The Big Big Live8 Thread*

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by peerke, Jul 1, 2005.

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    GLUDFSSR Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    This is the most horrible coverage ever. After an hour we got only one Complete song which was Paul & U2. Then they tell you about all the highlights so far but don't show them. They better show Pink Floyd from when they are announced to when they walk off stage. Although the way it is going they will probable show you the into from Money with the cash registers sounding and then go to a commerical. Then come back and tell you that Syd joined them on stage but not show any of that.

    This is differently a show to tivo and watch all 10 minutes of music tomorrow. This Sucks!!!!

    Steve B.
  2. Stateless

    Stateless New Member

    Paul just said he didn't play "Sgt. Pepper" since he made the record.... :confused: ...ummm...I saw it live in 1989 and I'm pretty sure it's on my copy of TRIPPING THE LIVE FANTASIC.
  3. CTV Canada showed the full McCartney/U2 set followed by the full Coldplay set including "Bittersweet Symphony" w/ Richard Ashcroft.
  4. Dave D

    Dave D Done!

    Milton, Canada
    Tuned in for 2 minutes......figures with my luck I see Simple Plan. The lead singer wins the "geography" award. He yelled "Let me hear you Toronto!" a bunch of times. Barrie is over an hour north of Toronto, and doesn't like to be lumped in with Toronto at all!
  5. JWB

    JWB New Member

    Simple Plan? Oh god...
  6. bldg blok

    bldg blok Forum Resident

    Elmira, NY
    Agreed! Oh, and please make that stupid logo in the right hand corner bigger!!!
  7. Mal

    Mal Phorum Physicist

    MTV has a smaller logo than VH-1 - not that that helps the terrible coverage!
  8. Stax Fan

    Stax Fan Forum Resident

    Somebody tell me it's all gonna be OK and MTV isn't going to botch the Pink Floyd coverage.

    Who are the producers at MTV? Are they all QVC cast-offs and interns or something? :realmad:
  9. Ken.W

    Ken.W High Potentate of Lurve

    Were pretty lucky in the U.K., BBC3 has just started broadcasting the entire thing again from the start, due to end 3:00am GMT. I've fired up the dvd recorder ( .. on E.P. mode .. *****, quality, I know), so at least I can get a flavour of it to watch at my leisure.
  10. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    I'm having much more luck watching the stream. I didn't realize that you could click on each city and see a live feed!

    Geldof just showed a film from 20 years ago, used to show the poverty in Ethiopia. The film ended focused on the face of a young malnourished girl. He then chastised the press that were cynical, asking whether it's even worth the effort to stop poverty. And he brought out that same young girl, who just finished college. Man, talk about making a point! I couldn't keep the tears at bay.

    After singing "Like a Prayer" to that same young girl, Madonna has now just dropped the f-bomb. :sigh:
  11. Stateless

    Stateless New Member

    Bringing out that girl was brilliant. :agree:

    They showed 2 songs in a row for Madonna. She's sounded pretty good. Hopefully we'll get at least 2 from Pink Floyd. :angel:
  12. Mal

    Mal Phorum Physicist

    The VH-1/MTV coverage of Madonna was great - uninterupted footage of 2 songs from her set (well, it's better than what we had before!). Hopefully they've sorted their $#!+ out now and we'll get decent coverage from now on!
  13. ManFromCouv

    ManFromCouv Employee #3541

    Exactly. On a day where sensitivity is the call to arms, are the f-bombs really necessary and/or appropriate? Maybe I'm just getting old. In Barrie, Bruce Cockburn did it to, but he slipped it in midstream during a sentnce, so it was a classy f-bomb from a very intelligent man, so it didn't bug me as much as Madonna. Cockburn has been the shine of the Canadian show so far, especially with his mesmerizing rendition of "If I Had A Rocket Launcher". One of the very best songs to ever come out of Canada. The shimmering of the strings of guitar and the harmonic bits sent shivers. Great to hear someone with brains, playing talent and a sense of capturing a moment at work. Now back to some thrash band of pasty-skinned kids slamming power chords while staring straight down at the ground...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  14. Kym

    Kym Former Resident

    I only caught the end of Bruce Cockburn's performance of "They Call It Democracy". Did he sing that line "and they don't give a f---"?
  15. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    Wow, that dude from A-Ha can still hit those high notes! :)
  16. Bobo U2

    Bobo U2 Active Member

    The Bronx
    post deleted by me
  17. Deep Purple in Canada!!!

    AOL rocks!

    MTV S**ks!

    (Sorry, got a little carried away) :shh:
  18. ManFromCouv

    ManFromCouv Employee #3541

    Sure. And in between songs he mentioned that the G8 leaders could bring down the corrupt regimes of Africa in a second if they really wanted to. Then he expounded on that thought with a "flying f***". I hope some of you get a chance to catch a replay of him doing "Rocket Launcher". Awesome stuff. And I'm only a lukewarm Cockburn fan.
  19. What was up with that? :crazy: :laugh:
  20. ManFromCouv

    ManFromCouv Employee #3541

    I've got to admit that a bloated, greying Deep Purple without Blackmore is a little unnerving. But they could still learn a lot of these young bands a thing or two about rocking with finesse. And is that Steve Morse on guitar? Deep Purple hasn't crossed my mind in years, so I'm kind of out of the loop.
  21. Deep Purple are on right now doing "Hush". :confused: Didn't know Ian Gillan sang the old Rod Evans tunes. Nice :righton:
  22. Unnerving, yes, but it still beats Snoop Dogg in my book any day.
  23. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    And who will be the mystery guest In London, 22:00 CET?
    Rumours are Michael Jackson or Nelson Mandela (who already speeched in Johannesburg earlier today). But maybe it was the African girl who appeared on stage before Madonna.
    Another unlikely option (but you never know): Axl Rose joining Velvet Revolver?
  24. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    And who will be the mystery guest In London, 22:00 CET?
    Rumours are Michael Jackson or Nelson Mandela (who already speeched in Johannesburg earlier today). But maybe it was the African girl who appeared on stage before Madonna.
    Another unlikely option (but you never know): Axl Rose joining Velvet Revolver?
  25. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    sorry for the double post!
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