When Bad DVD's Happen to Great Films

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Chris M, Nov 10, 2003.

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  1. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam Thread Starter

  2. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Thanks for the link:)...(IMO)...They should've got it right the first time...I own 575+ DVD's and I get extremely aggravated every-time they announce another reissue/remaster! I'd rather invest in new releases than reissues of movies Iv'e already PURCHASED!...How many DVD's do you have that have been reissued?...I have many:) Too many:laugh:
  3. Tyler

    Tyler Senior Member

    This is the first I've heard of a new transfer for the Godfather films. If the transfer is decent I'll probably end up breaking down and buying them again.
  4. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    It's been news at the Home theater Forum...

    I spent a hunk a coin on the GF Box Set! Pox on 'em...:)
  5. Dan C

    Dan C Forum Fotographer

    The West
    Thanks for posting this terrific article. Don't you wish someone would write such clear and straightforward information on music reissues and restoration!!!:rolleyes:

    Interesting that Lowry admits his mistakes with "Citizen Kane". Maybe in a couple of years we'll have to buy another "improved" version.

    Dan C
  6. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Yea, with the grain added back in:laugh::rolleyes:
  7. Sckott

    Sckott Hand Tighten Only.

    South Plymouth, Ma
    Great article. I have to admit, I could complain about buying reissues sometimes, but it's the DVD collectors that are really getting hurt with hit-and-run improvement reissue after reissue.
  8. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member

    Pretty amazing that they're paying attention to this kind of stuff at all these days...and credit is due the HTF and other forums, columnists (DVD Savant!) who tirelessly advocated improvements in quality. When I was an HTF participant four+ years ago, we were still dreaming of the Godfather and Citizen Kane on DVD at all!

  9. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    I bet consumers would be more upset if companies just sat on every release until the remastering technology and proficiency of folks on the tools was honed to perfection. Lowry is doing great work and getting better at it as they go along. Whatever is being done with the Godfather films will just be digital manipulation of the hi-def files from the same transfer as before.

    Paramount's plan was a box set followed a year or two later by individual releases. I would be more upset if they just rehashed the same transfers rather than investing some money in making the latest releases look as good as they can. Also, the article kind of glosses over the fact that the Paramount that mishandled the Godfather elements 30 years ago bears little resemblance to the Paramount that has to deal with those elements today.

    Columbia screwed up by not consulting with folks like Robert Harris or Anne Coates when they assembled their first DVDs of Lawrence of Arabia. Paramount provided the best elements they had available to American Zoetrope to produce the Godfather DVDs, so they at least looked like the filmmaker wanted them to look given the limitations of the elements and format at the time.

  10. thxdave

    thxdave "One black, one white, one blonde"

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this story. I've spent hundereds (thousands?) of dollars on laserdiscs and now DVD's chasing after the "best" presentation of films that I love. I too was beginning to feel like the studios were starting to "scr** the pooch" with all of the reissues. I think it really pissed me off the first time when I bought "Almost Famous" and then found it "reissued" a few months later with a few additional features....just put it out once and do it right the first time. I don't have a problem with an upgraded transfer when the state of the art advances the way it has in video. Heck, most of us wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Steve's clear vision of what music SHOULD sound like. If I found somebody like Steve in the telecine world, I'd probably buy anything they were responsible for transferring.

    (one of many)

    200th posting???? ;)
  11. bartels76

    bartels76 Forum Hall Of Fame

    Are any of you really surprised that this was going to happen to DVD's. It's the same story as when CD's came out. It's not any different. Companies using bad or high generation masters. Some mastering engineers, not paying enough attention to detail. It's the same thing all over again. At least DVD reissues are getting better, not worse.

    I wish more record companies would pay this much attention to remastering and reissuing CD's. Maybe that's why the music biz is so bad.
  12. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    If they did it -RIGHT- the first time for DVD and Cee Dee...Maybe they would have the time to put out all the unavailable Artists Catalogs and Wonderful Movies...I could name hundreds of Movies yet to see the light of day:(
    Although, lately TV Shows are making a great debut on DVD! Most exciting...That's good news:)
  13. guy incognito

    guy incognito Senior Member

    Sure. Just ask Neil Young fans!!
  14. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    I have to disagree with ya on this one:)

    I have DVD's from the early days that look Supreme! Technology has nothing to do with it...It's laziness on the studio's part...FIND the proper MASTER! first before announcing a release...Look what we have to look forward to with the upcoming "Lost In Space" Season 1 Box Set...fair quality masters...instead of the pristine Kevin Burns masters they are neglecting to use...Do we smell a reissue down the road?...

