3 Body Problem (Netflix new si-fi series)

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by pdxway, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. pdxway

    pdxway Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Oregon, USA
    Saw first episode yesterday. The visual effects were nice. Story line on the other hand, not strong enough to entice me to binge on it overnight. So, will slowly finish the series when have time.

    Your thoughts?
    audiomixer likes this.
  2. simonux

    simonux Custom Title

    Gets better when the whole VR part is over.
    jeroemba and pdxway like this.
  3. Scope J

    Scope J Senior Member

    Watched E1, interesting
    pdxway likes this.
  4. EddieMann

    EddieMann I used to be a king...

    Geneva, IL. USA.
    Episode 1 grew on me as it progressed. I’ll continue tonight.
    pdxway likes this.
  5. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    Wow, we just watched the first two episodes of 3 Body Problem, and I think it's the best new show of 2024 (so far). It's an absolute knock-out in terms of spectacle, complexity, science, and human drama... absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see more.

    Note they're spending a whopping $20 million dollars per episode on this show, and it looks it. Just amazing production values -- effects, art direction, location, crowds, the works.

    Here's the trailer...

    chaz, Morpheus, audiomixer and 2 others like this.
  6. RockNRod

    RockNRod Forum Resident

    Green Bay, WI
    I'm digging it so far. Great epic story line.
    pdxway likes this.
  7. jfeldt

    jfeldt Forum Resident

    SF, CA, USA
    Thanks for letting us know it is finally out! I've been waiting for this series. The book trilogy was unreal good, and a unique perspective on sci-fi.
    Anaplian and pdxway like this.
  8. simonux

    simonux Custom Title

    The panama canal scene is nightmare fuel.
  9. misterbozz

    misterbozz Senior Member

    Nerima-ku, Tokyo
    I've not been well so ended up bingeing this today. Overall I enjoyed it, some good performances and an interesting concept and as others mentioned it looks good.
    Takes a while to get going, then I felt episode 7 was a bit of a drag on things but overall I will be eagerly awaiting more.
    pdxway likes this.
  10. shwabot

    shwabot Forum Resident

    A couple things bugged me about that scene....
    Normally ships are much tighter in their queue through there, also, the nano-threads are up high at first, missing the hull, and later the whole hull has been threaded (I think)
  11. Madness

    Madness "Hate is much too great a burden to bear."

    Maryland, USA
    Not interested. Tried reading the book 3 times and I couldn't continue.
  12. Daryl M

    Daryl M Senior Member

    London, Ontario
    I struggled through 2 1/2 episodes. Don't know if I'll go
    back. And what's with all that cigarette smoking?!
  13. RockNRod

    RockNRod Forum Resident

    Green Bay, WI
    Ep 5 Judgement is just brutal on what steps humans will take...
    misterbozz likes this.
  14. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    The smoking is odd. But we loved Episode #3, so we're sticking with it.
    pdxway likes this.
  15. LeonardWest

    LeonardWest Well-Known Member

    Some strange things:
    • As others have noted - what's with all the smoking?
    • The world's most expert physicists end up being pretty dumb
    • They tell everyone who the three wall-facers are
    • They send a single brain into space thinking that...yeah right
    • Oh, and they fail to realize the aliens operate at other dimensional level
    pdxway likes this.
  16. Enjoyed it so far. An example,of good, complex science fiction. Arthur Clark would be proud as it embodies the very things he wanted to see in adaptions of science fiction. The trilogy source is terrific, too.
    RockNRod and pdxway like this.
  17. Members of our government were critical of the series even before it appeared because it’s based on the writings of a Chinese author. They didn’t like what he had to say in his personal opinions.

    Luckily, Netflix replied that the showrunners (who created the series-two of the writers/show runners from Game of Thrones) had nothing to do with the author.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
    zobalob and pdxway like this.
  18. Anno

    Anno Forum Resident

    Maybe don’t bother to comment on the thread then?
    Plenty more on here.
    misterbozz likes this.
  19. proedros

    proedros Forum Resident

    Athens , Greece
    just a heads up , there is also a 30 episode chinese version made in 2023 named

    Three Body

    Three-Body (TV Series 2023– ) ⭐ 7.6 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
  20. dougotte

    dougotte Petty, Annoying Dilettante

    Washington, DC
    We watched the first two episodes last night. My wife loved it. I found the visuals and sound mix very beautiful and engaging. But, I always have a hard time accepting stories where the writers obviously don't understand complex physics (not that I do, either). In this one, all the laws of quantum physics suddenly don't apply anymore? And, scientists' theories no longer match the evidence? Come on!
    pdxway likes this.
  21. Madness

    Madness "Hate is much too great a burden to bear."

    Maryland, USA
    I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to comment wherever I want.
    skiplordoon and fairaintfair like this.
  22. kanakaris

    kanakaris Forum Resident

    Tobacco lobby no doubt.
    Just like in Peaky Blinders
  23. It’s quite a bit more accessible than the book. The mystery structure also excels in the TV adaption.
  24. I think that the smoking is tied into,the characters. The ones that do smoke are having high levels of anxiety.
    RockNRod likes this.
  25. The contrast and comparison with revolutionary China and the purges there and what happens later is interesting.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024

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