94th Academy Awards (March 27, 2022)

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Raf, Feb 3, 2022.

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  1. Licorice pizza

    Licorice pizza Livin’ On The Fault Line

  2. TurtleIsland

    TurtleIsland Forum Resident

    Back West
    Save that garbage. In 1973, security had to restrain cowardly racist John Wayne from assaulting Sacheen Littlefeather as she presented on behalf of Marlon Brando.

    Academy Awards 1973: John Wayne Had To Be Restrained From Confronting Native American Woman Sacheen Littlefeather On Stage | Whiskey Riff
    geo50000, AFOS, Grant and 6 others like this.
  3. Speedmaster

    Speedmaster We’re all walking through this darkness on our own

    The Netherlands
    To be honest, I found Gemini Man to be more offensive than his slapping Rock.
    beccabear67 likes this.
  4. beccabear67

    beccabear67 Musical omnivore.

    Victoria, Canada
    My first thought is this was a reality show type 'event', like maybe there would a be a tie-in merch inflatable Chris Rock slapping/punching bag for sale... but I'm of the opinion it was real and if Rock made fun of somebody's skin condition I guess a bit understandable maybe. Overshadows the award winners and nominees on their 'big night' or moment with something dumb though. Really overblown I expect in terms of column inches and tv/radio 'talk' about it, just more garbage to dodge and not waste time on.
  5. clashcityrocker

    clashcityrocker Forum Resident

    Great White North
    It really is the slap heard around the world that every side can use to further their cause i.e. the right wing can use it as violence of Black America, the conspiracy wing-bats can say it was set-up to make us worry about what's trending not the collapse of the free world, the left wing can use it as defending the rights of women. I see it as an unfortunate event that reveals we are connected but we are all on different pages of the script. The millennials love it but couldn't care less who or what GI Jane is/was but it was an experience they can meme for this week. It all is a downward spiral but realize it has been occurring since popular culture has existed. There is always the event that signals the end of "society" but we plod along and something comes up to remind us that it's cool to be alive. Enjoy the popcorn, make your own memes (I did below haha), please avoid personal attacks, have fun with it and hopefully it goes away like Will Smith's career (something's rotten in the state of Bel-Air)

    Danny Coffin and Licorice pizza like this.
  6. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    beccabear67 likes this.
  7. beccabear67

    beccabear67 Musical omnivore.

    Victoria, Canada
    "The Academy does not condone violence of any form."

    Unless it's meant as entertainment. :sigh:
    geo50000, Juan Matus, Grant and 3 others like this.
  8. beccabear67

    beccabear67 Musical omnivore.

    Victoria, Canada
  9. spherical

    spherical Forum Resident

    dude, that feeling started about 20 years ago. where you been?
  10. spherical

    spherical Forum Resident

    why would Ricky be watching the awards? why would anyone?
  11. BEAThoven

    BEAThoven Forum Resident

    New Jersey
    That was always an interesting story... We don't know what exactly Wayne would have done if he broke free from the "six security guards," but if I had to wager, I don't think he would have physically attacked Sacheen, but probably would have just aggressively grabbed the microphone and gave one of his blowhard "America, love it or leave it" diatribes... Again, just conjecture here.

    That's one problem that's always plagued Hollywood -- privileged and coddled actors who think if they play/act a particular part enough times, they have actually become that character. Guys such as Wayne and Eastwood probably thought they were actual tough-guy cowboys or some nonsense.
    geo50000, AFOS, smilin ed and 2 others like this.
  12. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    Shamelessly stolen from Instagram where it was shamelessly stolen from Facebook:

    beccabear67 likes this.
  13. Licorice pizza

    Licorice pizza Livin’ On The Fault Line

    Dudley Morris and CantonJester like this.
  14. Paul Gase

    Paul Gase Everything is cheaper than it looks.

    They've struggled with this category for a long time now. It does seem that the time has passed for Best Song. I recall one show many years ago where they had nominees do short versions of their songs, almost in medley form (I believe it was they both Elliott Smith and Aimee Mann were nominated).

    I think the song performances with the big names is because the producers and network are looking for ratings and musical performances are one of the few devices they have to deliver an actual performance outside of clips.

    It's a conundrum for the producers for sure.

    There was a time when Best Song meant something as it tied into popular culture. Now - its really not.
    mike s in nyc likes this.
  15. Wigru

    Wigru Forum Resident

    Strapping young lad gets slapped by slapping young lad.
  16. tootull

    tootull I tried to catch my eye but I looked the other way

  17. beccabear67

    beccabear67 Musical omnivore.

    Victoria, Canada
    I'd like to just remember Eddie Albert* and Leslie Howard here for their service, and also Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.

    * - On the island of Tarawa as the coxswain of a Coast Guard landing craft, he rescued 47 Marines who were stranded offshore (and supervised the rescue of 30 others), while under heavy enemy machine-gun fire, for which he was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat "V".
  18. clashcityrocker

    clashcityrocker Forum Resident

    Great White North

    I am a teacher with students clearly in the millennial age category who knew everything about the event but only knew Chris Rock as a voice in a Disney movie
    smilin ed likes this.
  19. TurtleIsland

    TurtleIsland Forum Resident

    Back West
    I'll give you that. The security that night actually did their job in keeping Littlefeather safe from John Wayne's rage. The security should have done the same thing with Will Smith.
    Grant, Licorice pizza and czeskleba like this.
  20. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    Unless you're a college professor only working with adult students, no, you are not :)

    Age Range by Generation - Beresford Research

    Gen Zers absolutely get a pass not knowing about GI Jane or Fresh Prince or any of Chris Rock's standup comedy specials. They remember the 2000s like folks my age remember the 1990s :)
    Zeroninety likes this.
  21. the real pope ondine

    the real pope ondine Forum Resident

  22. Tanx

    Tanx Forum Resident

    Washington, DC
    I'm no fan of Wayne, but I can't find a reputable source that confirms this story. Several say it "allegedly" happened. Wayne gave a NYT interview around that time in which he disparaged Littlefeather, but there's no mention of his trying to rush the stage. My guess is that if he had, he would have mentioned it as a point of pride.

    The only reason I care in the least is that this is quickly going viral as the "REAL ugliest Oscars!" to take the focus off Smith's actions. Facts matter.
    Pete Puma and Amnion like this.
  23. TurtleIsland

    TurtleIsland Forum Resident

    Back West
    You nor I were there. But Wayne was physically restrained from jumping on stage. Otherwise, he would have just walked on the way that Will Smith did.
  24. Trace

    Trace Senior Member

    Washington State
    You must mean "Will Smith's Publicist apologized to Chris Rock"
    geo50000, Amnion and joelee like this.
  25. TurtleIsland

    TurtleIsland Forum Resident

    Back West
    I believe Littlefeather's first-hand account. You believe whatever you want to.
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