Reorganizing the Beatles Catalog to Match the Cartoon Chronology

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by ShockControl, Sep 4, 2020.

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  1. ShockControl

    ShockControl Bon Vivant and Raconteur! Thread Starter

    Lotus Land
    The Beatles' catalog has always been a mess, and my hope with this thread is to straighten it out.

    For context:

    The Beatles burst onto the scene in Sept. 1965 with their cartoon, which was an immediate hit. Early on, the show's producers realized that releasing Beatles records would represent a lucrative tie-in to the cartoon.

    But the musicians behind the cartoon had their own ideas.

    Instead of releasing the show's theme, "A Hard Day's Night," as their debut single, the group chose a somber ballad, "Yesterday," which was never even featured during the entire first season of the cartoon.

    A few months later, the group released their debut album, Rubber Soul, containing 12 tracks, none of which had even appeared on their TV show. This must be the first time that a soundtrack album didn't contain any music from the movie or TV show it was meant to represent. Songs from this album were not featured on the show until the second season.

    The (real) Beatles kept releasing singles and albums, defiantly containing new music that was not previously featured on their TV show. To keep up with demand, producers retroactively assembled LPs containing music from earlier episodes of the cartoon, under such titles as Meet the Beatles, The Early Beatles and Beatles '65.

    All of this came to a head in 1968. The Beatles had written and recorded a lot of new music for what they assumed would be the fourth season of their cartoon, but the show was cancelled. The Beatles were very sad. In addition to all the songs that John and Paul wrote, George and Ringo had written scripts for the fourth-season episodes. "What are we going to do?" the Beatles asked. "Say, I've got an idea," said the group's producer, George Martin. "Why don't you do a DOUBLE LP with all the songs that would have been on the cartoon?"

    And so it was decided. The White Album contained all the songs that would have been on the fourth season of the cartoon. But the group broke up shortly afterward, because they no longer had the cartoon series as the organizing principle behind their music.

    But anyway, I would like to propose album track listings that would match the chronology of the cartoon episodes, so that we may finally place this catalog into a reasonable sequence and context.

    For example, the first album of season 1 may have looked like this:
    1. A Hard Day's Night
    2. I Want To Hold Your Hand
    3. Not A Second Time
    4. Devil In Her Heart
    5. Do You Want To Know A Secret
    6. If I Fell
    7. Please Mr. Postman
    8. Slow Down
    9. Baby's In Black
    10. Misery
    11. I'll Get You
    12. Chains
    In retrospect, this may have been a better choice than Rubber Soul.

    Anyway, it would be great if we could once and for all get this catalog untangled.
  2. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    I don't find their catalog "tangled" in the least. A ton of comps to be sure, but I think their "proper" catalog is pretty well intact in people's mind, both UK and U.S. I find The Stones' catalog infinitely more confusing and hard to keep in line, mentally. I think the idea of a comp based on the cartoon show is pretty interesting...but is their catalog a "mess"??
  3. Billchi_11

    Billchi_11 What would DBoon do?

  4. tug_of_war

    tug_of_war Unable to tolerate bass solos

    When even @ShockControl starts a Beatles thread, you know that anything can happen.... Anything...
  5. tug_of_war

    tug_of_war Unable to tolerate bass solos

    Nice story, by the way. At least this thread is creative. Crediting George Martin for the double album idea is the ultimate irony. :laugh:
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2020
    OldSoul and ShockControl like this.
  6. Cool hand luke