    I don't know about you...but, I don't have disposable cash to invest in something I already own over and over... With the amount of DVD's I have it'll take me years to view them all...:)

  15. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    Such as? Do they look as good as the best stuff being produced today? Were they produced from source elements as problematic as the first two Godfather films? If a company is planning a new release such as individual sets of the GF films, should they be obliged to rehash the previous box set masters, or should they take advantage of improvements in the state of the art and make the best discs possible even though it costs them more to do so?

  16. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    What I find with some DVDs:

    1. The picture improvements are barely noticeable, or there is sometimes no picture improvement at all, because sometimes...

    2. After the initial release, a special edition with more extras comes out.

    A good one being Bug's Life. I bought the initial CD, and IIRC the two-disc special edition came out after. If this isn't a spit in the face to DVD fans I don't know what is. It's not that I always want all the extras, but still, it seems like a way to get hardcore DVD fans to buy something twice.
  17. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    BTW, AFAIK, the second Godfather film is only problematic in the sense that it was shot in such a way that it is difficult to transfer to video and have it look right. The first Godfather has this working against it in addition to all of the problems listed in the article having to do with the handling of the elements by the Paramount of yesteryear.

  18. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Hey Ken,
    I own 575+ DVD's...How many do you own?
    I'm not going to make a list. Your a "Movie Buff"...therefore you already know;):D

  19. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Yup! They tap the collector...They know the weakness and prey upon it.
    and...most collectors will DEFEND such!:laugh:

    I say...Do-it-right-the-first-time:)

    Actually..."Army Of Darkness" is one of the biggest offenders followed by T2...Prime examples. There are quite a few others:)
  20. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    I haven't counted, but it's more than 6 but less than 1,000. I was just looking for one or two examples, not every one.

  21. Claviusb

    Claviusb A Serious Man

    Michael, does that 575+ number include the 2 disc Criterion of Devil and Daniel Webster set you own? :)

    But seriously...

    Ken, I can name at least 40 early discs that Michael owns that DON'T look supreme, and that's the Twilight Zone set. While the source material is very watchable, it could still stand a state-of-the-art telecine transfer as well as further restoration. The entire set of discs have *major* artifacts because a very low bit rate was used, not to mention there have been major improvements in the transcoding math. Panasonic first issued these discs and then Image put them out using the same old transfers.

    Michael also owns the Criterion Brazil, which screams for an Anamorphic release and (again) some restoration to the transfer. The OOP John Woo Criterions and the Criterion Robocop have prints which have been bested by newer remasters with anamorphic transfers, though not all have had the same extra material-- but that's irrelevant because we're just talking about the image quality.
  22. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Hi Robert,

    Devil And Daniel Webster-Typo:)

    I'll take the "Twilight Zone" anyway I can:) I'm thrilled to own the whole set:thumbsup: Would not rebuy if they were remastered.

    Criterion Robocop has extra footage, be it a few seconds of extra violence which has yet to surface on any other DVD release:) It's a keeper...

    Sometimes the extra's are worth the price alone!
    Can't beat the "Brazil" Box Set:) and the rest of the Criterions I own and love...

    All of the DVD's I own are watchable in my book:)

  23. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    I just wanted to know about what "early days" discs looked "supreme". I know lots of them that do not by current standards.

    In any case, If a new release is planned, I would rather have them do the best job possible even if that means that it is not equivalent to the previous release. It's just common sense. Deliberate/planned obsolesence releases are the exception and not the rule. Most of the time, I am aware of upcoming SEs before the plain vanilla version that precedes it is released.

    BTW, I'm not sure the anamorphic MGM Robocop transfer is that much better than the Criterion. They both have pluses and minuses. The MGM has improved detail, but I think Criterion nailed the color timing.

  24. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Does that include the remasters? :)
    Considering if you do repurchase the remasters, that would be 6 less than 1,000 minus the double count duplicates...in that 6 less than 1,000, do you count the individual DVD's included in the box sets or count the box sets as one unit?
    I count my DVD box sets as one unit not DVD's contained...:)
  25. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    ...lest not forget that "extra footage" available only on the Criterion:)
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