The Late Late Show with James Cordon

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by MRamble, Mar 24, 2015.

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  1. drmaynard

    drmaynard Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed the "house" episode a great deal, even with Corden giggling uncontrollably through his three monologue jokes.
    Hymie the Robot likes this.
  2. Rick Bartlett

    Rick Bartlett Forum Resident

    I think the guy is great, very talented, like Fallon. I'm loving everything he is doing for late night and comedy along with Fallon.
    Both guys are equally talented. Gone are the straight talk days just sitting and interviewing.
    These guys have taken comedy to a new level, and enjoyable for all kinds of people.
    keef00 and Texastoyz like this.
  3. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

    It's that time of the year....for Mariah's "All I Want For Christmas" on Carpool Karaoke, featuring Elton John, Adele, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lady Gaga, Gwen Stefani, Chris Martin, etc.

    MikaelaArsenault and Nobby like this.
  4. Rick Bartlett

    Rick Bartlett Forum Resident

    i'll be damned how he remembers all the words to all of these carpool karaoke's.
    some of them are pretty complex. must have a great memory for sure!
  5. neo123

    neo123 Senior Member

    Northern Kentucky
    I saw that. He is pretty good.

    My favorite Carpool Karaoke has to be the one with Lady Gaga. That was great.

    He did one with Madonna not too long ago and it didn't even come close to the greatness of Lady Gaga's. Though, Madonna was having a fun time with it by moving all over the inside of the car and sticking her legs out the window.
  6. Taxman

    Taxman Senior Member

    Fayetteville, NY
    The carpool karaoke segments make me uncomfortable. Eyes are often not on the road and hands often not on the wheel. Is he even driving the van for real?

    In any case, though the singing is often very funny, I think the segments are a bad example of how one should drive.
  7. Squealy

    Squealy Forum Hall Of Fame

    He is driving but they go slowly, which isn't really apparent on screen, they mostly stick to side streets, and there is a production car in front of and behind them.
    chacha likes this.
  8. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    What's Craig doing now, taking over The Tonight Show ?
  9. questrider

    questrider Forum Resident

    Middle, Nowhere
    I've watched this show on and off depending upon the guests. Has anyone noticed that when Corden introduces the guests and they enter the studio some will interact with the audience by giving high-fives or shaking hands on their way down the stairs and some do not? It appears more women than men do not participate in this audience interaction. I can't figure out if it's because they're afraid to fall down the stairs navigating them in heels with all the distractions of hands waving in front of them or if they're being a bit snobby and simply do not want to touch any of the audience member's hands. Probably a little of both and I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt that it's the navigating-stairs-in-heels reason. And for those who don't high-five or shake hands, no audience member puts their hands out over the rails so before these introductions a stage hand must say, "For so-and-so, go ahead and stick your hands out over the rails and they'll high-five or shake your hand," or, "For so-and-so, don't stick your hands out over the rails because they prefer you not to do so."

    Not a big deal, it's just a little game I play in my head during these introductions trying to guess who will interact with the audience by giving high-fives and who will not. Sometimes it's surprising who does when you think they won't and vice versa!
  10. Hymie the Robot

    Hymie the Robot Forum Resident

    Don't know but sometimes I watch the interview part because of the format with multiple people being interviewed simultaneously. Last nights episode was excellent and case in point. I would have NEVER watched an interview with any of the three women individually, but together I found it entertaining. I ALWAYS fast forward the Colbert interviews especially when they are CBS infomercials for upcoming shows.
  11. I think it's the heels. They don't want to be on an infinite loop on the internet falling down the stairs over and over again.
    Hymie the Robot likes this.
  12. rburly

    rburly Sitting comfortably with Item 9

    I know exactly what you're saying because I've noticed the same thing, and I think @kevywevy got it too. I think women are concerned about falling flat on their faces. I think the ones who walk down giving high 5s or shaking hands have flats or are comfortable enough to come down and interact with people. I'm sure there are some germophobes don't want to shake hands. Can you imagine Howie Mandel coming down those steps?! Not gonna be touchin' anybody!
    kevywevy likes this.
  13. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    I'm sure it depends on the guest. I remember awhile back Kevin Bacon was on there and he touched nobody and nobody even put their hands out, which I assumed they were told ahead of time "do not try to touch the bacon" as if left to their own devices, the crowd will surely try to make some contact. Then the female guest (can't remember who) came out and again, nobody reached for her. I can't remember who the guest was, but it twas someone I thought was usually pretty chummy with fans, and wondered if maybe Bacon's people asked that the other guest also not high five audience members so as not to make him look bad by comparison. Is Kevin Bacon known to be someone who doesn't want the audience touching him?
  14. Squealy

    Squealy Forum Hall Of Fame

  15. Mr. H

    Mr. H Forum Resident

    He's a talented guy. A little too much song and dance for me, but whatever gets him ratings. Reggie Watts and his group are incredible. I wish Watts would get a bit more screen time.
  16. misterdecibel

    misterdecibel Bulbous Also Tapered

    Or it could be that they're introverts...
  17. chacha

    chacha Forum Resident In Memoriam

    mill valley CA USA
    Not sure it has anything to do with snobbery. I know people that won't really shake hands with others due to viruses, germs etc. It may have more to do with that.
  18. questrider

    questrider Forum Resident

    Middle, Nowhere
    Good suggestions. I certainly didn't mean to hone in on snobbery. I still think as others do that it's mostly the navigating-stairs-in-heels thing. And for whatever reason each guest prefers it ultimately is their right of choice. I was simply noting the distinctions that appear during those introductions.
  19. Rick Bartlett

    Rick Bartlett Forum Resident

    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  20. MLutthans

    MLutthans That's my spaghetti, Chewbacca! Staff

  21. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Despite what it says in the headline, there is no indication in Corden's actual comments that he plans to quit his show and return to England anytime in the immediate future. Rather, he is quoted as saying things like "I'm almost certain we won't live here forever" and "With young kids it feels like a really great place to live. But then? I don't know." Seems pretty clear he's talking about some point several years in the future at minimum. So move on, there's nothing to see here.
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  22. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Must admit prefered Craig Ferguson,
  23. MikaelaArsenault

    MikaelaArsenault Forum Resident

    New Hampshire
    alexpop likes this.
  24. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Bring back Craig.:)
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
  25. Rick Bartlett

    Rick Bartlett Forum Resident

    I thought this was brilliant:
    MikaelaArsenault likes this.
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