Advice on floorstanding speakers suited for metal music

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by WATTVOI, Jan 19, 2021.

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    WATTVOI Member Thread Starter

    I want to upgrade my current bookshelf speakers to floorstanding speakers.
    I listen to metal music, mainly black/death and doom metal. I listen to music on vinyl and sometimes on CD.
    I prefer a detailed, yet in-your-face live sound. I like to hear all instruments and I want a lively bass sound without it dominating everything.

    I'm reading a lot of speaker reviews online, but I would like to narrow my search a bit.
    So I'm hoping to get some advice as on which speakerbrands or types are excellent for metal music (or rock).
    What are your experiences, what do you use yourself and what would you recommend me?
    All advice is more than welcome!

    - Budget: 1500-2000 € or 1700-2200 $
    - Amp: Cambridge Audio CXA81
    - Turntable with external pre-amp
    - Room size: +/- 40 m²
    - Room finish: Fully finished and isolated attic room, with full stone walls, ceramic floor tiles and a ceiling in wood
  2. head_unit

    head_unit Senior Member

    Los Angeles CA USA
    The one set of "normal" speakers that can handle that are Monitor Audio Silver 300s. I blasted those for quite a while at Upscale Audio-the entire Piece Of Mind album and then Motorhead's No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith. Most speakers turn into a hash of distortion but those just cranked. I will soon repeat this experiment with Focal 936.
    - Klipsch Heritage might be suited for that stuff.
    - DIY horn stuff (I made some for my college dorm room, 117 dB cranking Rush "Subdivisions" from a little NAD amp)
    Due to physics, speakers for high bass SPL will be large. Large cabinets and big woofers are your friend.
    - Hence maybe the Tekton stuff might be of interest.
    - Big MTX towers, though the refinement might be there.

    Bass, that is a function of cabinet and woofer size but the interaction with the ROOM can make huge peaks and dips. So subwoofers and room EQ software might make as much difference as the choice of speaker.
    FalseMetal666 likes this.
  3. Bananajack

    Bananajack Phorum ... wat Phorum? Where am I?

    That’s a special case:

    Cervin Wega fit the bill perfectly (badass speakers) ;)

    Old JBL with big woofers (but your amp is a bit small for them)

    Hans Deutsch speakers (Germany), also under ATL brand (successor brand I think) - Bass Horns
    It might be they need new surrounds, but that’s not a problem, you save money

    Fostex with Horns (oh yes)

    eems to be a very good offer from Stuttgart/Germany, but too heavy to send
    Pick them up ... if COVID allows

    Floor tiles sound very shrill, buy a carpet
  4. Bananajack

    Bananajack Phorum ... wat Phorum? Where am I?

    Myself I am using vintage Tannoy, but that’s quite above the given budget
    And I am listening a lot to 60s/70s Rock, bit different sound profile needed

    If you want Tannoy for that ...
    Little Gold Monitor
    Little Red Monitor
    Both around 2000 EUR per pair

    plus a Dynaudio BM 18S Subwoofer (yes, that’s needed, your trousers will flutter)


    Tannoy Legacy Arden - might blow you out of the room, I was speechless listening to Marillion,
    the rest of the guys in the HiFi Studio were plain pissed. Play Fugazi, most speakers cannot
    reproduce the bass fast and hard enough.
  5. bever70

    bever70 Let No-one Live Rent Free in Your Head!

    Keep the bookshelves, work on better positioning. Get a good musical subwoofer instead and either a Puffin phono preamp, or an equalizer, to adjust for the crappy sound of a lot of black/doom metal records.
  6. Bananajack

    Bananajack Phorum ... wat Phorum? Where am I?

    The sound is not that crappy
    Most speakers reproduce it crappy
    Especially these modern tower speakers with their tiny woofers just can’t ...
  7. bever70

    bever70 Let No-one Live Rent Free in Your Head!

    Which is why you need a sub(s) ;).
  8. FalseMetal666

    FalseMetal666 Forum Resident

    Seattle, WA
    I'm using KEF LS50s (not the new Meta version) and a JL D108 subwoofer with a DSPeaker 8033 assisting with subwoofer integration. I listen to ~50% metal, ~50% everything else.

    I have a medium sized room and this combo sounds very nice. The sub provides enough bass slam to properly convey Electric Wizard but enough bass speed to also cover Carcass. And the LS50s are detailed with terrific staging, which is really important to me (especially with the slower doom stuff). I guess the sound signature I'm getting now is similar to a mixing studio - precise, clean, and extended. Not similar in QUALITY, mind you, just in character.

