New U2 Album Next Month with No Fanfare

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Eyesoftheworld, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. Efus

    Efus Senior Member

    The problem with your "opinion" is that you are stating it as fact, no matter what anybody else thinks of the music.
    If you're uncomfortable with people criticizing YOUR OPINION, then maybe you shouldn't pre-emptively, as well as personally, insult anybody else's.

    After the first listen, I like the album, though it is pretty safe (as others have noted).
    But I find theres enough variety on the arrangements/instrumentation to keep my interest pretty well focused.
    I think Adam Clayton, is quite good on this album.
    I like "California", especially the layered vocals at the beginning, a tip of the hat to the Beach Boys.
    heatherly likes this.
  2. malcolm reynolds

    malcolm reynolds Handsome, Humble, Genius

    Between this thread and that "10 Great Things About Bob Dylan" thread is seems several of us have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
  3. BSC

    BSC Forum Resident

    Glasgow, Scotland
    I am one of those fans who has fallen out of love with U2; I think they have been partly cursed with the era they emerged from and they created an albatross for themselves-they managed to actually reinvent themselves pretty cleverly for a reasonable period of time.

    Invariably though as rock has ran into a bit of a dead end U2 really have nowhere to go....a band like Radiohead for example (and they have their own issues) turn up-a couple of generations younger and spark a new trail-it seems younger fresher and more energetic-U2's ideas have for a long time looked lame.

    The problem though is more fundamental-when you examine their career you might arrive at the conclusion that sonics, bravado and concept carried them a lot I'm not dismissing their ability when they are at their peak-I'd argue though with a bit of distance and perspective on their career you start to realise that there are core problems within U2.

    There are two main ones-their songwriting-it's been a long long time for me anyway where they've came up with great tunes but also if you are being analytical going back to the classics you might arrive at the conclusion that even something like Achtung Baby has it's share of clunkers-I'd say writing wise The Joshua Tree was their highpoint.
    Secondly as musicians I don't think they "appear" to have developed and I include Bono's role in that.

    Maybe the reality is U2 always punched above their weight-they've had moments of true greatness-they appear to be that type of band that when it clicks they create magic but they are not consistent players-and I think they don't really know what it is they are great at anymore-the new stuff sounded pretty horrid to me but I need to listen to it more but I find it hard not to draw comparisons with REM who basically run out of steam and I would even argue they ran out of steam in a more interesting way with better songs..... not that it could be argued it was a brilliant demise.

    I will listen to the new stuff more and I will probably buy the new album but when U2 do a track that sounds like Coldplay somebody needs a boot in the nuts, somebody needs to say no. :)
    whisper3978 likes this.
  4. Stuart S

    Stuart S Back Jack

    Have not used itunes for 6 years. Installed it on my spare trash pc, logged in and found out I owe 99¢ for a classic football game for my defunct iphone from years ago. The error code was that paypal was not processed because I did not specify mr/ms/miss/sr ect ect. I chose "Mr." and 6 years later I got charged 99¢. Then I was allowed to download the album. Uninstalled itunes, and uploded the album to my Amazon Cloud.

    Thanks U2 and apple, will play the album from Amazon's Cloud, it only cost me 99¢. And you can call me MR.
    Machiventa likes this.
  5. SammyU

    SammyU Forum Resident

    Atlanta, GA, USA
    I'm optimistic it [hopefully the Deluxe Edition] will show up on HD Tracks, etc. in 24-bit on the release date in October.

    The Achtung Baby Deluxe Editon was released to HD Tracks on release day a few years ago, and it is a nice, dynamic remaster.
  6. Tuco

    Tuco Senior Member

    Pacific NW, USA
    <Raises hand>
  7. DreamIsOver

    DreamIsOver Senior Member

    Chicago IL
    After a handful of listens, I definitely like Innocennce more than Horizon (which alternated song to song between being too generic and too unfocused for my tastes).

    This is the first U2 album (at least for me) where the lyrics and singing are the strong point over the music. All the rumors had pointed to Bono suffering with writer's block which seems odd for a loose concept album about his own youth. I wonder what Epworth and Tedder really brought to the table. Outside of an objective ear and maybe some lyrical tweaks or melodies it might not be any more than some of the wordless vocal hooks that appear in many of the songs.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  8. GabeL

    GabeL Forum Resident

    Listened to it twice so far (I'm a huge U2 fan, full disclosure) and I'm definitely liking at least 50% of it...there are a few songs that I don't think will ever do anything for me, but there are at least a few that are winners IMHO.
    dee likes this.
  9. drbryant

    drbryant Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    The Miracle reminds me a little of Muse's Uprising. It's going to shake the foundations in front of 70,000 people.

