Paul McCartney & Rick Rubin teaming on 6-part TV docuseries, "3, 2, 1"*

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Galaga King, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. Goat

    Goat Forum Resident

    Down Under
    Did he say who did the ahhhh's on A Day in the Life?
    joy stinson likes this.
  2. joy stinson

    joy stinson Secret friend

    Dickson. Tn
    No but..we have SHF to decide
    Diego Esparcia likes this.
  3. Goat

    Goat Forum Resident

    Down Under
    Me too I'm addicted to the Beatles since I was 12 years old, 50 years ago.
    There is no cure.
    I could watch this for days on end.
    In fact I could do 40 hours in week like a dream job.
    "What do you do for a living"

    The Beatles. Hahaha
  4. Dee Zee

    Dee Zee Once Upon a Dream

    Aren’t there two versions of Lonely Nights on Wingspan? It is a good tune.
    Chris M, joy stinson and Lewisboogie like this.
  5. Spy Car

    Spy Car Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    If I have the math right, you and I are almost the same age. Perhaps I have a year on you?

    I very well remember when the Beatles "invaded" America and watching them on Ed Sullivan. Always been a fan.

    Like you, I could have watched for days on end (8 days a week?). LOL.

    Lewisboogie, Goat and 905 like this.
  6. 905

    905 Senior Member

    Midwest USA
    Yes, the ending was abrupt for me. But after sleeping on things and reflecting, I see the ending as part of this program's zen/jazz attitude of just letting things flow.
    cwitt1980, Mazzy, Lewisboogie and 3 others like this.
  7. shokhead

    shokhead Head shok and you still don't what it is. HA!

    SoCal, Long Beach
    That would have been 1964 on the Ed show
  8. Spy Car

    Spy Car Forum Resident

    Los Angeles

    I was 6 years old.

  9. DrJ

    DrJ Senior Member

    Davis, CA, USA
    Very underwhelmed with this documentary series. Paul just flat out doesn’t accurately remember a lot of things - “And Your Bird Can Sing” part of Help! ??? And it just has no structure. Free flowing is one thing, meandering is another. Rubin is such a fan boy there is no dramatic tension or challenging whatsoever. Hated the weird production values too - lighting etc.

    Anthology please - no need to watch this again sorry to say except for one or two new photos and insights - way overhyped.

    C- grade at best. Manages to make the Beatles boring - quite a feat.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  10. babyblue

    babyblue Patches Pal!

    Pacific NW
    But think about it. The series ended talking about and playing the Big Final Chord. Perfect ending really.
    Lewisboogie likes this.
  11. DrJ

    DrJ Senior Member

    Davis, CA, USA
    With Paul going on implying it was one piano rather than multitracked with several including an electric keyboard. Honestly this thing is worthless - Paul and Rubin simply don’t know what they are talking about - I love Paul and his music but the time for doing a show like this is long, long past - he simply propagates misinformation at this point, too many years on his brain and too much pot I guess - which gives me no pleasure to say because he is prolly my favorite musician of all time - but it is simply true.
  12. babyblue

    babyblue Patches Pal!

    Pacific NW
    I got tired of it visually too. I eventually just listened to it, since the show was really about listening anyway. Rubin lapping up every word Paul said was too much after awhile too.
    DrJ likes this.
  13. Cracklebarrel

    Cracklebarrel Forum Resident

    Atlanta, GA
    Not exactly news. It's the main reason I was suspicious going in. I enjoyed it a lot.

    We have a much humbler Paul here, not taking credit for everything - on balance, I thought Rubin drew him out (and kept him from bs'ing) in a way most interviews don't.
  14. DrJ

    DrJ Senior Member

    Davis, CA, USA
    Disagree. He took credit for a number of things like getting John to rewrite “Come Together” from a supposed Chuck Berry rip off.

