Your Favourite Roxy Music Album

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Scope J, May 14, 2015.

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  1. Holerbot6000

    Holerbot6000 Forum Resident

    Sentimental favorite is 'For Your Pleasure' but I think their best album as a band was 'Stranded', with 'Country Life' a very close second.

    Flesh & Blood and Avalon are amazing and much cherished but by then I think they were less Roxy the band than Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music.

    I agree about the CD box too - it is everything a box should be - comprehensive, a beautiful artifact and it sounds great. Would that they would do a Bryan Ferry box of the same quality.
    Solace likes this.
  2. Solace

    Solace Forum Resident

    Brussels, Belgium
    I couldn't agree more re. a comprehensive BF solo box. I'm hoping that with the release of the first batch of BF albums on SACD, something similar might be in the works. Not too keen on the new SACD masterings though, unfortunately...
  3. Holerbot6000

    Holerbot6000 Forum Resident

    I think it has just become the Audiophile Holy Grail. Anytime someone wants to show off their amazing stereo system, they reach for Avalon, it seems, and that has overshadowed the rest of the Roxy catalog, kinda for the wrong reasons. Fidelity isn't everything for some of us. No offense.
  4. Siegmund

    Siegmund Vinyl Sceptic

    Britain, Europe
    Surprised at all the love for Avalon (to my mind, one of their weaker efforts). It's still supposed to be their biggest seller, isn't it?
  5. jaxpads

    jaxpads Friendly Listener

    Avalon - to each his own, right?
  6. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    See my previous post: People who prefer their later, glossier sound all voted for Avalon, whereas people who like their earlier sound dispersed their votes pretty evenly among various releases, so I'm not really surprised at the result.
    Siegmund likes this.
  7. Siegmund

    Siegmund Vinyl Sceptic

    Britain, Europe
    Yep, you're right: Avalon is the favoured album of the 'casual' fan and the one most likely to be owned by the person who only owns one RM album. But RM 'heads' definitely seem to prefer the pre-Manifesto stuff.

    I'm not a huge fan by any means but I think they were about half the band they had been after the 1979 reformation.
  8. Incompletist

    No. 1, because although FYP is my next choice and the recording/mix is a huge improvement, it felt like they had already started becoming normalised (in song writing) by then.

    No.1 still sounds strange today – the songs are more free-form and episodic, and overall the music more blatantly alien. It's that bifurcating mix of traditional 50s rock and roll riffs and the musical ideas of some future and distant imaginary world. I still wonder about the weirdness of the single Virginia Plain and how it became a hit.

    But single-wise, Pyjamarama is the best.

    The first two B-sides were good, too. Especially the Morricone-influenced track, The Pride and The Pain.
    Moshe and B_big! like this.
  9. Dbstay

    Dbstay Senior Member

    3-Flesh & Blood
  10. soundfanz

    soundfanz Forum Resident

    Flesh and Blood is my favourite.
  11. chahooa

    chahooa Forum Resident

    FYP - I guess I'm more in the early stuff camp. I'm pretty sure I've voted for Country Life and S/T before in other polls. I've heard people say Eno's favorite is Stranded, which surprises me. I find it the most average of the first 5, though I don't dislike it. But, so what.
    B_big! likes this.
  12. B_big!

    B_big! Vinyl Record Enthusiast

    ( ( ( ( ( ((((((( .[​IMG]

    Excellent point! . . [​IMG]

    . [​IMG]

    . [​IMG]

    . [​IMG]
 likes this.
  13. TarnishedEars

    TarnishedEars Forum Resident

    The Seattle area
    My introduction to Roxy was Flesh and Blood. I loved this album as a kid for the new-wave feel it had. I then purchased manifesto, which almost killed the band for me considering how unpopular anything remotely disco sounding was in the 80s. But then Avalon came along and sealed the deal by cementing this album among a handful of my all time favorites.

    I've tried more than once over the years to get into their earlier music. Back in the late 80s, I found that their early music was so different from what I expected and was hoping for that I never had the patience to listen all the way through any of their early albums. But my tastes have widened a great deal over the past 15 years, and after trying again in the last 6 months I'm finding that I think that their first album to be brilliant in the variety of styles, and its competence in every single one of them. The only thing which I really dislike about it is how badly out of tune a lot of the singing is on it. And manifesto is much better than I remember it being (now that I'm over my anti-disco prejudices as a kid). And surprisingly Flesh and blood only has a couple of songs which really interest me anymore.

    I'm gradually working my way through some of their earlier music. And Sirens is pretty good too. I'm not sure if I'll ever enjoy Country life though.
  14. Not surprised for all the love for Avalon as most folks probably don't have any other Roxy. it's certainly the safe choice.
  15. For Your Pleasure
    Scope J and B_big! like this.
  16. Moshe

    Moshe "Silent in four languages."

    He did say that.
    I've always kind of thought he was just being diplomatic or polite when he said it.
  17. Guy E

    Guy E Senior Member

    Antalya, Türkiye
    I didn't know that. So they have trees in Portugal. Were the c... err, I mean women Portuguese as well?
  18. Incompletist

    Maybe he was being magnanimous, or maybe the avant-gardist was acknowledging the strength of pure musicality?
    I don't personally agree with Eno, but there's a point where the experimental mind can undermine the heart and soul of music. It's a careful balance.
    Max Florian likes this.
  19. Incompletist

    German. Ferry met them in Portugal, whether they were shot there, I do not know. Did he take the actual shot?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
  20. Moshe

    Moshe "Silent in four languages."

    I have no idea what you just said, but sounds good to me.
  21. Incompletist

    I'm sure you're joking. But, I said that, sometimes weirdness just gets in the way of music!
  22. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    But before you said that you didn't like the second album as much because it sounded like they were normalizing the songwriting, compared to the first album, which seemed a bit odd to me since For Your Pleasure still has several strange, experimental tracks. I tend to think that Eno was just being self-deprecatory by saying that Stranded was his favorite.
    Moshe likes this.
  23. Andy Smith

    Andy Smith .....Like a good pinch of snuff......


    After a lot of thought I've gone with 'Stranded'. I was gutted when Eno left and approached this new release cautiously. However, 'Street Life' knocked me out. One of the best singles ever.
  24. strummer101

    strummer101 The insane on occasion aren't without their charms

    Lakewood OH
    Also Amazona, Mother of Pearl, Psalm, A song for Europe...great record!
  25. Andy Smith

    Andy Smith .....Like a good pinch of snuff......

    Indeed so. I remember listening to 'Mother Of Pearl' on late-night Radio One before they went FM. With static and hiss and the rest, the signal & volume waxing & waning, in '73 ('74?), it seemed other-worldly.
    3rd Uncle Bob, Moshe and strummer101 like this.
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