    But, I've never had floor-standers since I've only ever had small listening rooms.
    Dax_Frost and Rick58 like this.
  9. Bananajack

    Bananajack Phorum ... wat Phorum? Where am I?

    It’s not just the bass
    It’s the character of the speaker
    Metal need aggression but sweetness (the midrange is important, you won’t believe it)
    Rick58 likes this.
  10. Bingo Bongo

    Bingo Bongo Music gives me Eargasms

    Ottawa, Canada
    Subwoofer(s) is a must for Metal....................
    johnny q and bever70 like this.
  11. bever70

    bever70 Let No-one Live Rent Free in Your Head!

    I know.
    But a good sub will balance things out.
    Bingo Bongo likes this.
  12. ermylaw

    ermylaw Forum Resident

    Kansas City
    I’ve got the Silver 300s, and they sound great with metal that is mastered well. They might tend toward having more bass than what the OP is describing as a preference, but that can probably be resolved by placement relative to the wall. But they’re very crankable with metal.
    Vruksha and Rick58 like this.
  13. patient_ot

    patient_ot Senior Member

    No specific recommendations, but I'll just say that any pair of speakers that are reasonably neutral-ish, should sound good with metal. I listen to a fair amount of older metal and more extreme stuff from the 90s and more recent stuff and would never purchase a pair of speakers based around one genre of music. I do listen to a wide variety of genres though.
    fluffskul likes this.
  14. daytona600

    daytona600 Forum Resident

    Hedd type 05 or 07
    116Db @ 1metre , Clarity with huge dynamics your neighbours will love you !
    Bingo Bongo likes this.
  15. Anton D

    Anton D Forum Resident

    Chico CA
  16. Boltman92124

    Boltman92124 Go Padres!!

    San Diego
    Those are old school. I browsed some other models too like the SL-12. I was a BIC guy back in the 80's with a similar type of speaker but CV's were more popular. I bet they are fun! SL-12 12" 3-Way Floor Tower Speaker
  17. curbach

    curbach Some guy on the internet

    The ATX
    I have not heard their more recent products, but when I last auditioned a Cambridge amp some years ago, I would not have thought it a very good candidate for someone who primarily listens to metal (or any rock and roll actually).
    bever70 likes this.
  18. vinnn

    vinnn Forum Resident

    Another Monitor Audio Silver 300 owner and metal fan, my metal leanings are mainly Doom, Death & Thrash.
    When auditioning before getting these the Kef R500s came very close but I preferred the MAs, that's not to say you shouldn't check Kef out as well.
  19. Mike from NYC

    Mike from NYC Senior Member

    Surprise, AZ
    A good speaker will play all music equally well. Just get a sub(s) whatever you do.
    Bingo Bongo, bever70 and curbach like this.
  20. Boltman92124

    Boltman92124 Go Padres!!

    San Diego
    Intrigued by the multiple recs of this model. They sell for about what I paid for my last speakers 25 years ago. Evidently, they can crank and sound good at low volumes too?
    Rick58 likes this.
  21. head_unit

    head_unit Senior Member

    Los Angeles CA USA
    That's true at normal levels, but not at high volume, because the problem is not spectral balance, the problem is distortion. A lot of speakers, whether home or car, just can't handle hard rock or heavy metal, you get a real harsh sound. I presume it is a lot of harmonic and intermodulation distortions though that is just a hypothesis. Plus if you REALLY want to crank to back-in-the-day rock concert levels, non-horn tweeters simply cannot play as loud as horns.
  22. lonelysea

    lonelysea Ban Leaf Blowers

    The Cascades
    Another vote for the Monitor Audio Silver 300. Best bang-for-the-buck towers out there.
    Rick58 likes this.
  23. ermylaw

    ermylaw Forum Resident

    Kansas City
    Most of my listening is at relatively low volume, and I find they sound great for that. But when the wife and kids are out... they go loud very nicely!
  24. patient_ot

    patient_ot Senior Member

    I do not have this problem. I have played everything from Darkthrone to Entombed to Anthrax to Iron Maiden and on and on. Then again I am not worried about ear-splitting SPLs any more because I'm not 16 any more and value my hearing.

    "Live sound" and actual concert volume levels are two different things I think. OP should be more specific about what they want.
    The Pinhead likes this.
  25. head_unit

    head_unit Senior Member

    Los Angeles CA USA
    That's what earmuffs are for! :D
    Bingo Bongo likes this.
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