    My opinion - this is a hot mess. Sad to see. Paul is better than this or at least was before old age set in. He should just let it go and let the legacy speak for itself at this point.
  15. jeddy

    jeddy Forum Resident

    I've yet to see it

    As a Zappa man I really didn't find the Alex Winter doc very good.
    disappointing really I know how you feel with the Paul doc
    I am looking forward to it however...
    but now I kind of wish I hadn't read this LOL
  16. Onder

    Onder Senior Member

    Paul spent thousands of hours in studio during his life, how can anyone expect him to remember details from 50 years ago?
    You've only just seen the documentary and don't remember that the Help!/Revolver controversion song was Here There And Everywhere and not And Your Bird Can Sing. :)
  17. Onder

    Onder Senior Member

    Don't think Paul was implying it was just one piano. He was just speaking about "the piano ending" and how he discovered the effect. He doesn't go into detail how the pianos were layered.
    And he did mention that on the recording George Martin enhanced the sound with a keyboard. BTW, it was NOT any electric keyboard, it was a harmonium.
    zobalob, 905, Mazzy and 2 others like this.
  18. Cracklebarrel

    Cracklebarrel Forum Resident

    Atlanta, GA
    On the whole, I tend to agree with you Dr. J. How far do we have to go back to get a Paul who doesn't take all the credit, or dumb down his answers for what he thinks make the best sound bite - probably all the way. I have very mixed feelings about the man, but undeniably find myself interested this last decade, since Creation and Chaos. I think there is a tonal difference here. If nothing else, Rubin seems to get his attention and a modicum of respect.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  19. Beatlened

    Beatlened Forum Resident

    Dublin, Ireland
    When they play it you're thinking "go on. Ask him!" But then Rick just asks who's playing piano.
    Goat likes this.
  20. Beatlened

    Beatlened Forum Resident

    Dublin, Ireland
    I enjoyed this show. Each episode is only 30 minutes so it's easy to digest. It's not really a serious discussion on music but 2 guys having fun listening to these tapes.

    It's nice to hear Paul give the 2 Georges so much credit.

    A shame about some of the memory lapses tho. With the White album remix just three years ago you'd think Paul would remember Back in the USSR a bit better. He didn't write it the day before they recorded it and didn't play drums on it because Ringo told him to have a go. But still.
    AngusStanley and Cracklebarrel like this.
  21. Beatlened

    Beatlened Forum Resident

    Dublin, Ireland
    Probably didn't know how to promote it without Wings
  22. Beatlened

    Beatlened Forum Resident

    Dublin, Ireland
    And his eyebrows. In the promo for You Don't Know Me At All he looks very strange . Dont know what he was thinking
  23. Dr. Dog

    Dr. Dog You can talk to me...

    My efforts were so forgettable I forgot I did them.
  24. MaybeI'mMrsVandebilt

    MaybeI'mMrsVandebilt Just spinning on my axis

    Some quotes from Paul's manager might clear up a few issues people have with the structure of the docuseries and the way it has been filmed - and if it was all the idea of Paul's Massive Ego. :laugh:

    • We tried to make it so that you could watch them in any order, and that was very deliberate. So there’s no grand finale or big twist in the story in episode six. But then, we could probably have done 12 episodes instead of six.
    • I don’t think I’ve ever done a project that came together so quickly. It started off with one of the other producers, Jeff Pollack. He’s like, “Hey, can I put a call together with you and Rick? I’ve been showing him some ideas about maybe doing something with Paul. And then Paul called me and said, “This is a cool idea. We should do it.”
    • From the first phone calls to shooting film was only about 12 days so it ended up being about logistics in order to put the project together in such a short space of time.
    • Then we had to jump through a lot of hoops because of COVID protocol. [so that's why the set was sparse]
    • And Paul would just drive himself to set, shoot between 12 and five over a couple of days and then drive home in time for dinner
    • So it was a pleasure for him to do, but most excitingly, he’d never gone back to the multitracks since the songs were made.
    You can read the interview in full here:
    PAUL GETS BACK : HITS Daily Double

    So this series wasn't exactly months in the planning and making. It only really came off as quickly as it did because Paul happened to be in town and was willing to do it there and then.
  25. beatbro

    beatbro Forum Resident

    This story has been around for a long time. Try Google
    Tord, 905, joy stinson and 2 others like this.

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