    Love the guitar refrain at the end of Song for Someone. Very U2
  10. I gave it one listen yesterday end to end. The first several tracks were not grabbing me at all, but things really picked up. I need to go back and listen again. I really look forward to some headphone listening. NLOTH really came alive for me with cans.

    I thought the 1st track, which they played at the Apple event, was absolutely horrid. Yet, some thought it was the best track on the album. Then again, I really liked Sexy Boots, yet most seem to hate it with a passion. Oh well.

    The new one is not exactly Achtung Baby, but I liked a lot more tracks than I disliked.
  11. rstamberg

    rstamberg Senior Member

    Riverside, CT
    Looks like I'll be eating my damn hat.
  12. Gaslight

    Gaslight ⎧⚍⎫⚑

    Northeast USA
    This was my reaction as well - the first song left me cold, the 2nd not much better but as the album progressed it improved. I'd say that the 2nd half is quite strong overall.

    I was pretty much resolved not to buy this on vinyl, but after listening a few times I may have to alter that decision.
  13. JeffMo

    JeffMo Format Agnostic

    New England
    I agree with the first part of your post regarding the last three albums, but I hear plenty of experimentation and risk taking in Pop. Granted, it doesn't all necessarily work and I only love about half the album, but I do still feel like they were taking chances then.
    Efus likes this.
  14. hodgo

    hodgo Tea Making Gort (Yorkshire Branch) Staff

    East Yorkshire
    Moderator Note:

    I've just deleted 19 posts for politics and snarky behaviour, please avoid politics and keep things civil otherwise warnings and or suspensions could follow.
  15. noahjld

    noahjld Der Wixxer

    I really like it. Can't understand some of the hatred.
  16. OobuJoobu

    OobuJoobu Forum Resident

    Yorkshire, UK
    For anyone who (like me) was sat waiting without success for iTunes to deliver the album automatically....

    Go to the iTunes store, type U2 in the search box, go to the band's page, and there is the album for you to click on and download.

    Simple when you think about it, just took me nearly 24 hours to think about it :sigh:
  17. dee

    dee Senior Member

    ft. lauderdale, fl
    Excited by this news! Will listen thru some additional, better equipment, but Bono's vocal tones on The Miracle and California, sound a bit 'shrill' and as if the signal was slightly overloaded into the red, to my ears. Not sure I like what I've heard of the first four songs on first listen. Bits of Song For Someone remind me of Extreme's More Than Words for some reason. I like Iris and Volcano on first listen. Wonder how much staying power Volcano will have tho. Agree with some other listeners, I'm finding it a little more quirky and interesting as the album goes along. Glad I got it for free. Wonder if the extra songs and acoustic stuff will be available to purchase for download.
  18. MRamble

    MRamble Forum Resident

    "Volcano" so far is the gem of the album for me....already on my fourth repeat.
    I333I likes this.
  19. I333I

    I333I Forum Resident

    First listen was on stock car stereo. Second was on iPod and I am appreciating the album a bit more. I think that "Song for Someone" lets the air out of it a bit, but the Iris/Volcano bit saves things. A few weak tracks sprinkled in with some good stuff. The second half is pretty darn strong.
    dee and MRamble like this.
  20. I333I

    I333I Forum Resident

    This one got me immediately, too. But I have this nagging feeling that it reminds me of another song. Either way, it's my favorite song of theirs in probably 15 years or so.
    MRamble likes this.
  21. davechen

    davechen Forum Resident

    Bethesda, MD, USA
    I gave it a first listen, and honestly, it didn't do anything for me. It was just kind of there. I'm sure I'll give it another chance though.
  22. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Am I the only one here who'll wait for the physical version to listen?

    And not because I'm anti-iTunes per se - I have iTunes and see the album in there, but I just like to support physical media and would rather wait until I can get the CD!
    zen, Peter Pyle and Echo like this.
  23. dee

    dee Senior Member

    ft. lauderdale, fl
    Oh come on Oats, :)!
  24. MRamble

    MRamble Forum Resident

    I'm not a huge U2 fan myself but the songs that do grab me are always in my head for a while. "Iris" and "Volcano" will be in heavy rotation for a while.
    bferr1 likes this.
  25. tonyc

    tonyc Forum Resident

    United States
    I said the same thing a few pages back (post #599). :righton:
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