Your favorite mountain climbing films.

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Brian Lux, Mar 19, 2018.

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  1. Brian Lux

    Brian Lux One in the Crowd Thread Starter

    Placerville, CA
    Seeing filmed images (real or otherwise) of people climbing tall towers or standing on the edge of a tall building's roof completely unnerves me. I'm fascinated by the ideas, but those images just terrify me. And yet, I absolutely love mountain climbing movies and books. We just saw Meru recently and it's one of the most hair raising, thought provoking, thrilling, amazing movies I've ever seen. And Jon Krakauer's bonus clip, "The Calling" is a major additional plus. Touching the Void" is another major favorite.

    What are some of your favorite Mountain Climbing movies (movies, not the album, although that's great too, LOL).

    EDIT: I should add, I'm mostly curious about mountain climbing films that are documentaries or movies based on true stories, but I'm curious about as well about any good fictional movies that might be worth checking out.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  2. PaulKTF

    PaulKTF Senior Member

    Vertical Limit is the only one I've seen and I remember it being a fun popcorn movie.
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  3. Brian Lux

    Brian Lux One in the Crowd Thread Starter

    Placerville, CA
    I don't know that one. Will check it out thanks!
  4. PaulKTF

    PaulKTF Senior Member

    The movie Lost Continent has an endless 20 minute Rock Climbing scene that goes on and on... if that's your thing.

    Morton LaBongo likes this.
  5. JerolW

    JerolW Senior Member

    The Eiger Sanction

  6. Khaki F

    Khaki F Forum Resident

    Kenosha, WI. USA
    "The Mountain" came on the TV years ago when I was living with a friend of mine. We weren't sure about it when it began, but man... we really got into it.

  7. EdgardV

    EdgardV ®

    Yes, this was the first one I thought of.

    The Eiger Sanction | 1975 | Clint Eastwood, George Kennedy.

    Former government assassin Jonathan Hemlock (Clint Eastwood) now devotes his time to teaching and collecting paintings, but his quiet life is interrupted when he is persuaded by his former employers work for them again. Hemlock has to join a crew of explorers (George Kennedy, Jack Cassidy) on a trip up the Eiger, a treacherous Swiss mountain. Hemlock must simultaneously determine which of his fellow climbers is a Soviet spy, kill his target and scale the deadly peak.


    Based on: The Eiger Sanction; by Trevanian
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
    Jack Lord likes this.
  8. stepeanut

    stepeanut The gloves are off

    The Holy Mountain (Arnold Fanck, 1926), starring a young Leni Riefenstahl:

    Panama Hotel and Brian Lux like this.
  9. PaulKTF

    PaulKTF Senior Member

    The Sound Of Music. :)
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  10. EdgardV

    EdgardV ®

    Then there is the 1993 film Cliffhanger. Sylvester Stallone.

    Outdoor thriller in which a former mountain rescuer is pitted against a group of criminals who have lost their $100 million stash during a plane crash in the Rocky Mountains. After being persuaded to help rescue a group of stranded hikers, he discovers that they are in fact a gang of violent robbers who need help to locate their missing loot.
  11. stepeanut

    stepeanut The gloves are off

    The Blue Light (Leni Riefenstahl, 1932) is another fine example of the German bergfilme genre of the 1920s and early 1930s:

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  12. Nice Marmot

    Nice Marmot Nothin’ feels right but doin’ wrong anymore

    Tryon NC
    North Face - a German movie about one of the expeditions to climb the north face of the Eiger. Outside of the oddly placed romantic angle, it is a pretty accurate account of the adventure and how dangerous the climb actually was; especially for the trail breakers, who people watched and learned from in order to decide how they might climb to the top, in their own expedition.
    Panama Hotel, townsend and Brian Lux like this.
  13. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Glen Ford, Lloyd Bridges
    The White Tower
  14. ggergm

    ggergm another spring another baseball season

    Valley Uprising (2014)

    Brian, as someone who lives in Placerville, you probably know about this film. It's about how a bunch of rowdy, rule-breaking rock climbers have pushed the rangers in Yosemite Valley to allow them to climb. I'm pretty sure it's on Netflix.
    Brian Lux and zbase like this.
  15. Blue Gecko

    Blue Gecko Peace

    Meru--excessive at it's best. Note this was a mixed rock and ice climb with a long approach. It is also an interesting example of group dynamics.

    There is a special category for excessive people. I once had dinner with Royle Robbins and his wife we talked about climbing in Yosemite. Wow.
    Brian Lux likes this.
  16. Juan Matus

    Juan Matus Reformed Audiophile

    Lord of The Rings
  17. Monosterio

    Monosterio Forum Resident

    South Florida
    North by Northwest ;)
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  18. Jim B.

    Jim B. Senior Member

    Does 127 Hours count?
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  19. Monosterio

    Monosterio Forum Resident

    South Florida
    More than North by Northwest, that’s for sure. Damn, I wish I’d thought of that one! Excellent movie. :righton:
    Brian Lux and Jim B. like this.
  20. glennzo

    glennzo Forum Resident

    Everest (2015), pretty good film based on a 1996 expedition to Mt. Everest.
    DLD, Al Kuenster and Brian Lux like this.
  21. EdgardV

    EdgardV ®

    Where Eagles Dare | 1968
    Clint Eastwood, Richard Burton

    A crack team of Allied soldiers stages a daring rescue during World War II. A U.S. general is being held captive in an imposing castle fort, high in the Bavarian Alps. The audacious plan calls for Lt. Schaffer (Clint Eastwood), Maj. Smith (Richard Burton) and other operatives to parachute down wearing Nazi disguises. They'll penetrate the mountain outpost while undercover operatives assist them from within. But their mission changes when they discover that there's a traitor in their midst.
  22. profholt82

    profholt82 Resident Blowhard

    West Michigan
    Beautiful cinematography in that one. And John Lithgow is great as the sinister villain.
    EdgardV likes this.
  23. zbase

    zbase Forum Resident

    The guy that wrote that book (Joe Simpson) also has a book called 'The Beckoning Silence', which was made into a documentary. I recently watched it... pretty intense stuff. It's about the failed attempt in 1936 by Toni Kurz to climb the north face of Eiger.
    Brian Lux likes this.
  24. Nice Marmot

    Nice Marmot Nothin’ feels right but doin’ wrong anymore

    Tryon NC
    That's the expedition North Face is about, too.
    Brian Lux likes this.
  25. sixtiesstereo

    sixtiesstereo Senior Member

    Easily for me is "Third Man On The Mountain" from 1959. Don't let the fact it's a
    Disney movie fool was critically acclaimed when it was released and as a 10
    year old when it came out it blew me away. Some truly remarkable climbing scenes
    actually filmed on the Matterhorn.
    Haven't seen it in years anywhere, but it is out on DVD and meets your request to a T.
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