KMET Tribute Day Is July 10 on The Sound

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Backsasser, Jun 27, 2009.

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  1. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    For those who remember the Mighty Met KMET 100.3 The Sound in Los Angeles will be paying tribute to the greatest album rock station that was ever on the air in southern california from 1968-1986!
    Join Jeff Gonzer and Ace Young starting at 7am PST -8pm.The show that day will close with Dr.Demento.They will also be playing old airchecks from the 70s.
    You can listen anywhere online
    Take a trip down memory lane on July 10th!!
  2. Doug Sclar

    Doug Sclar Forum Legend

    The OC
    :confused: KMET was at 94.7

    Regardless thanks for the heads up.

    I was an avid listener when they started. I got my first stereo FM setup in the summer of 1968. BMR was my favorite DJ of all time. I missed him when I moved form the NYC area in late 1964 and was delighted when he followed me out west.
  3. ubsman

    ubsman Active Member

    Weren't they on both frequencies? If one was weak you'd use the other. I don't remember anymore, but seems familiar.

    I always used 94.7 though.
  4. Doug Sclar

    Doug Sclar Forum Legend

    The OC
    I guess it's possible but this is the first I ever heard of a second frequency.
  5. ubsman

    ubsman Active Member

    I've always like KROQ better anyway. Still listen to it.
  6. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Also Paraquat Kelly will be there too.KMET was a true underground rock sation.KROQ started out in 72 as a top 40 station.
  7. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Yes it will be cool to have KMET on the air for just 1 day!
  8. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    FYI Steve Hoffman was a engineer at KMET back in the day!
  9. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Yeah. I loved Mary Turner ("The Burner"). Not only was she beautiful and had a great FM Radio Voice but her taste in music was amazing. I was one of the few people her dogs didn't growl at.

    The three bucks an hour they paid me to work at Metromedia Radio in those days was nothing but I would have paid THEM for the experience.. Both KLAC and KMET were great stations and less than 15 feet from each other (like that Danny A. skit on SNL, "FM Radio Voice" vs. "AM Radio Voice")..
  10. Doug Sclar

    Doug Sclar Forum Legend

    The OC
    Funny but I also got $3/hour when I started in pro sound back in 1975. I was also pretty thrilled to get it.
  11. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Totally. 3 bucks was a fortune to me. I worked 50 hours a week (late aft to midnight) and lived at home going to school during the day. Pure profit and all the free records I could want.

    The best people I ever worked with were at Metromedia Radio. Truly "Radio People".
  12. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Those must have been great times Steve.I heard Mary married the guy who started Westwood One.Norm something.
    I talked to Jeff Gonzer and he said that would be cool if she showed up but he highly doubts it.Bummer oh well she was great!
  13. TeacFan

    TeacFan Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Arcadia, Ca.
    .."little bit of heaven 94.7 - KMET - tweedle de ! ":D
  14. jamesmaya

    jamesmaya Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    B. Mitchell Reid, Shadoe Stevens, Ace Young, Dr. Demento.....great FM radio in L. A. in those days.
  15. let him run...

    let him run... Senior Member

    Colchester, VT USA
    Yeah...I really miss the early days of KMET. A true musical education. You really got the feeling you were at a friends house and they were playing their favorite music for you.
    It's probably hard for people who weren't there at the time to imagine what a vital artistic role radio played, once upon a time.
  16. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    True words, them.

    I wish I had made many air-checks (we had free tape) but (believe it or not) unless a jock requested it didn't really occur to me. I mean, it would be like working at Burger King and saving a bunch of Whoppers or something. Who knew the place would lose the format and become New Age background music gobbledygook (THE WAVE)?

    Hindsight is always 20/20.
  17. Drawer L

    Drawer L Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Long Island
    Anyone read Jim Ladd's book "Radio Waves"???
  18. O Don Piano

    O Don Piano Senior Member

    I read Ladd's book and even though a bit heavy handed with the "tribal drum" references, liked it a lot. Some timeline facts are wrong, but a great inside look at 70s FM. I know the real names of most of the DJs he wrote about.
    KMET was really like hanging out with your weird, and probably high, friends. I used to particularly like The Fish Report Wit A Beat. Hilarious!
  19. AtcoFan

    AtcoFan Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, USA
    Jeff Gonzer was THE morning man on KPPC, KLOS and KMET-FM. Can't wait to hear him again. Hope his theme song is played.

    Jeff Gonzer was a major Bonzo Dog Band fan. Listening to the 2007 Bonzo Dog Band 'Keynsham' CD remaster I was amazed to recognize the famous KPPC seque (No! Don't! Please, not the leg!)

    Will The Sound KMET reunion include the KPPC / KMET Obscene Steven Clean (Steven Segal)?
  20. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I hope so but not sure.Last i heard Steve lives in Minnesota
  21. Veech

    Veech Space In Sounds

    Los Angeles, CA
    KMET was 94.7 and KLOS was (still is) 95.5 FM, they were rivals back in the day. I used to flip back and forth between 'em, but tended to like KMET's playlist a bit more. They used to be known as "K-Lost" and "K-Mutt", during the days of the rivalry.

    My band Xairia actually got a song selected for one of KMET's "Best Bands of Los Angeles" albums, a song I wrote called "The Fox". We submitted the tape along with hndreds of other LA local acts, and it was one of twelve chosen to be on the LP. I recall one hot summer afternoon, a friend called and told me to turn on to 94.7 they were playing my song, sure enough a riff I wrote in my living room was being broadcast to thousands of folks in LA, I was elated! I recall they played a Hendrix track right after my song. I was totally stoked the rest of the day!

    I loved KMET.. :agree:
  22. For me, back in the day, it was KMET, KLOS, and KEZY (both AM and FM from Anaheim). If I had to choose just one, I would go with the "Mighty Met". Although Jim Ladd irritated the heck out of me most of the time. Mostly because he seemed to always be trying to live out the Martin Mull character in the movie 'FM'. Thankfully I can greater appreciate Jim Ladd these days, and I sorely miss KMET.

    I still cringe when my tuner stops on 94.7, and I hear 'The Wave' music. The music on 'The Wave' is not terrible, but when you grew up with KMET from 1968-1986, it's just hard to hear it as anything else. Roger Waters liked it so much, he practically did a tribute album to it.
  23. Loner

    Loner Forum Resident

    Whoooooaaah !!!!!!!
  24. Backsasser

    Backsasser Forum Resident Thread Starter

    That is way cool.Thanks for sharing that that must have been the ultimate high!
  25. CybrKhatru

    CybrKhatru Music is life.

    Los Angeles
    can't wait for july 10!

    I remember the tail end of the Mighty MET--from 1982 to 1987.
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