was really looking forward to Kerri Russel's Zorri Bliss. Why the hell was she masked during the whole thing? Did she too get into a motorcycle accident before shooting? In the OT there was only one or two new characters introduced in each film outside the core group: Obi Wan, Lando, the Emperor/Jabba. There are way too many people in these films.

    This film was such an obvious homage to ROTJ in the same way that Force Awakens was to ANH. Such nostalgia did all the emotional heavy lifting for that film, and you would've thought Abrams would've learned and found a different lodestar. My eleven year old picked up on this and lost her sh&% during the confrontation with Palpatine as he opened the roof and showed how Rey's friends were doomed through a similar perspective that Luke was given on the Death Star before he force pulled his lightsaber. Even the same dialogue was used. Lame. But the whole rescuing of Chewie from the First Order was such a rip off of ANH, except Rey does not sacrifice herself to save the group.

    Why is there friction between Poe and Finn all of a sudden? This is just an honest question. Did I miss something?

    Where is the romance? Okay, we get one kiss, but that was always a weird relationship and a little incestuous to be honest now that we know their some Dyad. But there's little else, and the films go out of their way to suppress romance. Why can't the galaxy's best fighter, Poe, find love? He is such an emasculated character that it really strains all credulity that someone that brave and good looking has no options.
    Stormrider77 and YardByrd like this.
  20. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus

    Not a terrible experience, seeing this: it's certainly colorful and visually sumptious. But I find myself relieved that I won't be seeing it next Christmas. I am not angry disappointed or anything: but this film puts the nail in the coffin of the 42 year old nostalogia I had for Star Wars. Meh. Who cares anymore?
    twicks likes this.
  21. SJP

    SJP Forum Resident

    Wow. Someone went there.

    I put it this way because I fully expected positive opinions to be outnumbered by a wide margin. I'm pleasantly surprised to see this didn't happen.

    But yes, the morning after doesn't change anything.
  22. Monosterio

    Monosterio Forum Resident

    South Florida
    I’m with you on Last Jedi. This one doesn’t interest me whatsoever, though.
  23. thegage

    thegage Forum Currency Nerd

    It was really enjoyable. It started out a bit rough, but about 1/3 of the way in it hit its groove. As posted above, the stuff that was good was really good and the goofy things are no goofier than anything George cooked up. I even laughed at the call-back (which was mercifully brief) to one of George's goofier and most controversial ideas from the first trilogy. I don't judge Star Wars films as to how they fit in the canon, but just whether or not they are enjoyable and well made. Heck, I liked TLJ, too.

    David Campbell and SJP like this.
  24. kreen

    kreen Forum Resident

    Not only did he fall down the shaft, but the whole space station he was in exploded. Nobody ever thought, between 1986 and now, "they never explained if Palpatine died or not".
    The Hermit and twicks like this.
  25. CaseyJames

    CaseyJames Relaxed Fit Jeans Vibe

    I just equate her passing to Obi Wan's, in that Jedi can sort of decide when to leave their physical existence behind.
    SJP and David Campbell like this.
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