Mining for songs online

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Scott S., Feb 12, 2019.

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  1. Scott S.

    Scott S. lead singer for the best indie band on earth Thread Starter

    Walmartville PA
    In my role as head musicologist for the indie site i founded, I listen to a lot of songs I never heard before. I'm in the midst of one of those sessions right now. Had about 200 or so new songs to check out. Indie music is a great melange, you never know what you're going to get. I'm about 80 songs in, found at least one worthy of our Kayak Big 25 and so far 5 I'm going to feature.

    It's interesting with acts you are familiar with, when they do songs unlike any they've done before, and how you can sort of see their growth. On the other hand there are new bands with names that sound really fun but then you listen and there's nothing really there.
  2. unclesalty

    unclesalty Rzzzzz!

    Sounds like you need a new hobby, new music ain’t your bag.
    revolution_vanderbilt likes this.
  3. leeroy jenkins

    leeroy jenkins Forum Resident

    The United States
    Most music is terrible. I don't envy your task.
  4. dividebytube

    dividebytube Forum Resident

    Grand Rapids, MI
    I do the same thing, often using YouTube or even Amazon samples. It takes a lot of time to separate the wheat from the chaff. I hear a lot more "bad" than good; and given my tastes that's no surprise. Indie/Alternative is also such a wide genre with so many splinters, it's sometimes hard to focus in on exactly what you want. But still over the years I've found a lot of great stuff.
    c-eling and Django like this.
  5. lightbulb

    lightbulb Not the Brightest of the Bunch

    Smogville CA USA
    Yes, perhaps a major pleasure in hearing “new music” is in the discovery itself.
  6. Scott S.

    Scott S. lead singer for the best indie band on earth Thread Starter

    Walmartville PA
    It's my life, I love it.
    SRC likes this.
  7. Brendan K

    Brendan K Forum Resident

    There's nothing better than seeing someone who's truly passionate for something they love to do.

    Keep at it! :D
  8. c-eling

    c-eling Dinner's In The Microwave Sweety

    I've been listening to Todd's webcast for about ten years now.
    Quite a few of my still favorites are due to him.
    Real Synthetic Audio
  9. John54

    John54 Senior Member

    Burlington, ON
    In recent years I've found dozens, probably even hundreds of songs online that I had never heard before. But most of them are from the 1960s, and most of the rest from the 1980s. I do come across songs from this millennium from time to time; the other week in a Red Lobster I heard Such Great Heights by Postal Service for the first time. So I know there's some pretty good stuff out there, but frankly I haven't been looking quite as hard as I used to for a couple of decades.
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