    Cool hand luke There you go man, keep as cool as you can

    @ShockControl , I thought you didn't pay attention to teenybopper stuff anymore? What gives? You alright?
  7. ajsmith

    ajsmith Senior Member

    Does ‘Yellow Submarine’ still happen in this timeline?
  8. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    For example, the first album of season 1 may have looked like this:
    1. A Hard Day's Night
    2. I Want To Hold Your Hand
    3. Not A Second Time
    4. Devil In Her Heart
    5. Do You Want To Know A Secret
    6. If I Fell
    7. Please Mr. Postman
    8. Slow Down
    9. Baby's In Black
    10. Misery
    11. I'll Get You
    12. Chains
    I like it!
    Aar Gal, tug_of_war and ShockControl like this.
  9. unclefred

    unclefred Coastie with the Moastie

    Oregon Coast
    They cruelly froze Yoko and her art out of the cartoon. No wonder it failed.
    ShockControl likes this.
  10. ShockControl

    ShockControl Bon Vivant and Raconteur! Thread Starter

    Lotus Land
    We have never found the scripts that George and Ringo wrote for what would have been the fourth season. We don't know if Yoko would have been included or not, although, to my knowledge, no other Beatles' wives, girlfriends, or boyfriends appeared during the cartoon's three seasons.
  11. unclefred

    unclefred Coastie with the Moastie

    Oregon Coast
    It could have used a dose of Barbara Bach!
    ShockControl likes this.
  12. ShockControl

    ShockControl Bon Vivant and Raconteur! Thread Starter

    Lotus Land
    That would have been in late 70s revival series. The Beatles would have been doing yacht rock at that point.
    joy stinson and JoeRockhead like this.
  13. unclefred

    unclefred Coastie with the Moastie

    Oregon Coast
    As George and Paul both did.

    Yoko did appear in the Pinky And The Brain cartoon. Which seems appropriate.
    joy stinson likes this.
  14. ShockControl

    ShockControl Bon Vivant and Raconteur! Thread Starter

    Lotus Land
    "Arrow Right Through Me" is very yacht rock. When I saw the video, I remember thinking that Paul was morphing into Billy Joel with that hair.
    JoeRockhead and tug_of_war like this.
  15. ShockControl

    ShockControl Bon Vivant and Raconteur! Thread Starter

    Lotus Land
    By 1966, the cartoon had become so popular, the that "real" Beatles began to look like the cartoon Beatles!

    joy stinson likes this.
  16. The Silver Beetles

    The Silver Beetles Forum Resident

    Abbey Road
    And Giles Martin could remix the whole new catalogue. Using a little bit of compression and digital extraction!
  17. joy stinson

    joy stinson Secret friend

    Dickson. Tn
    I have read you are a big Beatles cartoon fan and want you to know I am too....made my sixties Saturday mornings. In my Beatles memorabilia collection, I have the cartoon paint set and the cereal Beatles cartoon blow up dolls.
  18. joy stinson

    joy stinson Secret friend

    Dickson. Tn
    Lest ye forget...mind games-Lennon side of double fantasy was totally yacht rock...exclude wings back to the egg as was more power pop rock.
    unclefred likes this.
  19. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    this thread and the timey wimey-ness of it all just makes me want a Rutles cartoon
    joy stinson and Mister Charlie like this.
  20. joy stinson

    joy stinson Secret friend

    Dickson. Tn
    Arrow through me is really more pop r n he morphed into a white stevie....Harry styles would later discover the coolness of ...arrow through me.
  21. DinsdaleP

    DinsdaleP Senior Member

    NY, USA
    BeatleJWOL and joy stinson like this.
  22. Aar Gal

    Aar Gal Monkberry Moon Delight

    I’d buy that compilation!

    joy stinson likes this.
  23. Evethingandnothing

    Evethingandnothing Forum Resident

    I don't remember the Rolling Stones cartoon series.
    BeatleJWOL and joy stinson like this.
  24. Dillydipper

    Dillydipper Space-Age luddite

    Central PA
    This is hilarious. First we get George Martin, then we get Dave we got Al Brodax! :biglaugh: Finally - somebody who can straighten this mess out for us!
  25. Greenalishi

    Greenalishi Birds Aren’t Real

    San Francisco
    I don’t understand the original question. You want to organize the catalogue in the form of a cartoon because it is disorganized?
    BeatleJWOL and joy stinson like this.
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