Do Vader and C3PO meet in the Original Star Wars trilogy?

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by guppy270, Aug 15, 2020.

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  1. guppy270

    guppy270 Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Levittown, NY
    Because of George Lucas' stupid prequels (IMHO), every time I watch "A New Hope" I feel bad for R2D2. Ben Kenobi is staring right at him and says he doesn't remember owning a droid. Even if he's intentionally lying to hide his identity, R2 still had to feel bad. He only saved Ben's life two or three times!

    Another one of the things Lucas thought was good was to have young Anakin Skywalker actually build C3PO.

    I am going senile so I forget, do Darth Vader and C3PO ever meet face to face in the Original Trilogy (episodes 4-6) ?
  2. CraigBic

    CraigBic Forum Resident

    New Zealand
    I was thought for a moment that they are never really in the same room with one another but in Empire, he's in Chewie's backpack... or something when Han gets put into carbon freeze. I guess the only thing you could really say about that is that there are so many droids out there that look identical to 3-P0 that Vader either didn't think about it or maybe he just didn't care. That said 3-P0 has such a distinctive voice I'd think he'd be hard to miss, and it's not as though he isn't running his mouth enough during that scene. I guess this logic would all be a big retcon anyways because George went and complicated things by making them so integral to the prequels but I guess he felt he had to.
    I think it's actually R2-D2 that never really is in the same room as Vader. I don't know what to say about Obi-Wan since he seemed to be quite close to R2 but I guess technically he didn't own R2 and never did actually own a droid so maybe he's just being cagey the same way he is about Vader and his different point of view... to retcon one retcon with another retcon. Characters are very dismissive of droids as well in Star Wars so that could also be another flimsy reason behind all of this.
    Yes, technically they are in the same area together they just never speak.
    longdist01 and guppy270 like this.
  3. vince

    vince Stan Ricker's son-in-law

    I smell 'erotic-fan-fiction'!:agree::laugh:
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  4. Walt

    Walt Forum Resident

    Baltimore, MD
    Isn’t there a quick line near the end of Episode 3 with someone ordering to have the droids’ memories wiped? (It’s been a while since I have watched it....).
  5. ianuaditis

    ianuaditis Matthew 21:17

    Long River Place
    Yes, though it's just 3PO.
    Sean, scobb, longdist01 and 2 others like this.
  6. rnranimal

    rnranimal Senior Member

  7. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    I mean, this is a good goof, but this is not actually a problem. Anakin built a protocol droid. That kind of base programming (what makes a protocol droid vs an astromech vs a medical droid, etc) 's gotta come from somewhere. We know there are other similar protocol droids; in fact 3P0 goes after one in Empire which is how he ended up in the side room getting blasted to pieces.

    It actually makes MORE sense knowing that it's Republic laws (notice, not Imperial laws) and that 3P0 as a droid dates back to the end days of the Old Republic.
  8. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    But IIRC, Obi-wan didn't own R2. R2 was Anakin's droid, not Obi-wan's.

    So unless I've forgotten something, Obi-wan didn't lie - he never owned a droid...
  9. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    That wouldn't explain why the humans don't remember 3PO, though.

    I'm convinced R2 remembered everything, but he was never one to reveal secrets! :shh:
    Walt and longdist01 like this.
  10. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    So they never "meet" in the OT. 3PO is just there - it's unlikely Vader even noticed the half-a-droid on Chewie's back...
    longdist01 likes this.
  11. CraigBic

    CraigBic Forum Resident

    New Zealand
    Vader is a very perceptive character, I can accept that he may have ignored 3P0 but the notion that he didn't notice there was half a droid on the back of a Wookie ranting and raving whilst managing a pass on a line of exposition now and then is a bit too much of a stretch for me.

    The Hud likes this.
  12. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    It's as if the other movies hadn't been written yet, and the screenwriters made a mistake!

    I got a bigger one: five minutes into the film, Vader confronts Princess Leia -- his daughter -- and doesn't recognize her at all or pick up that she's got The Force. Why is that? Oh yeah -- another screenwriting mistake.

    I bet some enterprising person could write an entire book of these.
  13. Damn wish I had thought of writing that book! ;)
    Vidiot likes this.
  14. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    Thats why you gotta just watch "Star Wars" (1977) and bail (Organa). Just turns into a big ol mess the farther you delve. I wish I never saw the prequels. The "Clone Wars" mentioned in the original film seemed so much cooler in my imagination than the blue screen roger roger Boba Daddy garbage Lucas served up.
    CDFanatic, mpayan, cleandan and 7 others like this.
  15. CraigBic

    CraigBic Forum Resident

    New Zealand
    You better write it quickly before someone else does, this guy Nathan P. Butler already wrote the book detailing the Home video releases.
  16. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    If you've got Disney+, consider giving the Clone Wars TV show a look. It almost legitimizes the prequels.

    Yes, it's aimed at a younger audience, but then according to George, so is the whole thing:
    Vidiot, TheVU and APH like this.
  17. I know. I was being humorous. The Secret History of Star Wars kind Of did that.
  18. CraigBic

    CraigBic Forum Resident

    New Zealand
    I've started to believe (and I think I'm not the only one) that George says this sort of thing because he's just too sensitive to criticism. You don't like it? It's cause it's for kids you see. I don't know about you but coincidentally I was 12 when the Special Editions hit theaters and I still cringed at that song he stuck in Return of the Jedi. I wonder what he would have said if a 12-year-old had said "I don't like that song, can't you put the old one back?" It's also a bit funny how he told those fans who wanted to buy the theatrical versions to "grow up".

    I've watched some of the Clone Wars but I haven't gotten through season 1 yet. It's okay but I'm not as into it as a lot of people are, particularly people who grew up with that show.
  19. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    Of all the silly things in the sequels and prequels, the notion that everybody already knows each other and/or is related to each other really is the worst. In the original film, they were a group of normal people thrown together by fate, not a family of mutants with latent superpowers, none of whom recognize each other.
  20. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    My eyes rolled out of my head in the theater when Yoda tells Chewie how he'll "miss him". Of all the gin joints on all the planets in all the universe, Chewie walks into mine.
    That's Mr. Foghat likes this.
  21. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Dude's about to freeze Han so he can confront his son - he had other things on his mind than "hey, there's part of a droid on that Wookiee's back!" :laugh:
    Chip TRG and razerx like this.
  22. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    The comics, of course, have shown at least one instance where they did cross paths:
    Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars Tales 6 - Thank the Maker
    (story runs alongside The Empire Strikes Back; quote from Wookiepedia edited to focus on the 3PO story)

    and one other:
    Darth Vader Secretly Saved C-3PO's Life After Star Wars
  23. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    This one does a pretty good job (626 pages):


    The Secret History of Star Wars
    by Michael Kaminski

    Many, many, many mistakes, logical discrepancies, flubs, character issues, story flaws, and related stuff. They have yet to do an updated version that covers Episodes 7-8-9 (as well as Solo and Rogue One and Mandalorian), but I'm sure they eventually will.
  24. Yep. Exhaustive.
  25. Dillydipper

    Dillydipper Space-Age luddite

    Central PA
    Didn't I recall, there was a scene in the Lucas-revised version somewhere, in which Darth growls, "Droid...I am...your Tech Support!" And then 3PO loses his arm, yells "NOOOOOOOOO!", and falls down the Garbage Chute...? :confused:

    I could be mistaken...
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