Fleetwood Mac "Fleetwood Mac" on HDTracks

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by David Bostock, Dec 15, 2011.

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  1. David Bostock

    David Bostock Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Portland, Oregon
    I don't know who's responsible for the mastering of the recent FM titles on HDTracks but the sound is wonderful. Today the self-titled album came out. It sounds just as good as Mirage, Tusk, Tango. And it was clearly a full analog recording, so no digital cut off. It sounds awesome. Check it out.
  2. hazard

    hazard Forum Resident

    Well it was an analog recording but it aint anymore. Of course it has a digital cut off, at half the sample rate.
  3. David Bostock

    David Bostock Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Portland, Oregon
    Ok, you win. :D
  4. GreenDrazi

    GreenDrazi Truth is beauty

    Atlanta, GA
    But thankfully, not at 1/4 the rate, which is what he was referring to.
  5. GreenDrazi

    GreenDrazi Truth is beauty

    Atlanta, GA
    Thanks for the info, but where's the pic of the spectral display? ;)
  6. hazard

    hazard Forum Resident

    To the OP - just now had a look at HD Tracks. I see they have F.Mac s/t at both 96k and 192k - which did you get? And as above, would be good to see the spectral display.

    I see that they have Rumours at 96k only - must be the digital track used for the DVD-A rather than a fresh A to D conversion. I've got the DVD-A, sounds good, but not quite as good as our hosts vinyl remaster!

    Actually Rumours doesn't have Silver Springs (which is on the DVD-A). If they got the DVD-A files, why not get this track as well??
  7. brimuchmuze

    brimuchmuze Forum Resident

    Anyone know if these Fleetwood Mac transfers (with the exception of Rumours) are recent transfers? Would be interesting if these represent new investment by Rhino/Warner as opposed to recycling past efforts.
  8. David Bostock

    David Bostock Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Portland, Oregon
    Resurrecting this thread because I think you all are really missing out on an awesome presentation of this album. Here are some helpful analyses.

    First Dynamic Range:
     Analyzed folder: /Volumes/Data/Media Library/Music/Fleetwood Mac/Fleetwood Mac (24_96) (HDTracks)
     DR		Peak		RMS		Filename
     DR13		-1.87 dB 	-16.14 dB 	01 Monday Morning.m4a
     DR13		-2.44 dB 	-18.15 dB 	02 Warm Ways.m4a
     DR12		-1.12 dB 	-15.56 dB 	03 Blue Letter.m4a
     DR12		-1.83 dB 	-15.23 dB 	04 Rhiannon.m4a
     DR13		-2.62 dB 	-17.10 dB 	05 Over My Head.m4a
     DR14		-1.47 dB 	-20.03 dB 	06 Crystal.m4a
     DR12		-1.79 dB 	-16.04 dB 	07 Say You Love Me.m4a
     DR11		-6.05 dB 	-19.43 dB 	08 Landslide.m4a
     DR13		-2.50 dB 	-18.73 dB 	09 World Turning.m4a
     DR15		-2.40 dB 	-18.92 dB 	10 Sugar Daddy.m4a
     DR10		-2.99 dB 	-15.07 dB 	11 I'm So Afraid.m4a
     Number of files:	11
     Official DR value:	DR13
    And here's a spectral analysis:


    Most importantly, this is the best I've ever heard this album.

    SinnerSaint likes this.
  9. David Bostock

    David Bostock Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Portland, Oregon
    I chose the 96k version...
  10. Doug Sclar

    Doug Sclar Forum Legend

    The OC
    Dang, I just bought 5 more titles from them but didn't notice this one. I was about to go to the no new music in 2011 thread and state that I was done for the year, but I guess I'm not quite done. Now to decide whether to go for the 192k version, which is likely.
  11. noname74

    noname74 Allegedly Canadian

    So is the assumption that this is a flat transfer from the original master and not something that has been EQ'd etc (ie. remastered)?
  12. testikoff

    testikoff Seasoned n00b

    Ditto ;)
  13. Doug Sclar

    Doug Sclar Forum Legend

    The OC
    OK, I sprung for the 192k version and I'm officially done buying music for the year. At least my wallet hopes that will be the case, but if something good shows up I've proven to have very weak will power.
    JayNYC likes this.
  14. SamS

    SamS Forum Legend

    Very nice, thanks for posting. I may need to go ahead and grab this. The MFSL vinyl sounds so yummy, but I'm up for another digital version I suppose.
  15. testikoff

    testikoff Seasoned n00b

    Here's is how 24/96 Rhiannon spectrum (full track) & frequency analysis graph (first 109.2 sec) look like in Audacity, so 24/192 may be an overkill:

    Attached Files:

    SinnerSaint likes this.
  16. noname74

    noname74 Allegedly Canadian

    can you pretend I'm a dummy (ahem) and explain this to me?
  17. Doug Sclar

    Doug Sclar Forum Legend

    The OC
    Perhaps, but there is a 15% discount available. Use code 'vip15', but you can only use it one time.
  18. testikoff

    testikoff Seasoned n00b

    Both track spectrum & frequency analysis curve show that there clearly is content above 22 KHz, which means that 24/96 track at least was not stemmed from 44 KHz PCM material ;). However, the spectrum reaches -87dB at 26KHz and stays below -90dB after 35 KHz, meaning that going 24/192 & extending frequency to 96 KHz will likely not have any significant impact (at least for this excerpt of music). BTW, there is a slight peak of ~4dB at 29 KHz (dither maybe?)...
  19. kippyy

    kippyy Forum Resident

    I took a chance on this in 24;96 and it sounds awesome!
    Best I've ever heard these songs. Completely made me re-examine this album.
  20. Sandeep725

    Sandeep725 Forum Resident

    Hi - apologies if this is has been answered before, but can someone tell me if the "Rumours" downloads are based on the Hoffman/Gray mastering please?
  21. chewy

    chewy Forum Resident

    West Coast USA
    so, they can release it online in this good quality, but not on cd?
  22. David Bostock

    David Bostock Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Portland, Oregon
    No, it is not. It is pulled from the same source as the older DVD-A. Not bad, but definitely not a Hoffman/Gray. And I don't think it's as good as the other Fleetwood Mac downloads.
  23. simon-wagstaff

    simon-wagstaff Forum Resident

    This seems like a new and hopefully continuing trend. Fleetwood Mac and Tusk have not been released on DVD-A in the past. I will be grabbing this, great album!
  24. simon-wagstaff

    simon-wagstaff Forum Resident

    No reviews? I have downloaded it and will be listening to it this afternoon. Will be back!
  25. Bruce Burgess

    Bruce Burgess Senior Member

    Hamilton, Canada
    Are there any alternatives than HD Tracks for this and other Fleetwood Mac hi res downloads? HD Tracks only sells to those living in the USA.
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