Bosch TV series

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Peace N. Love, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. MrGrumpy

    MrGrumpy Forum Resident

    Disappointed by the final season. They really overdid the random "tamale girl" references coupled with Bosch's reminder that she had a name. And no one, including Bosch, seemed to care about the other victims. A predictable ending for the bad guy, who no one cared about anyway. But I liked the dude's homeboy bodyguard. Another courthouse action scene. Yawn. And the most colorful supporting character was out of action for most of the season. I hope Matthew Lillard (Bosch's oddball FBI buddy) returns for the spinoff.
  2. My problem is the ads show up rather randomly and aren’t time around the act breaks. They are poorly inserted.
    trumpet sounds likes this.
  3. I believe it hasn’t aired yet. The actor they selected to play reacher is 6 4 as I recall.
  4. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    So how does the Bosch story arc work in the books? He's now going to be a PI. In the books, is that the endgame (so far), or does he wind up back on the force later on?
  5. Atmospheric

    Atmospheric Forum Resident

    The series chronology is a mashup. But yes in the books he leaves the force but comes back in another capacity. More than once.
    ssmith3046 and kwadguy like this.
  6. DesertChaos

    DesertChaos Senior Member

    We just finished binging the final season. Seemed a bit rushed, I think 8 episodes was not enough...10 would have given them some room to play out the plots a little better.
  7. fitzysbuna

    fitzysbuna Senior Member

    I enjoyed it ! glad they got to film something in covid times ! and i am real happy there is going to be a spin-off ! bring it on !
  8. Tony Plachy

    Tony Plachy Senior Member

    Pleasantville, NY
  9. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    In book #9 published in 2003 titled Lost Light, Harry gets his California PI license but does eventually return to the force for a while.
  10. Bill Mac

    Bill Mac Forum Resident

    I agree. I thought the last episode was a total let down. Without ruining it for those that haven't seen it how did a certain someone know that the bad guy was going to be coming out of the station at that time? What are the odds of that :rolleyes:?
    rockclassics and MrGrumpy like this.
  11. Tony Plachy

    Tony Plachy Senior Member

    Pleasantville, NY
    Bill, EXACTLY! It's like the writers suddenly realized they only had 15 minutes to wrap it up and wrote the first thing that came into their heads. It was a big let down.
    trumpet sounds and Bill Mac like this.
  12. rockclassics

    rockclassics Senior Member

    Mainline Florida
    Makes me wonder if Bosch set it up. He seems like a standup cop that wouldn’t do this but it bugged the heck out of him that the guy behind the arson was going to skate on the murder charges due to a deal with the feds.
    gabbleratchet7 and Bill Mac like this.
  13. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    Bosch is a standup cop in the books but not above a few tricks to help his cause.. He used Lt. Harvey Pounds name several times when off the force during one of his nvestigations. That didn't turn out well for Pounds. There are other instances.
  14. Bhob

    Bhob Forum Resident

    Atlanta Ga
    I love the books and thoroughly enjoyed the Amazon series. In the beginning they lifted plot lines from 3 different books for the first couple of seasons, eventually trimming down to one book like seasons 5, 6, & 7, though the only relationship season 7 has to the book is that there’s a fire in a low income housing apartment building.

    Until season 5 came along, my favorite season was 1, but 5 was definitely a step up.

    I didn’t mind season 7 being abbreviated, since I felt all plot lines were brought to logical conclusions. Grace got her reputation cleared, too bad we don’t get to see what happens happens to Irving.

    In the books, Bosch takes early retirement in the same way Barrel did in season 6. He goes to work for the San Fernando Police Dept. as a unbadged consultant on cold cases. This is how he meets up with Renee Ballard. I was hoping this teaming up would’ve moved to the tv, but I guess not. I think Bojana Novakovic, late of the series Instinct would’ve been a great Ballard.

    I’m very curious to see how the new series relates (if at all) to the original books/series. If Harry becomes Honey Chandler’s investigator, what happens to Hector Bonner?

    As to the new series being on IMDB, I’ve been watching the revival of Leverage and, not only is the show good, but the commercials aren’t too bothersome. It’s the way it was in the old days. :)
  15. Juan Matus

    Juan Matus Reformed Audiophile

    I've enjoyed the show and would like to check out any of the books where he is a PI. Any suggestions?
  16. Bhob

    Bhob Forum Resident

    Atlanta Ga
    He hasn’t worked as a PI in any of the books. After his retirement went into effect he he went to work with the San Fernando Police Department as a consultant on cold cases. The scenario created for the new IMDB show is completely new and hasn’t occurred in any Michael Connelly book.
    Juan Matus likes this.
  17. CatManDude

    CatManDude Forum Existent

    Connecticut, USA
    ex_mixer and Juan Matus like this.
  18. Juan Matus

    Juan Matus Reformed Audiophile

    Ah got it. Could you recommend any of the books that take place outside of the TV show universe? I didn't want to read stuff I've already watched but wasn't sure where to start. My local library seems to have most of them but I'm confused because the show seemed to take plot lines from various books.
  19. rockclassics

    rockclassics Senior Member

    Mainline Florida
    I would start at the beginning of the book series and try to read them in order based on copyright date of the books. I wouldn’t worry about duplication between the books and tv episodes. While there will be some overlap as far as basic storyline, the books go into more details than the tv show did.
    Bill Mac and Juan Matus like this.
  20. Bhob

    Bhob Forum Resident

    Atlanta Ga
    Much more detail, and like I said, early seasons used plot lines from different books, and in all cases were sometimes radically changed for tv.
  21. mooseman

    mooseman Forum Resident

    This has to be one of the best streaming shows I ever watched, I really enjoyed all the episodes.
  22. Bhob

    Bhob Forum Resident

    Atlanta Ga
    Much more detail, and like I said, early seasons used plot lines from different books, and in all cases were sometimes radically changed for tv.

    Start at the beginning. In the books Harry has had several partners. J. Edgar is just one of them.
    Bill Mac, ssmith3046 and rockclassics like this.
  23. Fahzz

    Fahzz Forum Resident

    Outside Providence
  24. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    The Black Echo. First book.
    Juan Matus likes this.
  25. ssmith3046

    ssmith3046 Forum Resident

    Arizona desert
    He did get his California PI license though, just in case. I believe he left the LAPD for three years then went back to the department. Eventually ending up as a reserve officer for the San Fernando police when he left the LAPD for good, as you point out. Its interesting that when Bosch is off the force Connelly writes those books in first person and third person when he's on the force.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021

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