New Paul McCartney album "Egypt Station" coming September 7, 2018*

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by etcetera, Feb 2, 2016.

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  1. Monasmee

    Monasmee Forum Ruminant

    Albuquerque NM
    How then might this logic be applied to Carnival of Light?

    After all, there was lots of speculation that its release was imminent before its 50th anniversary deadline.
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
  2. mrjinks

    mrjinks Optimistically Challenged

    Boise, ID.
    I think the key difference is that there are likely THOUSANDS of us who have the Esher recordings (in varying quality) while no one appears to have Carnival, so there’s not much financial risk to Calderstone for the latter, but quite a bit for the former...
  3. Monasmee

    Monasmee Forum Ruminant

    Albuquerque NM
    So if Carnival ever becomes available for purchase then who gets the money now that its copyright has expired?
  4. mrjinks

    mrjinks Optimistically Challenged

    Boise, ID.
    You’re going to have to pay my retainer fee for me to answer that one. :D
    theMess and Monasmee like this.
  5. Monasmee

    Monasmee Forum Ruminant

    Albuquerque NM
    And here I was fully expecting you to say who's on first! ;)
    Last edited: May 21, 2018
    mrjinks likes this.
  6. For the Record

    For the Record Forum Resident

    Ontario Canada
    Just kidding?! You? That's so out of character! :D:D:D

    Arnold Grove likes this.
  7. Arnold Grove

    Arnold Grove Senior Member

    Sometimes, there is a post from someone who doesn't know my "methods". And in the above case, I made slight fun of someone's eyesight. I didn't want them to take it personally, so I made sure to add the "just kidding" part. You never know who might take these things the wrong way.
    theMess likes this.
  8. omikron

    omikron Avid contributor to Paul McCartney's bank account

    Lexington, KY
    No, it's Summer of 2059. The year of release for the new album.
  9. revolution_vanderbilt

    revolution_vanderbilt Forum Resident

    New York
    The recording is public domain so anyone could sell it. The composition is still under copyright, so the appropriate fees would have to be payed to McCartney and the Lennon estate.
  10. mrjinks

    mrjinks Optimistically Challenged

    Boise, ID.

    Interestingly, Rolling Stone just published a lengthy article on the Esher Demos. Coincidence? I suspect not...
    Rob Sheffield Looks Back at the Beatles' Intimate White Album Demos

    Sorry, I know this probably belongs in one of the White Album deluxe edition threads, but those things grew so quickly that I've never looked in on them...
  11. Monasmee

    Monasmee Forum Ruminant

    Albuquerque NM
    Yup some big news going on over there....
  12. Zeki

    Zeki Forum Resident

    Fantastic. Thanks.
    theMess and mrjinks like this.
  13. Bemagnus

    Bemagnus Music is fun

    That was incredible
    theMess and mrjinks like this.
  14. johnny moondog 909

    johnny moondog 909 Beatles-Lennon & Classic rock fan

    Fascinating stuff about the White demos. In that New Rolling Stone article.

    I think it plays into what M. Carrera said about Apple being focused on the White album this year.

    Maybe we'll get the new McCartney album in a month or two, leaving the a gap to market the White 50th for the holidays.

    There are 7 months left in the year. I'm not sure how many new Apple releases can be managed in 7 months..Or how many they have managed in the past.

    Could they possibly manage McCartneys new album, White 50th, the 2 McCartney archive albums, & the Lennon Imagine expanded, all in 7 months? Is that possible ?

    They better hurry
    FKA002 and paulmccartneyistheman like this.
  15. Arnold Grove

    Arnold Grove Senior Member

    They managed to reissue 17 (SEVENTEEN!!!) Apple releases in 1 month alone in October 2010:

    Various - Fresh From Apple Records (Apple Records Box Set)

    So where there is a will, there is a way.
  16. jmxw

    jmxw Fab Forum Fan

    That's actually a bit of an over-simplification, but for English-speakers, it's what we learned in school...

    Haiku - Wikipedia
    revolution_vanderbilt likes this.
  17. jmxw

    jmxw Fab Forum Fan

    Put it in the public domain and press copies for $0.79 each.

    People [ok, not people, but us...] will buy 1,000,000 copies... and of those, about 27 will be listened to all the way through...

    paulmccartneyistheman likes this.
  18. jmxw

    jmxw Fab Forum Fan

    Lady Madonna?
  19. Monasmee

    Monasmee Forum Ruminant

    Albuquerque NM
    How did you know that I was planning to buy 27 copies? ;)
    theMess and Ringo Hendrix like this.
  20. MySweetFork

    MySweetFork Pete Best

    I think it would be cool for Paul to include a few instrumentals in the new album. I think a contemporary style would align nicely with his older style of creating melodies and chord progressions. This could also allow for Paul to sing on fewer tracks, potentially making them sound relatively better. Also, instrumentals are cool!
    Ringo Hendrix likes this.
  21. Bemagnus

    Bemagnus Music is fun

    My sources says that the album defitively will feature some non-vocal track. In fact the first single will be a cover of John Cages 4,33. For those not familiar with that number here it is
    Last edited: May 22, 2018
    mark ab and FKA002 like this.
  22. maccawings

    maccawings Senior Member

  23. paulmccartneyistheman

    paulmccartneyistheman Forum Resident

    I really hope we get this album before summer's over!!
  24. Glenn Christense

    Glenn Christense Foremost Beatles expert... on my block

    Jinksy, do you or anyone else here know if this Esher article is an online article only or if it's in a magazine issue

    I ask because I have a subscription to Rolling Stone . If it's an online article only, I'll read it but if it's in an issue I have coming I'll wait.

    I dislike getting magazines and I've already read the most interesting article in it online already, if that makes sense.
  25. mrjinks

    mrjinks Optimistically Challenged

    Boise, ID.
    I don’t know, Glenda, but given your advanced age, I suggest you read it now rather than waiting for the post!

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