Audio Element high-end audio store in Pasadena, CA, one year anniversary

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Steve Hoffman, Oct 29, 2014.

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  1. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    Brian Berdan's store in Pasadena is already a year old, time flies! They are having a celebration this Saturday, November first. Open house and BBQ!

    I can't be there (soccer game and skating party for the kids) but those of you who are local, support one of your leading high-end stores. Have fun, play with neat gear, eat BBQ, chat with other like-minded people, buy vinyl!
  2. Gary

    Gary Nauga Gort! Staff

    Cool! Always good to see the success of a new high end store!

    Even if it's far, far away. :)
  3. I may go, it's just a little spin down the freeway. It's always nice to see Pasadena anyway, my teenage stomping grounds.
  4. I'll be going!
  5. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    Say hi for me!
    morinix likes this.
  6. jamesmaya

    jamesmaya Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    I'll try to drop by (would be my first visit) and afterwards, grab a burrito at King Taco across the street.
    O Don Piano likes this.
  7. O Don Piano

    O Don Piano Senior Member

    Glad I read this! I'm going there now.
    I certainly won't be able to afford to buy anything, I imagine, but sounds like a good time!
    And 10 minutes away from me!
  8. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    Have fun, troops. Always good to play with gear.
  9. erniebert

    erniebert Shoe-string audiophile

    Toronto area
  10. gloomrider

    gloomrider Well-Known Member

    Hollywood, CA, USA
    I stopped by yesterday. Brian had a good turnout and the BBQ was pretty good. Brian's first year has been successful and I'm certainly going to keep sending as much business his way as I can.

    The Ayre rep was there and had a Pono! Ayre is saying that if someone orders a Pono now, they'll have it sometime in April 2015. No word on whether that "order placement to fulfillment" window will shrink with time.
  11. So I went to Audio Element yesterday. Here is my little photo journal;
    The cute lady in the little black dress is the owners wife. She was super nice and welcoming. This view is from the back. They were saying "come on in!" But I declined because I wanted to enter through the front to get the Audio Element "first impression". I also told them I would be taking pictures for this forum and they said "Well then go on around through the front and get some BBQ and a drink".

    Here is the front. Notice the pigs; that's because Pasadena Pig Parade did the catering

    That guy you see with the black apron is the chef. BBQ is his labor of love and it shows after you take a bite of his ribs. I've only had better ribs once ever in my life. He raves about the Beatles 2014 mono vinyl too! Think he's a fit for an event like this?
  12. Turntable porn on display for all to see! Lots of ProJect TT's.
    Dino likes this.
  13. Budget display - Rega stuff.
  14. Vinyl. Very tilted toward upsacle boomer tastes. Rock/pop to the right. Mostly jazz to the left. Some interesting stuff. Gotta say, the vinyl prices were kept under control. Some vinyl was even under 10$. The most pricy LP I came across was 65$. The Beatles Mono 2014's were $23 for the single platter titles.
    JeffMo and Dino like this.
  15. Carts
    Dino likes this.
  16. Behind the scenes
  17. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Dino likes this.
  18. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    gloomrider likes this.
  19. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    Thank you for the photos.
    morinix likes this.
  20. :tiphat: My pleasure. It was a hard job eating two helpings of that BBQ, but someone had to do it. ;)
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