ABC's "The Muppets" series

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by dirwuf, Nov 4, 2015.

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  1. seaisletim

    seaisletim Forum Resident

    Philadelphia PA
    Have you ever seen Swedish Chef in the 'Popcorn' video online?
    g.z. and Bender Rodriguez like this.
  2. bluenote

    bluenote Forum Resident

    I think the target audience is the people that grew up with the original show.
    mmars982 and Bender Rodriguez like this.
  3. mdphunk

    mdphunk Sharing in the groove

    Northern VA
    Ouch. The best humor on the show right now is the "adult" stuff. My favorite joke so far was Kermit talking about how the Electric Mayhem are always so happy...and LEGALLY now!
    g.z., svoegtlin and Bender Rodriguez like this.
  4. bluenote

    bluenote Forum Resident

    I'm hardly a prude, far from it, but I wouldn't sit down with my 6 and 3 year old to watch this show. Not because it's offensive, but most of the jokes would fly over their heads. This show is clearly aimed for the 35-65 year old demographic.

    The magic of the original show was that you would sit down with the whole family and enjoy it as a family. There were jokes that the parents would enjoy (not "adult" oriented), and stuff the kids like. It was great.

    Also, the characters are different. As others have already mentioned, they are way to cyncial and very "un-muppet" like. Yes, seeing the muppets getting drunk and singing karoake was hilarious (especially Pepe), but again, it was very different.

    Looking forward to see what they do with the reboot.
    sgtmono and Bender Rodriguez like this.
  5. violarules

    violarules Senior Member

    Baltimore, MD
    One thing is sure about this new series: Pepe gets the best lines. :D
    Bender Rodriguez likes this.
  6. seed_drill

    seed_drill Senior Member

    Tryon, NC, USA
    Not that those things were new to the Muppets for anyone who remembered them from SNL. Of course, their tenure on SNL isn't remember very fondly, either.

    This isn't a new controversy, for anyone who recalls the brouhaha over Ren and Stimpy, Beavis and Butt-head or South Park. the "Oh, if it's animated, it should be kid friendly" argument. Though I'll admit it's more problematic when you take pre existing kids' characters and place them in an adult situation.
    Bender Rodriguez likes this.
  7. mdphunk

    mdphunk Sharing in the groove

    Northern VA
    To me, the biggest problem is that ABC put The Muppets on at 8:00. If they put them on at 9:30 I doubt this would be a an issue.
    Bender Rodriguez and Vidiot like this.
  8. seed_drill

    seed_drill Senior Member

    Tryon, NC, USA
    Does anyone actually watch TV live any more? The episodes I've seen were TIVOed.
  9. Obtuse1

    Obtuse1 Forum Resident

    They want a return to good, wholesome, innuendo-free The Flintstones:

    spaulding and Bender Rodriguez like this.
  10. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    I think that would've been a better idea.
  11. rhubarb9999

    rhubarb9999 Forum Resident

    Atlanta, GA
    Yup .. they are taking a pretty great show and gonna screw it up .. America gets whimpified again.
  12. bluenote

    bluenote Forum Resident

    It has nothing to do with it getting "whimpified". The Muppets are a wholesome franchise, always were. This new show is very different from what the Muppets are all about and the ratings are showing that people are not enjoying it (for the most part).
    bluejeanbaby likes this.
  13. ky658

    ky658 Senior Member

    Ft Myers, Florida
    Yup, the original was way past my child TV show watching period, so, I'm out!
  14. balzac

    balzac Senior Member

    I wouldn't say this new show is vastly different from previous Muppet projects, especially recent items like "Muppets Most Wanted." In fact, this show is pretty similar to the 90s attempt at a Muppets TV show, which was titled "Muppets Tonight" I believe.

    To the degree people aren't like the show, I would tend to doubt it's because it's too "risqué" or "adult", but rather because it's just not funny or interesting enough, and/or sustaining a Muppets TV series on primetime network TV isn't doable. It didn't work in the 90s for very long.
  15. modrevolve

    modrevolve Forum Resident

    we had to pause it at that moment when it aired cause we were both laughing too hard.
  16. izgoblin

    izgoblin Forum Resident

    I heard a lot of people found that Swedish Chef rap thing hilarious, but I didn't think it was that good at all. Whoever is doing the Swedish Chef these days is totally missing the mark on the mock Swedish thing as far as I'm concerned. Seemed to me that the idea itself was funny, but the execution wasn't.

    I'm actually enjoying the show more than I thought I would. That is to say, I'm happy to watch it, even if I'm not laughing out loud. I thought I wouldn't bother at all.
  17. head_unit

    head_unit Senior Member

    Los Angeles CA USA
    Still love the guy who looks so much like Foghat (Floyd Pepper). And Animal. But I just don't get excited by the Muppets any more.

    I do remember Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem singing
    Her hair is in the closet
    Her teeth are on the shelf
    I put the good part in a bag
    And go out by myself!

    Can you say, double entendre?!?
    izgoblin likes this.
  18. Rfreeman

    Rfreeman Senior Member

    Lawrenceville, NJ
    Nice to see the Rainbow Connection close the last episode, too bad they used only the beginning and end
  19. Bender Rodriguez

    Bender Rodriguez RIP Exene, best dog ever. 2005-2016

  20. seaisletim

    seaisletim Forum Resident

    Philadelphia PA
    Isn't that guy the drummer in the Moopets?
  21. Derek Gee

    Derek Gee Senior Member

    Actually, I think the risque part is a major reason it's failing. The first 3-4 episodes had WAY too many sex jokes and too much emphasis on their dating lives and such. You didn't see that in the last couple of Muppet movies that were so successful. The premise of Miss Piggy doing a late night show is pretty good. They just need to stick to more situations and less sex & drug jokes!

    bluejeanbaby likes this.
  22. NorthNY Mark

    NorthNY Mark Senior Member

    Canton, NY, USA
    I've only caught one episode so far, and it was the one with the karaoke. I was not prepared for how hilarious it was (especially those karaoke scenes).
  23. Haven't seen any of them yet (not one episode), but have been letting them stack up on my DVR to hopefully binge watch over the holidays. Looking forward!
  24. I thought Kermit's "once I licked my cousin and the walls started to melt" line was very funny. I like the adult Muppets.
    seaisletim likes this.
  25. guy incognito

    guy incognito Senior Member

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