Bands where you can't even get past their name!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by healter skealter, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. Panther

    Panther Forum Resident

    Tokyo, Japan
  2. healter skealter

    healter skealter Human animal Thread Starter

    Your error was the spelling of the daubings. And if I were a 'cultist', I'd have replicated what they actually wrote.
  3. speedracer

    speedracer Forum Resident

    The Mudflapjacks
  4. audiotom

    audiotom Senior Member

    New Orleans La USA
    Motley Crew

    DTK likes this.
  5. Benjamin Edge

    Benjamin Edge Forum Resident

    Milwaukie, OR, US

    ARK, Moshe, RAZORMADE and 1 other person like this.
  6. elaterium

    elaterium Forum Resident

    Puke Ellington
  7. I always thought that Hoobastank probably sounded exactly like their name.
  8. sinistrail sentinel

    sinistrail sentinel Forum Resident

    United States
    DTK likes this.
  9. Siegmund

    Siegmund Vinyl Sceptic

    Britain, Europe

    The name implies an adolescent interest in a 1969 cult killing that has arguably received far more than its fair share of attention. To me, a band that adopts a 'Mansonite' name suggests that its members are immature fanboys and that their music is probably derivative of various styles of music popular in the late sixties/early seventies. This may not be the truth (and I've never heard Kasabian, or Mansun, or Marilyn Manson) but there's a lot of music out there to explore and giving a band a 'faux controversial' name is giving me an excuse to ignore it.
    CaptainFeedback1 likes this.
  10. Siegmund

    Siegmund Vinyl Sceptic

    Britain, Europe

    I've never consciously heard them, but that's exactly what I'd expect them to sound like on the basis of their name.
    CaptainFeedback1 likes this.
  11. El Nuevo Rich-o

    El Nuevo Rich-o Forum Resident

    My god, how can you not love those?
  12. relax_inn

    relax_inn Forum Resident

    San Diego, CA
    The Disco Biscuits
  13. Victor Martell

    Victor Martell Forum Resident

    Funki Porcini
    Destiny Potato

    No matter how good, I will never respect bands with such names.

  14. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    elvis costello

    meat loaf
    thematinggame likes this.
  15. Panther

    Panther Forum Resident

    Tokyo, Japan
    Well, "Elvis" was probably better than his original first-name pseudonym -- "D.P."
  16. bullygoat

    bullygoat Forum Resident

    Dying Fetus, but I love the music!
  17. CatManDude

    CatManDude Forum Existent

    Connecticut, USA
    Dead Kennedys
  18. ghoulsurgery

    ghoulsurgery House Ghost

    New Jersey
    This really is the worst band name I’ve ever heard. I thought it was gross in the 90s and it’s even worse to hear now. How did no one in that band veto the name?
    dheath and CatManDude like this.
  19. Billy Infinity

    Billy Infinity Beloved aunt

    I just laughed at this. And I’ll show myself out now.
    ARK and fried like this.
  20. Benjamin Edge

    Benjamin Edge Forum Resident

    Milwaukie, OR, US
    And confusingly, like Journey, had a lead singer named Steve Perry.

    ghoulsurgery likes this.
  21. 47West63rd

    47West63rd Forum Resident

    FFfRV had the best back to an album jacket EVER. Music inside the grooves not bad either.

    Bad band name.... Lynyrd Skynyrd comes to mind
    MothMonsterMan likes this.
  22. elaterium

    elaterium Forum Resident

    I’m made it up to be honest.
  23. CatManDude

    CatManDude Forum Existent

    Connecticut, USA
    I always loved the story behind Lynyrd Skynyrd. He was the gym coach that tormented them in High School. Skynard (the man) went on to pursue a career in real estate and even appeared with Skynard (the band) at concerts.
  24. Mylene

    Mylene Senior Member

    Wet Leg
    thematinggame, DTK and Dudley Morris like this.
  25. joy stinson

    joy stinson Secret friend

    Dickson. Tn
    There were many novelty songs on the AM charts in the late sixties and early seventies and this would have fit right in. Ironically and humorously as you probably know, there’s a group named for the song’s title.

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